18. Do You Have a Name? Or Can I call you Mine?

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"Damn, old man really seems irritated for some reason," Yukio commented.

They were walking in the streets, Yukio carrying Yumi like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder. 

"You don't say," Miyuki rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, are you gonna buy a new house I don't think you're gonna live with a kid in your shithole, right?" Miyuki asked him.

Yukio paused for a second and then continued walking, "Right, I forgot about that. I guess I would have to buy a new house," he said while clicking his tongue. 

"I don't think you should have financial issues to buy a house, right? Or did you spend all your funds on your research or snooping around?" Miyuki rubbed her temples. 

"Nah, I have the money. It's just that I wasn't expecting to change my house until maybe getting married or something, so that was out of my expectations, I guess," Yukio shrugged. 

"What about after getting a girlfriend? Won't you need to change your house if you live with her before marrying?" Miyuki asked. Yukio didn't really look the type to marry directly.

According to her, he seems to be a guy who is gonna date somebody for at least 10 years before marrying or something. 

Dude is too cautious. 

"Yeah, but you know, it's more fun with a single bed, if you know what I mean," Yukio smirked. 

"Jeez, you really are naughty behind your stoic facade. Guess it's true that those people who say less are the wildest ones," Miyuki shook her head. 

"Do you disagree with my idea?" Yukio raised his eyebrow. 

"I never said that," Miyuki grinned. 

"Anyway, let's not talk perverted stuff out in public. People will treat us like Ero-sensei." 

"Oh, I didn't know that you cared about other people's opinions when you were the one who walked in public with only your boxers," Miyuki teased him.

"That was a mission, not my preference," Yukio said with no expression on his face. 

"If you say so. I thought you had exhibitionist tendencies or something." 

This caused Yukio to stumble but he quickly steadied himself. 

"Maybe I do have such tendencies." It was Miyuki's turn to stumble. 

"Wait, what?" 

"Well, if I think about it, the danger of getting caught is... you know, kind of hot, I think," Yukio said with a slight blush on his face. 

Yeah, that was a rare sight. 

Who knows what he is imagining? 

"I guess it's kind of hot," Miyuki was also blushing for some other reason. 

"Anyway, I need to find a house," Yukio formed a shadow clone who flickered out of sight. 

"Let's check up on Kakashi. Who knows what he's up to," Miyuki suggested and they both flickered towards their usual training ground. 

"Yo, what's up, man?" Miyuki waved towards Kakashi who was burning a leaf. 

"Finally, you guys came. I thought you guys went away 'cause I was a third wheel or something," Kakashi said. 

"Wait, what?" Miyuki was startled. 

"I mean, you guys are in a relationship or something, right?" Kakashi asked. 

"What? No!" Miyuki shouted at him. 

"Woah, chill. But I saw you guys that day, you know, Yukio wants to get finished and in that clearing, you were pushing down-" Kakashi was interrupted. 

"You misunderstood the whole thing. It's not like that." 

"If you say so. Who's the kid?" Kakashi asked. 

"Miyuki massacred her family. She was the only one left, so I adopted her." 


After one explanation and somebody finally getting beaten up.

"So, to conclude, Miyuki mas- You guys killed her family, and she wants to kill you guys, so you guys thought to adopt her and train her to kill you," Kakashi changed his wording under Miyuki's glare.

He doesn't want to be beaten up like Yukio, who still was unconscious on the ground. 

'I won't be surprised if he likes to be beaten up by her. He didn't even put up any resistance,' Kakashi shook his head in disappointment. 

"Yukio is the one who is adopting her." 

"Yeah, sure. So, did you create a war between Kumo and Iwa?"


"Well, cool," Kakashi shrugged and continued his training.

Miyuki also took her usual spot, near the lake. 

Yukio woke up. 

He splashed some water on Yumi. 

"Wakey wakey."

"Argh, what do you want now?"

"I'm gonna train you, duh." 

"Fine, what do you want me to do, then?"

"I need to assess your level. Try to use all jutsus. There is water and there is the target," Yukio pointed to Miyuki who glared at him.

"Fine." It seems she was more logical and reasonable at the moment. 

Who knows how long that would last? 

Yumi body flickered and stood on the lake. 

