Chapter 11 I’ve got a Crush on Myrna Loy

To my surprise, she wasn't angry or upset. The person in front of her genuinely confused her. It was a tough question for me to answer. I scowled, trying to produce a rational explanation. Obviously, she wasn't going to believe that I'm from another place and time.

"All of this is kind of sudden, I know. But I've learned something recently. And that starts with you, the one person who's still on my side. I need you and I want to please you. That's not something bad, is it?"

Yeah, I knew the last thing I said was typical bullshit, but I believed Adele certainly started the marriage with the right intentions. It didn't matter that Lane had little interest in treating her right. My goal might be selfish, but I wanted her to trust me and be happy. The woman's face flushed, and she lowered her eyes, still in turmoil.

"But you saw...How can you? I mean, the men I've been with," she mumbled.

Her statement caught me off guard. Her concern about how she must look in my eyes gave me pause. Again, Adele worried about someone else's feelings before her own. No wonder Lane used her so easily.

"Angel, you take that weight on to your shoulders," I warned. "You didn't do anything wrong in my eyes. This is all on Lane Dagger."

Normally, a guy finds his wife's cheating on him, then all hell breaks loose. I'm the same way. However, I only knew Adele for a few hours, so I could not rightfully turn malicious against her for being lonely. Lane deserved her screwing around on him. Hell, he probably calculated it with his plans to control her money.

Yeah, I'm a son of a bitch. However, I'm not that deceitful. Adele might deserve better than me, but I would do the best I could. Besides, I had plans for Lloyd and his partnership with me. She didn't need to know everything, since I couldn't explain most of it.

I playfully swatted her naked ass, but my tone turned cold to make my point.

"But there's going to be hell to pay if you ever meet with another guy from here on out. I'm a jealous guy now, so what you saw last night is only a preview of what I mean."

Feeling like I was coming off too strong, I lightened my tone.

"Seriously, we'll forget everything about the past. Today is a new day. I'm taking the morning off to catch up and to work on giving you a baby."

Adele glanced at me, still unsure how to take my statements. Then she nodded and picked up her clothing from the bed. She paused when a thought came to her.

"I'm supposed to meet with Jenny for breakfast."

"No, you're staying home with your husband so we can fuck," I insisted.

I moved behind her, and I swatted her ass again. Her shocked but somewhat amused reaction caught my eye from the reflection in the mirror on the wall. It made me grin.

"Alright, I'll call her," she said.

Yes, she has some masochistic traits in her.

Aside from my horniness for her sweet body, there was a reason I didn't want Adele to meet Jenny. Jenny Penske was a divorced, gold-digging bitch working to undermine the marriage. Hell, Lane Dagger hated Jenny, but he still didn't mind using her to get his divorce. The way I read it; unhappy people like to bring down others to their level and Jenny Penske was as unhappy as they came according to the book. She was the one person I planned on removing from Adele's life soon.

Jenny can get the hell out of my way!

"Just tell your friend that you've got other plans this morning," I hugged Adele from behind as I whispered in her ear. "I've never asked you to do this before, have I?"

The woman pulled away and faced me. Tears were building up in her eyes again.

"Lane, you're not playing with me, just to throw me away again, are you? I couldn't..."

I interrupted her, bringing her into my arms. I placed her head on my chest and we stood there for a while.

"No, I swear upon my life. I meant everything I told you," I finally told her. "All I ask is that you give me a chance to prove that a man of my word. You can shoot me if I'm lying. Now, you go make that phone call to your friend and I'll get out the food for our feast. We need our strength for later."

I watched her walk away wearing only her panties and reflected upon the morning so far.

God, she's hot!

Now, I'm a man of my word, as Adele found out over the next few hours. I looked at it like we started after the wedding. Taking ideas from porno movies that I remembered, I introduced Adele to various sexual positions as I explored the entirety of her fine body. As we wandered naked through the apartment, Adele's confusion and embarrassment made me even more horny. We fucked on the couch that Lloyd and she were sitting on when I first saw Adele. I'm not above marking my territory. I also discovered a small office that looked more like a private library hidden behind two sliding pocket doors. We used the swivel desk chair a while before using the top of the desk.

