24. Are You Okay?

(Second chapter of the Double release as I promised, now get me to 100 Powerstones for double release next week)

The water drill met the lava-covered leg.

"You are gonna regret killing those."

"So, was this a trap or not?" Yukio ignored the old Jinchuriki's yapping.

He was tired of people telling him that he would regret doing something.

He heard that from a lot of old people, including the Sandaime Hokage.

That old man might get a stroke one of these days, as Yukio's statements were so outrageous, yet defeating him in an argument was tough.

"You think I'll tell you? Do you take me for a fool?" Roshi increased the chakra output, regaining dominance in the tug-of-war battle.

"Yeah, aren't Jinchuriki ostracized? So, they're generally emotionally dumb, and with some manipulation, they could easily be made loyal." Yukio decided to hit exactly where it hurt.

Despite his years of experience, this statement irritated and frustrated Roshi.

He didn't realize how pointed Yukio's words had made him feel.

"YOU!" Roshi increased the chakra to the maximum, crushing Yukio's arm—and then Yukio exploded.

Roshi jumped back, releasing chakra from his entire body.

He felt a weight on his shoulder and realized someone had thrust a kunai into his neck.

"Tch, you've got thick skin, huh?" Yukio said, commenting on how his kunai with sui-kiri wasn't able to pierce through the sheer amount of tailed-beast chakra being released from Roshi's neck.

"I'll make you regret that." Roshi turned around and spewed lava, dislodging Yukio from his shoulder—but Yukio exploded again.

Meanwhile, Fugaku and Miyuki were retreating from Pakura and the Suna ninjas.

A few Suna ninjas were already killed.

Pakura's Scorch Release kept the two on their toes, but due to the Konoha ninjas' cleverness, Pakura had killed some Suna ninjas through friendly fire.

This caused her attacks to lose some intensity, allowing Fugaku and Miyuki to keep up without being outright defeated or killed.

"You guys aren't leaving here alive," a Suna Jounin NPC said.

A few seconds later, his head was burned by Fugaku.

That was the life of NPCs.

All at the mercy of the author.

Created randomly and killed randomly.

Like, the author could be a good writer and say this guy was an orphan, or say he'd done evil deeds like looting villages and r***ng in the previous war.

Maybe that would make some readers feel a righteous fire.

The author could also be good by simply saying he was an NPC and focusing on the current fight instead of yapping.

Or the author could be bad by continuing this yapping.

The author could be bad by saying that Fugaku and Miyuki escaped, but Yukio had to make a heroic sacrifice.

Miyuki later deduced through logic that he was probably a reincarnator, but she couldn't confirm it.

After many years of honing her skills, she learned Edo Tensei, revived Yukio, questioned him, and found out. Then, they went to Pain.

No, they skipped Pain, reincarnated Yukio, and then lived happily ever after.

The author could just say that, end this story, and move on to his next one, which might sell...

Thank you for reading! See you in my next work, bai bai!

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Anyway, the author could be cruel and say the NPC burned alive and had a family back home.

This could add more tragedy, as he was a pure Suna ninja with no corruption at all.

He had recently gotten married and had kids.

A one-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son.

He really loved his family, but unfortunately, he had to go on this mission as a Jounin, by direct order of the Kazekage.

This could be tragic by saying the NPC's name was Wakiyaku.

His two-year-old son's name was Mukachi, and his one-year-old daughter's name was Kijo.

Unfortunately, Kijo and Mukachi's mother had died giving birth to Kijo due to some other disease or maybe due to childbirth.

You could even say the way she died was tragic.

Her last words could be: "Wakiyaku-kun, please take care of Kijo and Mukachi. The time spent with you was my most cherished moment. I love you..."

Uhh, okay, I think I got a bit more detailed than I wanted to.

I may or may not have gotten emotional for a second while writing that line.

Really... (❁´◡`❁)

Also, I forgot to mention...

Readers would definitely be angry when they realize this was all to increase the word count...

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

"You will definitely pay for your sins."

"Huh?" Miyuki fired a lightning slash at Pakura, whose Scorch Release balls clashed with it.

The balls made of Scorch Release collided with the chakra slashes.

Miyuki found Pakura's last statement a bit odd.

It seemed out of character for her.

But Miyuki didn't really have much information about Pakura's character.

Her only advantage was her meta-knowledge that Pakura would soon die when the Fourth Kazekage sent her out, as she became a threat to his position.

Sand couldn't afford a coup or internal conflict at the moment.

They were already poor.

Losing capable ninjas would reduce their major village status to a minor village.

Anyway, that meta-knowledge didn't include much information about Pakura.

Pakura ducked suddenly, and a kunai slashed where her head had been moments earlier.

Yukio had his Suikiri ready, though a better name wasn't in Yukio's mind—or the author's.

It seems Suikiri is really convenient for both parties to remember.

Readers like that too, don't they?

(A/n: Okay, okay, I'll stop with the fourth-wall breaks. I'm not the master of four walls [lol]. You guys aren't giving me many ideas to write, so I need to resort to such tactics to increase the chapter length. Can poor me be blamed? 🥺)

One fireball floated in the air, headed toward Yukio, who bent his body at the last moment.

He really is flexible.

"Nice boobs you've got there, Onee-san," Yukio said, thrusting another kunai at her.

Roshi seemed to be occupied by his clones.

How embarrassing for an S-rank.

"Oh, thank you. Unfortunately, you won't get any of it." Pakura wasn't fazed, as it was normal in battle to try to throw others off. Comments like that were used to create an opportunity.

However, Pakura was prepared for such mind games.

Most experienced ninjas had to be familiar with this.

"Oh, I guess I'm not the lucky one," Yukio added disappointment to his voice, even lowering his head a bit to depict sadness.

This really was an insult to S-rank Pakura.

But she couldn't do anything, as Yukio, for some reason, was even better than the other two combined at making her more prone to friendly fire.

She wasn't even sure if this was his clone or not.

"Well, if I can't have it, I guess no one else will. Let me cut it off." Yukio thrust his kunai.

For a second, everyone who heard it on the battlefield paused.

What was he talking about cutting?

Most people had heard a woman threatening a man by cutting his dick off.

But... this was the first time hearing a man threaten to cut off... her boobs?

Yukio was expecting to create this opportunity as he aimed for Pakura.

Unfortunately, Pakura was still S-rank, so her recovery time was excellent.

She parried his attack and spewed fire. "You think that will work on me?" Yukio spewed water.

"Did you think that I thought you would fall for that?" Yukio asked her instead.

"What do you mean?" Two of the Scorch balls moved to her back, shielding her from some Wind-style jutsus that came at her.

Yukio spewed a Water-style jutsu, which overpowered the front ball. Luckily for Pakura, she dodged but got wet, which Miyuki took advantage of by releasing a Lightning-style jutsu.

Stunning Pakura.

Pakura turned around and noticed the Suna ninjas who had fired a jutsu at her were already dead—probably their last jutsu, with directions changed at the last moment before killing them.

Nobody was fast enough to act during the time Pakura was stunned, so Miyuki released some lightning slashes.

But at that instant, everyone's gaze shifted to Roshi, who had a black ball in front of his mouth.

When did he form that big Bijudama?


He fired it in their direction.


A/n: Lol, for some reason in this chapter, I kept writing Roshi as Yoshi and Pakura as Yagura. Also, I was perfectly sane while writing this chapter.


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