22. Memories

(58/50... Fine double release tomorrow, I would be happy if you guys make it 100)

"Got you! Looks like you didn't even last one minute," Yumi smirked. 

"I wonder about that." Yumi felt a cold glint of metal on her neck. 

The Itachi she was pointing to puffed out in smoke. 

"Good work out there, you two," Miyuki and Yukio appeared near them. 

"Really?" Itachi hadn't removed the kunai yet as they hadn't mentioned the end of the battle. 

In the academy, the teachers always announce it, so is this another test?

"Yeah, I would have been embarrassed if Yumi lost. It seems whatever work I did on you wasn't wasted."

Itachi was confused. 

"Hmph, what do you think I am, a newbie or something?" Itachi noticed that the Yumi in front of him dissolved in water. 

He turned back and saw that Yumi was holding a kunai near his neck. 

"Ah, I lost," Itachi said. 

He felt a strange emotion that he couldn't identify. 

It was the first time he had lost to someone his age, so he wasn't fully processing the reality yet. 

"Anyway, it was good, Ita-chan. If Yumi hadn't been training with Yukio, she probably wouldn't have won," Miyuki patted Itachi's shoulder.

He just nodded absentmindedly, going through the fight in his mind. 

Having a Sharingan at a young age was like having a cheat code. 

However, it could also be a liability if one becomes too dependent on it. 

Then again, we are talking about the son of the clan head here. 

That probably wouldn't happen since the clan head would ensure that his child could properly use the Sharingan.

And do not get arrogant and start spamming Sharingan techniques recklessly. 

Definitely not go blind within a week of obtaining the Mangekyō. 

That just wouldn't happen under Fugaku's guidance. 

'I'm glad I didn't underestimate him and wasn't lazy by using a clone, or I would have been defeated,' Yumi mentally patted herself when she saw that Itachi wasn't dizzy after using the Body Flicker for the first time.

"Anyway, we'll start your training. You guys are going to begin with Taijutsu." 

"What? Noooo..." Yumi protested, but her cries fell on deaf ears. 

Itachi wondered what was wrong with it. 

Well, he was in for a rough realization. 


Location - ??? Time - ???

'Woah, I'm late today. Why do they have to cut the electricity in my area only? What's even the probability of my area losing power when the rest of the city is fine? I paid so much money to buy this place,' he internally cursed while looking in the mirror. 

'Tie? Check. Watch? No need. Underwear? Which one did I wear? Ah, whatever, I know I shaved, so it doesn't matter much,' he mentally checked everything and left the house. 

He got into the car, and it started moving. 

The car was automatic, needing no driver, and was the size of a four-seater. 

He tapped his earrings twice, and a hologram began emitting from them—no, the more accurate term would be that light started emitting from them. 

It then reconstructed at an optimal position in front of his face. 

Advanced hologram technology. 

'Will she believe me if I say the electricity was out? I don't think she would.'

He paused and looked around inside the car. 

He tapped on the door, left everything, and jumped out, performing a cartwheel and then rolling on the ground. 

The other automatic cars stopped instantly. 

Nobody was wearing seat belts, but inside the car, a mechanism kept the passengers safe from harm. 

He landed on the ground and looked around. 

He saw in his peripheral vision that a blue light was heading toward him.

'Shit, I should have known. If the electricity was out, I was targeted,' he cursed internally while trying to move his body.

'Ah, wait, my perception hasn't slowed down, but rather, my memories are being replayed to me very quickly, which means I had this thought in an instant. I'm probably already dead by the time I move.' He sighed inwardly. 

'My only regret is that I should have proposed. Playing mind games was fun... I should have at least tried living together. We could've played mind games in that setting too. Oh well, not like I'd change anything if I were given another chance.' 

That was his last thought. 

The blue light pierced his head, killing him on the spot. 

"Fuck!" Yukio woke up, his fist tightly clenched. 

He looked around and saw a kid a few meters away clutching a teddy bear. 

He realized his killing intent had fully leaked out. 

He took a deep breath, and the killing intent dissipated. 

Yumi stopped shivering, but she was still scared. 

"Sorry, my bad," Yukio said, somehow keeping his tone neutral. 

"You-," Yumi couldn't form words. 

