A Missing Snitch.

After the incident with the troll, Loki resumed his daily routine, getting up, eating breakfast with Dominic, going to classes, eating lunch, having fun with Hagrid in Forbidden Forrest, playing with Fluffy, studying and doing homework, attending detention and finally sleeping.

His routine left very little time for anything else.

But Loki was still worried, he had a person to look out for who was using the abilities of the Quill of Alzuhod or was a spectator in the castle. So he asked Kreacher to give him an item from the black family vault or manor that would keep him safe from a spectator.

'Does this even work?' Loki asked as he looked at the inconspicuous locket that was hanging from his neck. The locket wasn't anything grand or expensive, it looked like a random rock had been strewn on a thread and wrapped around his neck.

Loki didn't feel any different after wearing it, but he trusted Kreacher and so trusted the locket.

Loki's only free time came from sneaking out of the castle after his detention to meet a few unicorns.

Nobody knew of this secret tryst of his and he carried on abusing his nighttime privileges without anyone knowing the better.

On one fateful day during his detention, Loki spotted Snape limping back to his office so he asked him what happened, but Snape just glared at him and kept his mouth shut.

Currently, the entire school was sitting in the stands around the Quidditch pitch while Loki was thinking, 'I won't get a better chance to steal from our dear young masters than now.'

Loki walked to the Quidditch pitch and began to scout for whales by seeking which student bet the most money by buying costly tickets written by the students running a small betting stand.

'This would've been so much easier if I was a Sequence 9 Seer, wouldn't it? I could've just divined which student had the most money and stolen all his money directly. But then I wouldn't have needed to steal.'

Sitting beside the betting stand, away from all the Slytherin and Gryffindors Loki quietly spread his spirituality and levitated any money that was being handed to the stand for Gryffindor's loss into his own pockets.

Now although Loki hadn't seen or read any of the Harry potter movies or books, he did know that Harry was the main character, so it was obvious to him who was going to win. Especially in a game against a 'big bad' Slytherin and the 'Good and brave' Gryffindor.

'And it's only the purebloods who're betting, too bad for them they unknowingly donated to the finances of a poor little mudblood, maybe the Error god will forgive some of their sins for this 'benevolent' act.'

During the few minutes before the game began when the students were in a rush to purchase tickets, Loki slipped into the crowd and walked away with his loot, after all performing a theft and not getting to enjoy the profits because he had become too greedy was a failed theft.

A friend of the Weasley twins, Lee Jordan was doing the commentary while being carefully watched by the head of his house, McGonagall.

"The green snakes are entering the pitch, look at the mean expressions they have on their faces, they look like they're ready to break some bones. Not like they can do much of anything else when their captain is a trol-"

"Jordan!" McGonagall shouted.

"*Ahem* Look! The Gryffindor's have entered the pitch! And look! It looks like the rumours were right! Gryffindor has the youngest seeker in a hundred years!! It's none other than Harry! Potter!!"

Everyone else in the stands broke out into hushed whispers while the Gryffindor stands had everyone cheering and shouting as the Slytherin stands did their best to boo him out with the same enthusiasm, except the purebloods wanted no part in the 'farce' so the boo'es were a little less vigourous.

Loki could see Malfoy's fuming face and immediately figured that the gears inside his head were turning, wondering how he could get Harry into trouble.

"How come you're here Dominic? Don't need to study?" Loki asked with a suspicious look on his face.

"It's good to take a break once in a while."

"I thought you were a nerd, never knew you were fun like that."

"Says the kid that spends all his free time sitting by the black lake and reading books."

"Hey! I go to the forbidden forest with Hagrid every few days!"

"And I take a break from studying and go to the greenhouse to tend to plants or watch the Quidditch match every other day."

"You'll always be a nerd in my books."

"Yeah, and you in mine. What should I title it, The Diary of Nerd Snakes?"

Loki playfully punched Dominic's shoulder and then they both began to pay attention to the Quidditch pitch since the match had already started.

"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor- what an excellent Chaser that girl is, and rather attractive, too-"


The game progressed smoothly, with both the teams doing their best and while the Slytherin team was a little aggressive, the Gryffindors played in a more balanced way.

None of the teams had scored so far ten minutes into the game with the goalkeeper of the Gryffindor team, Wood, making spectacular saves and the beaters of the Slytherin team keeping the chasers of the Gryffindor team on the edge of their brooms.

All in all, Loki felt the game turning barbaric. There were powdered kegs on both sides of the game just waiting to be fired up and explode. Not even the cold weather of November could stop the cheering and booing of the respective sides from heating up.

But Loki's entire focus was disrupted when he noticed the small golden glowing snitch flying in the sky, right above his head.

