Third Task : LOL.

As the silent steps of the murderous cats and the heavy rushing of Krum vanished, the fog around the champions still on the stage loosened lightly.

Flickers of light started to appear in the fog prompting everyone to follow them.

"Are eh'you going to fellow the lits?" Fleur asked.

Harry nodded and Loki just said, "Why not? As long as they don't lead us to a trap we're probably good?"

Fleur nodded and then with Loki taking the lead, the rest of the champions followed behind him.

Normally Loki wouldn't have let anyone guard his back, but seeing how this wasn't going to do any 'real' harm to him and how Harry, the 'saviour' was standing behind him, Loki thought Fleur wouldn't be able to do anything even if she wanted like in the second round.

Following the faraway lights, the champions soon arrived at an old paved pathway. At its entrance was a tall statue of a knight holding a shield in one hand and a large staff in the other.

"Hmmm?" Loki all of a sudden felt like he just had a Deja Vu.

"Something wrong Loki?" Harry asked from behind but Loki just shook his head and continued walking and not even a few seconds later, they arrived across a troupe of six little, minion-sized, mechanical golems each holding either a staff or an axe of their own.

Fleur and Harry trained their wands on the alchemical golems but refrained from attacking since they'd seen what had happened to Krum earlier.

But Loki was just appalled.

'Seriously!? League?'

'The heck! First it was OW and now it's League?'

'Is 'Adam' an investor in Typhoon and Rebellion?'

Loki shook his head to get out the stray thoughts and focus on the match. 

'I guess blue's our colour then?' Loki thought looking at the alchemical golems marching by them as if they didn't exist.

'So Krum is our enemy?'

'Alright…I think I can work with that…'

'But isn't it unfair for Krum?'

Loki continued walking in spite of Fleur and Harry who were a little unnerved as they trotted deeper into terrain they practically couldn't see much off.

But as soon as the trio crossed the large statue of the knight that looked like it was guarding the path, the fog around them lifted just enough to reveal that their path was empty.

They still couldn't see outside the pathway, which made them pay full attention to the small branches that stuck out of the wall of fog on either side of their paths.

"Is something going to happen?" Harry asked without loosening his grip on his wand.

"I don't think so. I think this is just our side of the field."

"O'ur side?" Fleur asked.

"You'll see what I mean when we go in deeper. Follow me and don't attack anything that doesn't attack you first."

The two nodded and began to follow Loki.

Unlike what Loki expected they didn't come across a second large statue of a knight guarding the pathway but they directly made it through to the Nexus which was guarded entirely by an army of small minions.

"What ar-"

Before Harry could finish his question, a small screen formed in front of him.

"Huh? Whot iz' dis?" Fleur asked.

Harry looked over but he couldn't see Fleur's screen so he assumed it was just like his and spoke his guess, "I guess we can select our team? We are blue right?" Harry asked while looking at the colour of the robes on the minions that were guarding the nexus and then at Loki.

Loki nodded wordlessly before speaking in an almost singing tone.


Selecting the blue team option in front of him, Loki suddenly found his dark robes turning the same blue that the minions wore.

Harry did the same and his robes turned blue too.

Then they both looked at Fleur who looked at them with a frown before her robes turned blue too.

"I am in your team now?" Fleur asked and Harry nodded eagerly.


"If we are 'ze same team, how we 'zecide who wins?"

Harry was puzzled so he looked at Loki who just shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it's a similar system as last time? Depending on who does the most damage? Or perhaps like Mr. Bagman said, it will be decided based on love, courage and sacrifice?"

Fleur and Harry grew thoughtful for a moment, perhaps planning how they would showcase their love, courage and sacrifice before they were forced to focus again when the display in front of their eyes updated.

[Thank you for joining Heavenly Hunters.]

[Aim: You must destroy the nexus of your enemy before the enemy destroys yours.]

[Information about your world.]

[Three guardian turrets protect the three lanes that emerge out of your nexus. They will attack only your enemies and those that attack them.]

[The paths that branch off the paved pathways into the fog lead to several monsters that guard their territory in the jungle. Fighting and defeating these monsters will give you items that will help you immensely in taking down the enemy turrets. But that is not all that is possible.]

[It is recommended to split your team along the lanes so that you can help defend or attack the enemy in a more dispersed manner until you have the possibility of a breakthrough.]

[Good Luck Champions.]

The three champions all read their screens in nearly the same amount of time but Fleur spoke first.

"I will take charge of ze the central lane and the jungle."

Loki nodded and spoke calmly, "I'll go top lane."

Harry spoke last, "I'll go bottom then."

The trio then looked around the nexus and spotted the small minions spawning out of thin air around it before leaving through the gates to go to each lane in a group of five.

"If we need each other's help cast the large sparks charm. I'm sure even through the fog we'll be able to see something to help each other out."

Fleur and Harry nodded.

"Well follow them then.", Loki spoke calmly as they all agreed and followed the minions on their own lanes. "Good luck." Loki said to his teammates before vanishing into his top lane.

Loki did his best not to look too familiar with the arena laid out around him but he couldn't help curse 'Adam' in his mind.

'But is Krum alone on that side?'

'Or did 'Adam' balance out the teams with two more players for him?'

'While this somewhat resembles a war…it still feels like something is off?'

'And that fourth line, I have a bad feeling about it…'

'I have a hunch as to what it could be alluding to…but I doubt Harry's caught onto it yet.'

Eventually, Loki finally arrived at the enemy part of the lane.

The fog thickened as Loki followed the minions towards the Red Team's lane forcing him to create the updraft to push it away from himself until he could barely see the first minion that was walking towards the enemy guardian tower.

Loki's senses heightened, knowing that anyone planning to ambush him would be able to easily do so because of his suppressed vision.

But fortunately, Loki was able to arrive at the enemy Guardian turret without anyone detecting him, or more accurately without letting him know that he was being watched, if he was.

Loki stood back and watched the minions attack the turret for a few seconds. But most of them were taken out even before they reached close to the turret.

Once he saw that the minions were obliterated easily, Loki used a simple spell.

"Bombarda Maxima!!!" 

A streak of bright red light rushed through the fog and landed on the solid body of the Guardian Turret but nothing happened to it.

It was almost as if the turret was made out of adamantium.

Loki didn't even find a dent in it before the spell fizzled out.

'I hope Fleur finds those items in the jungle soon…'

That was when a shrill whistle caught Loki's attention.



'Sparks? Bottom lane? Harry's being attacked?' Loki quickly judged while trying to calculate the distance of the charm through the thick fog that dispersed away all the light making it seem very diffused.

'Hmmm…isn't it too soon? Or did 'everyone' in the red team rush there?'


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