New Dawn New Day.

Loki was happy with his new signed broom which he may or may not have obtained by 'charming' Lockhart with his 'eloquence' and cuteness as Snape dragged them with him while Loki was allowed to go to the feast.

On the Slytherin table, Loki sat down in a secluded corner.

Last year's victory clinch was enough for a majority of the house to turn in his favour, but none had truly become his friends.

And Loki expected Tracey and Daphne to be off speaking terms with him in public so that they wouldn't be painting a target on their backs too. Much like him and Hermione.

'Though I'm sure with my plans for this year, I should become the most precious student.'

The sorting ceremony had already finished and Slytherin had a few new students, and while some of them occasionally spoke to Loki, most avoided him since they noticed the cold atmosphere around him.

But everyone on the table felt or noticed one particular change, Loki's manners had turned refined, he ate like a noble and each of his actions exuded a charm that not a lot of the purebloods on the table had.

Soon the dinner finished and Loki headed towards the dorms, wanting to give his weary bones a little rest so that he could become fresh for his first day tomorrow.

Loki wanted to be ready for tomorrow since Dominic had informed him in a letter over the summer that from the second year students at Hogwarts took double the amount of classes than the first year and didn't have as much leisure time.

Speaking for a few minutes with Elane and spending a few minutes writing poems with Sunny that were mostly about the beauty of shiny things.

'Sunny will finish digesting his potion soon if this continues…'

'I should ask Kreacher to send me the ingredients to be prepared…'

Loki closed his eyes and drowned in the comfort of his soft bed.

'It feels nice now that I don't have to worry about someone breaking into my room in the middle of the night to curse me.'

Loki woke up the next morning fully rested, and ready to go. His first class was Transfiguration and Loki was excited to surprise Professor McGonagall with all that he'd learnt over the summer.

But as soon as Loki stepped into the common room a senior blocked his way.

"What do you want?" Loki asked with worry since the senior was twice his size.

"Professor Snape asked you to come to him at the end of the day, after classes."

"Huh. Fine. Thank you for letting me know. Anything else?"

"No, that will be all." The senior said and walked away much to Loki's relief.

Attending classes throughout the day, Loki felt spent, especially since charms class had begun teaching Loki a simpler exercise to control their spirituality outside their bodies which involved learning to cast the lumos charm without any wand movements.

The trouble was Loki could easily do the Lumos charm without wand movements and so he spent most of his time reading up on arithmancy, but arithmancy was getting more and more complicated for Loki to study on his own without proper guidance.

And although Professor Flitwick wasn't the Arithmancy professor he did help Loki out by giving him the task of modifying the levitation charm to work on humans or living things, it wasn't any easier.

Along with this, Loki had to show Professor Flitwick that he'd learnt the syllabus for this year.

"Can anyone tell me the difference between Elemental Spells and normal Charms?" Professor Flitwick asked kindly. "Yes, Loki."

"The difference between them is simple. Unlike normal charms where the effect is achieved when the spell lands on the target elemental spells achieve their completion right when the spirituality for the spell is expelled from the wand in the right shape."

"Oh? And what does this difference mean?" Professor Flitwick probed.

"The difference is that the Finite Incantatem charm wouldn't work on such spells sir. Since the spirituality within the spell has already transformed into an element, elemental spells cannot be stopped without a shield charm."

"Excellent explanation! Twenty points to Slytherin." Professor Flitwick said with a clap and moved on to explain to the rest of the class what Loki had said in depth.

Meanwhile, Loki wondered, 'Hmm…I should create my own elemental spell, but what element should it be based on?'

After charms, Loki felt his head hurt from studying so much about numbers and so he wasn't looking forward to the next class, but seeing that it was Lockhart's class Loki felt a little redeemed since all he had to do this class was turn his mind off and observe how Lockhart fooled people.

"Me!" Lockhart said pointing at himself while holding a book with his own portrait winking at him and everyone else, "Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of…"

And Loki zoned him out completely, his book taking notes like, 'Build a brand image of yourself.' and, 'But since I'm a kid would it not be more appropriate to use a mascot? Panda? They are cute. Red panda? Even cuter.'

Soon Loki got lost in dissecting and analysing Lockhart's techniques so much that he accidentally used up the test paper he was given as a rough paper to sketch out his ideas.

'Damn…eh..well I guess he's not going to notice if I don't submit, I'm sure.'

"Mr. Loki!? Where's your submission!? I don't see the submission of my helper during my great escapade in saving Harry Potter and his friend!"

"Ah…." Loki felt everyone turn around and stare at him, "I lost it." Loki said with an embarrassed look.

"Don't worry! I will give you a new paper so that I can gauge your standing! I after all agreed to teach you everything I know so that you can become like me!"

Although a lot of the class looked jealous of Loki, especially Hermione, Loki could only think otherwise 'Oh god. Why did I tell him that? He's like a courting peacock! Only without the grace or the beauty of one.'

While Loki retook the test, which mostly just involved him reading a question and ignoring the need for an answer, Lockhart began to teach the class, "Now - be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures…"

Lost in his exasperation all Loki realised next was a cornish pixie flying over to him and 'tossing his test paper out the window', he might've helped, but he surely didn't play a big part.

Students rushed out of the room and ran away from the torment of the pixies trying to assault all of them and it wasn't long before Lockhart himself acted on instinct and ducked out of the door not before announcing, "Well I'll ask you four to juts nip the rest of them back into their cage."

'Huh, so others are always responsible for their mistakes but they are also responsible for your mistakes?'

'It seems the brand image is everything for a swindler.'

'How do I develop a brand image?'

'Do I mooch off of Professor Snape and the other Professors?'

'I mean…as long as they don't know about it, they wouldn't mind? Right?'

Loki looked at the pixies flying around and after sending a short glance Hermione's way used the Freezing charm, 'Immobulus', together with her and froze a bunch of pixies in the air.

Loki and Hermione used the freezing charm while Harry and Ron begrudgingly picked and stuffed them back into the cage from which they were released.

The day had ended with another tiring exercise which had drained a lot out of him, especially when he realised that he still had to meet Professor Snape before the day truly ended.

Walking down the dungeons Loki suddenly noticed another set of footsteps behind him.

"Hermione?" Loki called out, "What're you doing here? You were looking for me?"

"No, Professor Snape called me for some reason. What about you?"

"Me too." Loki nodded slowing down to let Hermione catch up to him.

"Do you think it's with whatever we've planned to do then?"

"You think so too?" Loki asked with some excitement.

"Well duh, I mean why else would he call for the two of us together? And me, especially since I'm in Gryffindor."

"Makes sense." Loki nodded. "If it was Harry or Ron I'd have thought he called them around to torture them or something."

Hermione rolled her eyes and gave Loki a soft punch.


A/N : Give me ideas for an elemental spell for Loki. Something achievable but a little complex. I wanna see if there are other ideas that'd fit better for what I've got planned. No promises, but thank you!

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