Loki couldn't believe what was in front of him.
'Is it not possible to revive someone using a wish?'
'But Klein…'
'Is it only possible to revive oneself if you are a Mirakle Invoker?'
'...but the Disk of Wishes didn't work…it just failed, just like how it failed when I wished to go back in time!'
'It didn't lose power!'
'None of the other iterations of the wish work too! I can't just wish for her to appear in front of me and neither does the wish to see her again allow me to teleport to her position or anything else!'
Loki looked around and tried using spirit vision to sense the spirit threads and check if Daphne's spirit thread was still lingering to show that she was alive in some way, but there was nothing around him.
Loki felt a soft sense of dissociation.
His mind felt like something had forcibly halted its progression as his mind stopped for the first time in a while, generating no new ideas or even a single ripple of thought.
Loki found himself at a mental block as he tried to think of any possible way he could bring Daphne back. His hands trembled and his eyes reddened visibly but his brain didn't spit out any more ideas.
Suddenly a warm hand grasped his shoulder.
Loki's head turned to the hand which he traced to a simple woman who was looking at him with a solemn frown.
"Sorry. I should've known he would've done something like this."
Loki frowned.
"I know she's not dead. How? I don't know…but I just know it. She's definitely not dead."
Laura *sighed* and shook her head lightly.
"You don't need to deceive yourself. Things get hard sometimes. It is easy to lose yourself to the smallest mistakes during fights. It was my fault, you don't need to blame yourself."
Loki's eyes narrowed as he tried his best not to blink to prevent any tears from leaking from his wet eyes.
Loki then turned towards Hermione who was in a similar condition to his, he looked around at all the people around the area. Most of them stayed some distance away, but he could see it, the pitiful gaze on them all.
For some reason, Loki didn't like it. It felt irritating to him.
'Why are they pitying me?'
'Do they think they know what it's like to lose a person close to you!?'
Loki clenched his fist into a ball and grit his teeth with a frown. His eyes turned redder and redder but he quickly wiped away the feeling from himself by stealing his capability to feel pain.
Yet the empty hollowness somehow only made it worse.
His throat clenched, and it became mentally painful to even speak. He grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her away from the disastrous sight.
Harry was found by Laura, who quickly pacified him and pulled him out of his Mythical creature form using a strange mystical item and returned with him to the scene.
The return back to Hogwarts was silent, at least to Hermione and Loki who were acting like they couldn't hear a single sound in the world.
Laura apparated with them while the rest of the students apparated back to Hogsmeade on their own.
McGonagall was the first one to receive them and became shocked when she heard about Daphne's condition from Laura. She then quickly hurried away from the area and Harry, Hermione and Loki found themselves in the office of a rather madman.
"I've heard all about it from McGonagall. You fought the Dark Lord she said?" Moody asked looking curiously at Hermione and Harry while his magical eye spun around in its socket trying to figure Loki out.
Loki's condition was rather unique, although he had stolen his ability to feel pain or even any emotions, he hadn't stolen his thoughts. As such his brain was constantly working like a pinwheel in the wind to try and figure out how he could fix this mess.
Every single disturbance annoyed him further.
As such, Loki was in no mood to entertain the man and so he created an illusion that encompassed him to make it seem like he was paying attention to whatever the man was talking about.
In reality, however, Loki simply flicked his wrist and stole a simple part of the man's identity in front of him.
Loki stole all the effects of the Polyjuice potion that were lingering within the man.
The potion instantly transformed into a rune that flew towards him like a charm which Loki quite easily contained for later just in case he would have to ever use its effects to transform into someone else while he couldn't use his illusions.
With the effect of the poly juice potion gone, Moody quickly started to change. First were all the flabby wrinkles and scars on his face, but soon the mystical eyeball popped out of his socket and then his hair started growing with his bones rearranging themselves to form a much younger man.
The young man was startled but he quickly retaliated by looking at the three young kids and *shrieking* like a banshee.
It appeared that he was of the Hanged Man Pathway.
The sudden shout caught Harry and Hermione off guard as Barty Crouch Jr. took the moment to ignite their Body of Heart and Mind on fire and cause them to self-destruct before he wanted to run away from the area.
Too bad for him, however, Loki flicked his wrist again and stole Harry and Hermione's ability to feel emotions, stopping their descent into madness immediately.
Loki hadn't done this just because he was bored. He'd done it as an act of immediate revenge against Voldemort.
But Loki only looked at it all with a bored expression.
He knew it was better to perhaps use the man in some way to get closer to Voldemort and retaliate with something stronger, except his brain wasn't working right for now. It felt like he was spinning in circles, chasing a phantom pain that he couldn't quite pinpoint the origin of.
The door suddenly smashed open and in came Dumbledore and the other professors who looked bewildered at the scene in front of them.
Barty Crouch Jr. had thoughts of rebelling and taking the children hostage, but Loki stole them too and he was left standing there like a bumbling idiot trying to figure out what he had to do.
Loki had already tuned out all the professors and teachers interrogating Barty Crouch Jr. before they knocked him out and turned towards Loki, Harry and Hermione to know more about what had happened in Knockturn Alley.
"Loki, what about you? You've stayed silent till now. Since you fought 'Him' the most, do you really think he's back?" McGonagall asked while Snape scowled looking at her.
Snape had avoided getting Loki into the conversation till now since he could clearly see he was hurting and so, when McGonagall tried roping him into the conversation he gave her a scowl.
"You don't need to answer if you feel uncomfortable about it." Snape interrupted.
Loki sent an appreciative nod his way before he spoke with a sad smile.
"Voldemor-" Loki paused, he stopped himself and continued after fixing his words, "'He' was strong. 'He' was trying to perform some sort of ritual I think. Miss Laura was close to defeating 'Him' when she arrived and she almost did since I saw 'Him' lose control. But almost immediately it felt like someone else entered and took control of 'His' body."
"Someone else took control of his body?" Dumbledore asked calmly while Snape's scowl only deepened.
Loki nodded. "I didn't see who it was using spirit vision, since I felt my spirituality fail to activate it and voices warn me about it. But that very fact confirms that I wasn't supposed to directly look at what was in front of me."
All the adults in the room took in a sharp breath before Harry interrupted.
"I think something like that happened too. When I was in my incomplete mythical creature form, I suddenly felt an immense sense of danger that set off my instincts to run away from the area."
"Hmmm~..." Dumbledore thought for a few seconds before nodding.
"You lot have been through a lot. And you have all done much more than any person your age could have hoped! For now however, you all need to rest. Minerva, please escort them to the Hospital Wing."
McGonagall nodded before turning to pick up the children and leave Dumbledore and Snape alone in the room with Barty Crouch Jr.
Loki returned back to his listless look as he was about to quietly follow the deputy headmistress on his way to the Hospital Wing but Harry suddenly asked a question.
"Professor Dumbledore, how did you fail to notice all this when the Unspeakables were clearly aware of it all and preparing for it!?"
"Why didn't you just warn me!?"
"Daphne might not have had to die if you'd just told me!!"
A/N : Join my Patreon (p@treon.com/hooin_kyoma_au) to read 24 chapters ahead for just $3.