


A buzz and a shout later, Loki broke away from his thoughts as he looked at the plague doctor behind the counter.

He walked up to the person with a smile on his face that no one could see and waited for the person to ask him the password question.

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

"Spongebob Square Pants." Loki replied with a pump of his arm as he enjoyed the tune of the song.

The person behind the counter noticed but said nothing else and just waited for Loki to state his business.

Loki didn't know if the person had used a divination trick to come up with the password or was a reincarnated individual like him who had watched the show, but he plainly stated his business after pushing aside such thoughts.

"Would you happen to know where I can get the eyeball of a Sphinx and Runespoor scales?"

"That will be fifteen galleons." The person behind the counter stated almost immediately.

Loki frowned a little but he knew what he was getting himself into this time so he pulled out the exact amount from his purse and stacked it onto the table.

As the person behind the counter counted the stack of gold Galleons Loki asked them another question.

"What do I call you?"

Without lifting their head from the coins, the person as if having expected this, answered in a monotone voice, "R.O.B. You can call me Rob."

"...I see. Then Mr. Rob, what about my information?"

"Yes, here, take it.", Rob said placing a piece of parchment onto the table which Loki looked at and picked up.

"117 Knockturn Alley?" Loki was stunned for a second at seeing the familiar address and found himself at a loss.

'Did I just waste Fifteen Galleons for nothing?'

Loki flipped the parchment only to find further instructions written on its back.

'The items requested will be available during the coming full moon. The password to enter the gathering is, 'Blood fountain.''

Loki stared at the information and wondered about its accuracy a little, but seeing the confident posture of the plague doctor behind the counter, Loki gave up asking about it and made his way towards the exit.

'I guess I will be going to the Aurora Order gathering soon.'

'Hopefully, I won't have to work up a storm to get the items from there. I already have bad blood between me and the Order, I don't want to make it worse.'

Moving to the Black mansion with everything on hand, Loki dove into the Sefirah Castle to perform a series of Divinations.

'The Aurora Order gathering is dangerous for me.'

'The Aurora Order gathering is dangerous for me.'

'The Aurora Order gathering is dangerous for me.'

'The Aurora Order gathering is dangerous for me.'

The pendulum in his hand spun clockwise but slowly.

'So it is only a little dangerous? But what is the danger? The danger of being recognised? Or is there something else?'

'Is this a trap?'

Loki immediately performed another set of divinations to check if it was a trap but Loki found no movement to indicate anything, either wrong or right.

'Hmm…are they using a powerful anti-divination item? Or is it just me thinking too much?'

'Something that can block the divinations powered by the sefirah castle?'

'Then what's to say they didn't interfere with the divinations about the danger of me entering the place.'

'Damn, this is worrying or I'm spiralling.'

'Is Mr. Rob also involved in all of this?'

'No, I doubt it. He doesn't seem the sort to do anything like this, but I should take his information with a grain of salt and be wary of anything that could go wrong with this.'

'Should I just scout out the place and steal the ingredients from there?'

'But who has the ingredients? Is it a visitor that will arrive at the gathering or does Aurora Order themselves hold stock of the ingredients?'

'*sigh* what a tough situation. All this for measly Sequence 7 Potion ingredients.'

Leaving the Sefirah Castle Loki moved into the study where he began to continue his practice over moulding spirituality outside his body, and given his consistent practice over the last year, he'd grown considerably free in mastering this.

In fact, if given a few seconds, he could already even perform a few basic spells like the Cutting Charm and a few elemental charms like the Fire Making charm and Water one with nothing but a flick of his wand.

Loki breathed slowly and opened his eyes.

There was a certain sharpness to them that didn't exist before.

Loki concentrated on the target in the distance and after about three seconds of staring at the target a sudden whistle blew through the air.

If one concentrated with enough focus they would be able to see a thin wind needle made up of streams of air that tied into each other and culminated at the needle's tip, flying through the air at supersonic speeds towards the target.

The winds that formed the needle looked cold but sparkled occasionally. It felt like a combination of various elements of a cloud.

A blast of wind left the target as soon as the needle came in contact with it and a hole the size of a fist was blown through it even though the needle was only a few millimetres thin.

Loki looked at the hole closer and found it frozen at the edges under which were severe burns.

'It's pretty strong…'

'Tom wasn't wrong, this spell could probably blow a hole in a dragon's head…'

'But I'm still too slow.'

"What do you think?" Loki asked the Niffler who was busy admiring the Gold Galleon that Loki had given it.

"Too bad. I don't think you'll ever hit anything at the speed you were casting it, you need to get it down to under a few milliseconds to have anything effective." Sunny responded without taking his eyes away from the Galleon he was playing with.

"*sigh* I know! I know!! I was focused on being able to cast it without any wand movements until now, I will focus on speed from tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure. Just don't forget that we've got a plan to execute tomorrow." Sunny said in a bored tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I remember. How can I forget? I'm training for any untoward situations that might occur. It's better I have a well-sharpened weapon up my sleeve so that I can escape in time if something goes wrong."

Loki looked at his wand with a stern look and then at the target.

'I need to get it to at least under a second.' Loki thought and then went back to practising his elemental spell to create it without any wand movements.

Although Loki had managed to transform only a part of the spell into movementless casting, he was pretty close to getting the entire spell down. It was just going to take him about a week or so to be able to do so.

Before he fell asleep that day, Loki worked with Sunny who controlled a target shooting machine which allowed him to practice quickly aiming and firing his elemental spell wordlessly. His wand moved for the first half of the spell and stayed still for the next.

'I hope I don't have to use this…'


A/N : Extra chapter for crossing a hundred powerstones! Thank you for reading!

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