
Entering the dormitory Loki walked into Daphne who was waiting right by the entrance for Loki.

"Are you alright?" Daphne asked scanning Loki for any visible injuries and when she saw the large hole in his dress she panicked.

"Calm down Daph!" Loki said holding Daphne who had already begun parting Loki's torn clothes to inspect his 'wound' better. "It's not my blood." Loki lied. "Could you do me a favour and help me fix my clothes? I don't want anyone else to get worried."

"Whose blood is it then if it is not yours!?" Daphne almost shouted but somehow managed to keep her tone contained in a barely audible whisper.

"Don't worry about that. Know some way to help me fix the blood on my clothes and repair them?"

Daphne gave Loki a long stare but then sighed and complied, "...I don't know how to fix your clothes but I can get rid of the blood from them. There's a simple charm for that."

Daphne quickly waved her wand while muttering the phrase, "Scourgify Sanguis." all the blood from Loki's dress immediately flowed out and hovered in the air, forming a small blob of slightly dark red blood before Daphne collected it all in a small vial and handed it back to Loki.

"Any ideas how I can get my clothes fixed?" Loki asked wondering if he'd have to use his deft hands to fix up his dress by sewing it.

"Umm…get out of it and give it to me, I'll ask a senior student to fix it for you."

"Sure." Loki nodded and Daphne followed him to his room.

Under the curious gazes of various students, where Loki hid the hole in his shirt using illusions, he went inside changed into new clothes and handed back his torn shirt to Daphne who was patiently waiting outside.

"Thank you Daph, you've been helpful, in more ways than one." Loki said appreciatively with a smile that Daphne returned.

"Did you manage to save the girl who was taken into the Chamber?"

"Yes, I did, although I will not be taking credit for it. No one else must know that I did it."

" want me to keep this a secret?" Daphne asked and Loki nodded and warned, "Yes, even from Mione."

"Why did you tell me about it then?" Daphne asked with a frown.

"Because I know you don't gossip."

"But Mione doesn't gossip, she's the straightest arrow I've ever seen." Daphne countered.

"Yes, but if I tell Mione about it she'd probably get into an argument with Harry and Ron and end up revealing things either way just to support me."

Daphne gave Loki a frustrated stare and then said with a scowl, "Although I don't think we should hide it from her, I will listen to you."

"Thank you." Loki nodded and after Daphne left went back into his room and crashed into his bed.

'Sweet rest at last.'

Loki admired the Ring of Harvest for a bit, watching Tom's soul trapped in it, unable to do anything to escape his fate.

'He transferred from one inanimate object into another.' Loki thought as a smirk made its way to his face.

"How long will you stare at that ring, will you ever give it to me?" Loki heard a deep voice beside himself and almost jumped out of the bed and pulled a wand on it before his brain kicked in with some latency and helped him recognise the voice as Sunny.

"Damn, it's going to take a bit of time to get used to you having such a deep voice you damn Niffler!"

"I've got a name! And you must use it! I'm Sunny!" The Niffler said folding its arms and sitting on Loki's bed.

"How're you able to speak anyway?" Loki asked with his own arms folded as he interrogated his pet Niffler.

"I was able to speak by vibrating my spirituality outside my body after I drank the Nightmare potion, it just took me a little while to understand how to speak so I didn't speak before today."

"*sigh* and here I was thinking you were possessed by Riddle or something."


A sudden hissing noise emitted from Loki's collar as a snake crawled out of Loki's robes.

"What's he saying?" Loki asked the Niffler who was looking at the ring Loki was holding with greed.

"How do you think I'll know what he says?"

"You know? Like aren't you both animals? Can't you understand each other?"

"...I hate that it works like you think it does." The Niffler said indignantly and began to talk to the serpent.

"Can you ask if it can answer a few of my questions?" Loki asked pulling out a shiny coin from his pocket to tempt the Niffler.

*squeak* *Squeak*


"What do you want me to ask it?" Sunny asked looking at Loki.

Loki smiled and spoke elegantly, "Could you ask why its ability to kill using stares doesn't work on us?"

Sunny nodded looking at the snake and began to ask it questions, and after a little back and forth between the trio Loki concluded.

"So you're also a Beyonder? Sequence 8 Gravedigger of the Death Pathway? But how did you petrify them and where does the notion of looking into people's eyes and killing them come from?"


"He says it's because he can see the weakness of anything, an ability of the Sequence 8 Gravedigger, and uses his spirituality that he has a lot of to shock the weaknesses of those that see him directly."

"Shock the weaknesses? Using his spirituality? What? I don't get it. Is that how the petrifications came about? But I thought the text Mione found said it'd kill everyone it made eye contact with?"


"He says he cannot kill people, the result of his system-shocking spell is that people become petrified. The killing is just an understanding people have had from the past when they didn't know about petrifications."

"What is this system-shocking spell? How did he learn a spell in the first place?"


"It isn't a 'spell' it's more of a unique ability. When he drowns the 'weakness' of the enemy with a ton of spirituality, their souls and bodies fall into a mismatch because their bodies become confused about which spirituality is truly theirs.-"

"-And he is unique in pulling it off because Salazar Slytherin used rituals to stuff a large amount of spirituality into his body. To such a degree that any normal person would die and turn into an evil spirit before they saw any gains."

"Hmm….I see."


"It is also why he cannot advance to the next sequences in spite of living for so long, there is a high chance of him losing control because of the rituals that gave him so much spirituality."

"Is that so…does he live in the Chamber of Secrets?"


"No. He lives in the spirit world, like me. He only enters the chamber of secrets to hunt or when summoned."

"I see. What about the ring? Does he know about it?"


"That's his summoning ring. Salazar made it to make it easier to summon him."

"Fine then." Loki nodded and said, "I'm going to take a break now, my brain can't stand much more of all this. I'm tired. You can leave whenever you want to Mister Snake. You too Sunny."



With those words, the trio of animals, spirits and humans adjourned their meeting and comfortingly fell asleep in each other's company since it had been a long day and no one wanted to take each other's time to rest.


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