CLXXXVIII: One Step Closer

It had taken somewhere between thirty minutes to an hour before Judith was finally done making a bucket full of Tranquil Serum if she remembered the name right. During the process of making this Serum, Judith was more afraid the sounds she was making would attract Parabeasts. More so than she was afraid the Serum would harm her.

But fortunately, nothing came to help her in her endeavour to make this Serum.

Barely standing up, Judith finally felt her lids heavy once more. For a while — even though she was tired — she became wide awake due to the immense pain that flooded her being.

Now though, despite still being in pain, she felt a great urge to sleep. Even keeping her eyes open was a battle in and of itself.

But if she did this right, then she would be able to sleep, to finally rest.