Although the snitch had no monetary value it held a lot of significance emotionally for the right people, it was the snitch of Harry Potter's first game at Hogwarts.

Seeing that no one had noticed it other than him, not even Dominic since he was looking at the game, Loki spread his spirituality a little, used his telekinetic abilities to grasp it and then brought it to himself.

As soon as the snitch came into contact with his fingers the buzzing stopped and its wings wrapped back into the snitch, it felt like the snitch had died.

"Dominic, I'm going to go to the washroom, the cold is making me feel the pressure.", Loki said.

"You sure? The game's just heating up?" Dominic said while looking at the game.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a bit, I promise. Remember to fill me in when I'm back." Loki said and with a soft nod from Dominic left the Quidditch stadium.

As soon as Loki entered the castle, he made a beeline towards the closest washroom and entered a cubicle to perform a Sacrificial Ritual to send the Golden Snitch above the grey fog.

Once he was done, Loki calmly walked back to the Quidditch pitch and returned to the seat Dominic had kept reserved for him.

"What took you so long?" Dominic asked politely, "The game's been getting hotter ever since you left, neither side has found the snitch yet so everyone's doing their best to score more! It's been getting really fun!"

"Haha~ Is it now, then I hope they don't find the snitch at all.", Loki said in a calm and satisfied tone.

"Oh! Look! It looks like Harry is going to fall from his broom!" Dominic said and the topic was diverted from the snitch.

As soon as Loki's eyes landed on Harry he noticed how his broom was trying to jerk control away from him, as if it hated his guts.

'Huh? What's happening? Magic? Someone's cursing him?'

Loki immediately looked around the field, and like Hermione, he too noticed Snape looking at Harry and mumbling something under his breath, but Loki's eyes then fell on Quirrel who was also doing the same thing.

'Are they doing wandless magic to try and fix his broom from afar?' Loki wondered.

'But then why is his broom doing that in the first place?'

"Dominic, doesn't it look like his broom is malfunctioning?" Loki asked Dominic his doubt.

"Hmm….yeah, it does look like it, the broom was moving around fine until now, did someone curse him during the game?" Dominic mumbled loud enough for Loki to hear.

"Yeah, and it looks like the professors are trying to help him out too.", Loki said pointing at Snape and Quirrel.

"Yeah, it seems like the professors have a handle on it, let's leave it to them.", Dominic concluded.

But suddenly, "Oh look! Someone set Professor Snape's robes on fire!" Loki pointed out and Dominic became worried as he pulled out his wand.

"Why your wand?" Loki asked.

"In case, Harry falls, someone needs to react in tim- Oh, never mind, Wood called for a Time out."

All the players landed back on the field after Madam Hooch's whistle allowing them to reconvene, Harry managed to land on the ground since his broom appeared to fix itself.

"It looks like the Gryffindor team has called for a timeout. Does it have to do with the abrupt malfunction of Harry's broom?" Lee asked on the mic.

"Oh! Look! Wood's moving towards Madam Hooch! Are they going to lodge a complaint?" Lee shouted excitedly.

"Have the Slytherin team stooped so low they've begun casting curses on the-" "-JORDAN!!!" "Sorry Professor McGonagall. Oh! Look! Madam Hooch's confused too! She seems to be looking around the field for something!!"

Seemingly noticing something wrong, Madam Hooch flew on her broom and moved towards the teacher's stands and called out for Professor McGonagall.

"Boys and Girls!!! I've got an ear-shattering development! According to Madam Hooch, the Snitch for the game has vanished and neither Seeker has it!!!! I repeat the snitch for the game has vanished and neither Seeker has it!!!!"

A flurry of reactions greeted the crowd, with some being annoyed, others laughing looking at the incident while the teams were confused.

But Loki was smiling as he felt his potion get digested.

McGonagall first called for the Twins and asked them if they'd stolen the snitch but seeing them just as confused about the incident she chose to believe them and let them off.

She tried to accio the snitch back into the field but that seemed to have failed too.

So, the game then continued as normal with Professor McGonagall summoning a new snitch from the castle for the teams to play while Loki on the side did his best to hide his proud smirk.

'That's another fifteen per cent digestion done, only the last thirty per cent remains.' Loki thought overjoyed.

The match had cooled down a little because of the pause, but they eventually found their rhythm once again with the Slytherin team becoming more aggressive than before in trying to keep Harry away from the snitch.

But they failed when at the last second of a sharp dive in a high-speed chase, Harry managed to swallow the new snitch.

"That was a fun game, wasn't it?" Dominic asked stretching to relax his stiff cold muscles.

"It was." Loki nodded. "Especially at the end there, Harry swallowing the snitch was funny."

"Yes, it was." Dominic nodded.