16. Hiruzen: The Child Trafficker

(We didn't reach the 100 PS goal... Well, this is 4 chapter week, to make it 5 chapters per week, reach 100 Powerstones this week)

"So..." Miyuki was literally speechless at the scene in front of her.

Yumi was being dragged by a water whip wielded by Yukio. 

She was trying to move, but his whip wouldn't let her. 

"Leave me alone, I will train and then kill you," she yelled for the umpteenth time.

"Brat, as I said earlier, I would train you properly so that you can kill me," Yukio's statement was baffling, even to the most seasoned ninja (YOUTH!).

"No, you'll definitely try to stifle my growth or something," she protested.

"Why would I do that?" He looked at her as if she were an idiot.

"What? Obviously, because nobody wants to die, and keeping me weak would be advantageous to you. You're probably bringing me due to my kekkei genkai. I'd probably be used as a breeding tool or something." She was smart for a six-year-old; maybe Itachi would have some competition, Yukio noted.

The area seemed to have fluctuated in temperature, paradoxically both increasing and decreasing at the same time, which was possible in the magical world of ninjas.

"Don't worry. Nobody is going to dare to do that. I promise you on my life," Miyuki said in a chilling voice, sending shivers down the spines of the other two.

"Yeah, we're not that kind of scum," Yukio added after a moment of composure. He might be a jounin in their village, but he had the ability to assassinate anyone in the village if given enough time. The only person he was unsure about was the Third. But that would be only until he reached Elite Jounin level. After that, nobody could protest.

How do you think Minato, a civilian-origin ninja, became the Fourth Hokage? Fame was one factor, but for politics, it would have taken a lot of time to ascend to that position due to clan ninjas making a fuss. Yukio was the one who 'convinced' people that Minato was the best choice, which is why, during the voting, everyone voted for Minato as Hokage. Not a single soul dared to oppose his ascension. It was certainly smoother than in canon.


"Then, why do you want to keep me alive? You guys killed my father," she seemed on the verge of tears.

Well, these two did exactly that.

"Jeez, that guy attacked us first. He didn't even give us a chance to talk. What did you expect us to do, just stand there and be killed?" Yukio was tired of explaining. He understood her point of view but persisted in communicating with her.

"Yes," she stuck out her tongue childishly, trying to put on a strong front.

Both of them gave her a deadpan stare.

"Anyway, why do I want to teach you? Well, Miyuki recently took on a disciple. He's a prodigy just like you, well, greater than you," he ignored her glare and continued.

"I thought I should take you as a disciple. I want to try teaching someone. Plus, if you're distrustful of me, you'll work hard to verify the information, thus deepening your understanding of your techniques, making it a win-win for both of us, right?"

"Are you not afraid that I might kill you one day?" Her pointed gaze met his.

He smirked, "Nah, I don't think you'll reach a level where you can beat me. I haven't even reached my prime yet. But if you somehow do, I'd have no regrets as this was my decision. I'd see it through." His stoic gaze met hers.

"Fine, you better not regret this decision later, as I will make sure to kill you," she said with a conviction that belied her age.

Yukio released his water whip.

He patted her head. "Hehe, brat, we'll see about that." 

"Don't touch me!" she snapped.

Miyuki sighed.

She would be lying if she said she didn't like this development; it was better than when she was non-communicative.

"So, what were you guys doing in the Land of Frost anyway?" Yumi asked as she walked forward.

"We were on a mission to start the Fourth Great Ninja War," Yukio's serious tone made Yumi do a double-take.

"Whoa, you guys really are the worst if you're going to be the cause of the next great war. Who knows how many people are going to die?" She asked this to irritate them and also to judge their characters.

"Yeah, we're very evil, as you mentioned a few minutes ago," Yukio smirked.

Yumi kicked the snow with her foot, sending it towards Yukio. He just tilted his head without even looking and dodged it.

If it had hit, she might have secretly attacked him and killed him. However, luck was not on her side.

"He's just kidding. We were only told to cause a conflict between Iwa and Kumo, nothing much," Miyuki tried to clear her image in front of the kid.

The kid nodded. "Who ordered you?"

"A perverted old man," it seemed she wouldn't get a correct answer to this question.

"So, how did you find our hideout?" This was the most important part. Just thinking about it made her want to lunge at Yukio and kill him. However, she managed to maintain her self-control.

"Well, I actually camped there a few years ago, so I was surprised to find people there. My sensing technique was superior, and nobody should have sensed me."

Yumi internally smirked, so he overestimated his abilities. Guess killing him was still possible.

"And nobody was able to sense me sensing them. It was Miyuki who was curious and accidentally opened her sensory field."

Or maybe not.

"This caused your father to sense her, and then he rushed at us without talking. He intended to kill one of us and then question the other, but he overestimated his abilities and underestimated us, I guess. Anyway, after his death, even your clan members weren't in the mood to talk and directly attacked."

Yumi's teeth clenched. If her father had communicated beforehand, would he and their clan members still be alive today?

"So, to sum it up, if Miyuki hadn't tried to sense him, we would have probably left, and your father and clan members wouldn't have died today," Yukio concluded.

"So, it's all Miyuki's fault?" He pointed at the swordswoman. He was not even slightly guilty, as ultimately her curiosity had led to this girl's family's death.

Yumi clenched her fists and lunged at Miyuki. It seemed her self-control finally waned after hearing that it could have been avoided if Miyuki hadn't poked around unnecessarily.

Yukio chopped her on the back of the head and held her unconscious form by her nape as if she were a cat.

"You really threw me under the bus, didn't you?" Miyuki glared at Yukio.

"I don't think I said anything wrong," he shrugged.

For the next five minutes, he remained unfazed by her glare.

"Fine, it was ultimately my fault," Miyuki sighed and admitted her mistake.

"Yeah, don't do that next time. Who knows whose family will die next due to your fault?" Yukio chuckled, which did not help the atmosphere.

He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You can't even take a joke. Anyway, our work is done. Let's go. I'll take a dip in the hot spring." It seemed Yukio was testing Miyuki's patience.

She resisted the urge to punch him and transported them to... Hokage Tower.

The Third Hokage was startled when he sensed two—no, three—people appearing directly in his room.

Anbu quickly surrounded them, taking positions to eliminate the threats.

"Guys, I appreciate the welcome, but you should attack beforehand if you didn't even notice the enemy coming in. That might save your lives," Yukio decided to give them a lecture.

The Anbu really wanted to attack him then and there.

"Stand down. Also, Yukio, can't you come by the normal way one of these days? You might actually get attacked," Hiruzen reprimanded.

He was getting older and couldn't handle Yukio's shenanigans in his old age. Hopefully, Kakashi would fulfil his promise of succeeding him.

"How did your mission go? Also, why are you carrying a kid?" Hiruzen asked him.

"It went well. Also, this is a souvenir I brought for you from the Land of Frost. You're getting old, so I thought I'd give you a gift."

Hiruzen's blood vessels popped.

Just because he was getting old and liked to act grandfatherly to the kids in the village didn't mean Yukio had to kidnap a child for him.


This had never happened before.

Everyone was speechless.

Giving a child as a souvenir?

Does he think Hiruzen is a child trafficker or something?


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