It was her first time feeling Yukio's killing intent at this level.

She didn't know he could feel emotions so deeply. 

She had really thought he was emotionless or had trouble feeling emotions. 

"You- You're crying." 

"I am?" Yukio touched his cheeks and noticed tears falling. 

"Yeah, you are. Can't even notice that—how will I master Water Release?" Yukio chuckled. 

The tears turned to mist, disappearing.

He stood up and did some stretching. 

"So, you can feel emotions too. Why were you crying?" Yumi didn't mind being nosy. 

"Things from the past, nothing relevant," Yukio sighed. 

"I don't think it's irrelevant. I want to know." 

"Why do you want to know?"

"Ah..." Yumi paused, wondering why she wanted to know. 

"Well, uh, to throw your emotions off in battle," Yumi made up a reason on the spot. 

Truly a violent child she was. 

Then again, in this situation, she couldn't be blamed. 

Her family's murderer was right in front of her. 

But her situation was complicated, so it couldn't be explained directly. 

She really felt conflicted about it, but she had decided she was going to kill Yukio one day, regardless. 

Yukio deadpanned at her. "You really should come up with a better reason if you want to extract information from me."

"Please tell me," Yumi looked at him with puppy eyes, shining as if she would cry any second.

"Woah, who taught you that? I used to do that a lot as a kid, and it used to work too." 

"Right? Miyuki taught me. She's not that bad," Yumi wouldn't admit how often she'd used this trick on unsuspecting people in the streets.

It was a cosmetic genjutsu combined with her innate cuteness.

"Yeah, it has a deadly version when you grow up. Miyuki knows that" Yukio rolled his eyes. 

"Wait, teach me, then." 

"Unfortunately, it depends more on innate factors than genjutsu, so you'll have to grow up first," Yukio shook his head. 

"What kind of innate factors?" she asked, confused.

"You'll understand when you grow up." 

"No, tell me now!" she stopped when she heard the door opening.

"What are you guys doing?" Miyuki asked. 

"Yukio was going to tell me the advanced version of the Puppy Eye Jutsu that you use," Yumi said.

"Oh, really?" Miyuki smiled and looked at Yukio.

But to Yukio, that smile wasn't beautiful or cute or anything like that. 

He was scared. 

"I didn't know you realized I knew an advanced version of that jutsu. I wonder how you found out," Miyuki's hand went to her hilt. 

"Wait, I didn't spy on you or anything—it was at your last birthday!"

"Hmm, wait, what? You weren't supposed to remember that," Miyuki blushed, subconsciously covering her sword with lightning and swinging it.

A normal chakra slash shot toward Yukio, but he swatted it away, covering his fist with a large amount of chakra.

"Don't destroy my house. You shouldn't have drunk alcohol in the first place," Yukio scolded.

"I thought my tolerance was high," Miyuki grumbled.

"Yeah, that's what you wanted it to be, but reality is often disappointing. Wake up to reality," Yukio shook his head.

Miyuki sheathed her sword. "Yeah, whatever. Not like it matters. I came here to tell you that we have a mission."

"Oh? Both of us? Interesting. What about this kid?" Yukio gestured toward the girl.

"I'm not a kid! I'm almost seven years old!" the girl protested.

"She's gonna be under Sensei's care. Fugaku-Ossan is also coming with us on the mission."

Yukio did a double take. "Wait, what?"

"Hehe, are you surprised?" Miyuki smirked, enjoying the rare moment of catching Yukio off guard.

"Not really. Mikoto-sensei knows about Yumi's condition, right?" Yukio asked.

"What condition? You guys aren't spreading my backstory or something, right? I don't want sympathy from anybody," Yumi interjected.

"That she has psychotic tendencies to kill people," Yukio said, ignoring Yumi's protests.

"What do you mean? That makes me sound like a psychopath or something! I only want to kill you two!" Yumi huffed.

"Yeah, she knows," Miyuki confirmed, also ignoring Yumi.

"Anyway, let's go. Let's not keep an old man waiting. You head to the Uchiha Compound, okay?" Yukio looked at Yumi.

"Fine. I don't care," she said, running out.

"Also, Yukio was crying when he woke up," Yumi turned around and said before leaving.

"Oh?" Miyuki raised an eyebrow at Yukio.


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