She weaved hand signs and a big water dragon from Lake rushed towards Miyuki. 

Miyuki didn't even do much but rather just as the dragon was going to make contact, she side-stepped, making it hit the coast of the lake. 

However, just as she side-stepped, she saw hundreds of ice senbons heading towards her, already close to her. 

"Not bad. That would put you at chunin level," Miyuki commented, her hand going on the hilt of her sword. 

Blue lightning could be seen flickering from her arm, going towards her sword. 

Her hand blurred, and all the senbons heading towards her were deflected.

However, that was Yumi's plan. Just as Miyuki was deflecting those, Yumi appeared beneath her in the water. 

"Got you," she said while releasing a very concentrated senbon from beneath.

However, before it could leave the water, lightning appeared from Miyuki's foot. 

"Idiot, who the hell goes in the water against a lightning specialist?" Lightning got conducted through the lake water, destroying the senbon and making Yumi unconscious. 

"Jeez, she really is a kid. Her chakra reserves are also nearly empty. Still, she is strong. I guess Itachi would have competition," Miyuki commented while picking up the floating Yumi and throwing her to Yukio who caught her. 

"Nah, Itachi would easily surpass her. I won't be surprised if, in a battle against both of them, Itachi wins," Yukio shook his head. 

"Really?" Miyuki wondered. 

"Why don't we have a bet then?" Yukio suggested.

"I would pass." 

"Scared cat." 

"I'm not an idiot to bet with you of all people." 

"Aww, I guess you're not the idiot I used to know anymore," Yukio sounded disappointed while his palm got covered in mystic palm and healed Yumi. 

"So, you thought of me as an idiot after all," Miyuki smirked and pointed her sword at Yukio.

"I just mimicked you. I don't see you as an idiot." 'She just needs a reason to resort to violence.'

"Really? Then what do you think of me?"

"I guess you're cute," Yukio said the first thing that came to his mind. 

"Is that the line you use to pick up girls?" Miyuki deadpanned at him.

"Not really. I have more proper lines. I never intended to hit on you with this line," Yukio shrugged. 

"Oh, why don't you tell me some of your pickup lines?" Miyuki threw the ball to Yukio's court. 

Yukio tapped his bracers and a diary summoned. 

"Wait, you actually have it written?" Miyuki did a double take. 

"Who knows when it will come in handy, it would be helpful during reconnaissance missions," Yukio said. 

"Wait, what kind of missions? I don't think they will send you those. Plus, Konoha doesn't take many of them," Miyuki suddenly said. 

"Seduction missions are taken a lot in ANBU. Well, a special unit in ANBU takes them, as the identity needs to be secret for the spy. Anyway, males could also do that," Yukio shrugged and looked at Kakashi who was listening to their banter. 

Kakashi, without looking from his leaf, nodded. 

"Wait, but why do you want to take part in such missions?" Miyuki was baffled. 

"Why not? It would be fun, you know. I always wanted to use my charms to seduce people," Yukio's words left both of them dumbstruck. 

"Wait, really?"

"Well, it sounds fun, plus I want to try different things, so yeah," Yukio shrugged. 

"Well, suit yourself. Your life, your rules," Miyuki rolled her eyes. 

"Anyway, tell me the pickup lines you have collected. Let's see if you have what it takes to seduce ladies," Miyuki urged him to read it. 

She really wants to embarrass him. 

"Do you have a name? Or can I call you mine?" 

Kakashi whistled.

"That's kind of cheesy, but it might work. Obviously, we're talking about a specific situation. Not any girl would be picked up if you directly say that to her," Miyuki lectured him.

"Unless you're a Uchiha and the girl is a fangirl." 

"Indeed, unless you're a Uchiha, and the girl is a fangirl," Miyuki repeated Kakashi's words. 

"Yeah, I think that depends on the Uchiha in question," Yukio giggled. 

Miyuki and Kakashi chuckled too. 

"Indeed, it does depend on the Uchiha. Some are oddballs," Kakashi corrected his words.


Latest Chapter on Patreon- 28. "Do you remember why we chose the left earring?" 

Guys, I want your opinion about making this fic smut(Obviously it would be between Yukio and Miyuki only), what do you think about it, I would obviously put warnings and all, give me your opinions about it. 

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