It took a while for Adele to get into the game, but when I suggested something even more scandalous, her eyes lit up before she turned embarrassed. Still, her interest made me curious as she sat on my lap in the chair. As I nuzzled on her neck, she tried to avoid the subject of fantasies. However, I kept insisting and finally she revealed a few. Trust me when I say that I wouldn't forget those hidden dreams she slowly disclosed as we fucked.

For the finale, I pressed her naked body against the window overlooking the parking lot. While Adele objected at first, she never wavered, as we had passionate sex in front of the world. When we finished, my woman finally answered my question from earlier when I repeated it to her.

"Yes, I love this sex," she panted out as we stood naked at the window.

Can I develop feelings for the characters in this place?


A week passed before I finally returned to my office to work on the next part of my plan. That morning, Adele hugged me tightly and asked me to stay. As tempting as it was, I gently kissed her with a promise of more fun when I returned. Her satisfied smile remained on my mind as I left the apartment. I suddenly wondered at a dilemma I hadn't expected.

To keep my vow to keep Adele at my side, I spent the last four days focused on making my wife happy. Sure, that meant spending a lot of the time in bed learning new ways to please each other. However, I enjoyed the quiet moments where we talked or just held hands walking down the sidewalk.

My thoughts went back to a certain bar along Knox Street outside of Dixie University. I met Samantha there, but my time talking with her mostly came in the way of chats between smartphones. If we went somewhere together, inevitably she or I would invite our friends along. Since most of my jerk friends had girlfriends, our time as a group consisted of drinking.

My time with Adele was completely different. We took walks around the neighborhood; we went to her favorite restaurant. We even found a park to feed the swans. Her confidence in me grew over the period which I noticed in our interactions at the places we went together.

Still, I kept up feeding my need for information. At the apartment, I searched the drawers and shelves for any details about the past. I even snuck into the master bedroom and found Adele's diary, which I read through. Sure, I value privacy as much as the next guy, but I'm still talking about survival here. Each night, I considered Miss Wonderful's warning on the night she put me here.

Deciding to understand Stull Junction better, I suggested we spend a day out on the town. Knowing my poor driving skills with a manual transmission, I let Adele drive us to various places she wanted to visit. Despite initial skepticism that she tried to hide, our tour of the city soon had Adele smiling when we entered the shops on Main Street together. I learned about her passion for cats when she found matching ceramic figurines of two Siamese. I forked over a couple of dollars from my wallet, and you'd think that I bought her a diamond. I have to admit; I enjoyed the smile.

When we walked by the Apollo Theater, I pushed us to watch a movie together. In fairness, I wanted to experience the air conditioning they advertised on the window sign. Hell, so far, it's the only place with AC in this damn city.

After getting two tickets, we walked inside. While I enjoyed the comforts of the 21st century, we checked out the upcoming attractions the theater displayed on the wall. Then, I spotted photographs from a romance comedy film. Normally, the pictures wouldn't gain my interest. But I saw the woman in the pictures, and I stopped. Stepping closer, my gaze centered upon a familiar face. I looked at the name on the poster.

Myrna Loy!

Now, I'd seen that name before. She's like a famous movie star my grandpa told me about when I was younger. However, the shock still came to me when I realized that I'd been with her up close and personal for nearly a week.

"What are you looking at?" Adele asked.

I stood there, looking at the picture and then at her. I pointed to the woman in the photo.

"Tell me, who does that look like?"

Smiling, Adele stepped by my side and inspected the picture.

"Oh, I've seen her movies before. She's beautiful," Adele frowned briefly, then she looked over at me. "Don't tell me you've got a crush on Myrna Loy?"

"Don't you think you look like her?" I couldn't believe she didn't see it.

Adele smiled at the suggestion, turning back to inspect the picture. She looked over at the others in the series.

"Well, you're sweet, dear, but she's much prettier than I am."

I shook my head and forced myself to smile.

"Actually, you're much prettier than she is."

Adele took my arm and kissed me on the cheek.

"That type of flattery will get you anything you want when we get home.