Loki sent a thin blanket of spirituality over the coffin and caused its runes to show up.
The intricacy and skill required to carve the complex runes on the coffin were impeccable. But in front of a pseudo master of alchemy and rune crafting, Loki could easily spot several flaws that he could exploit in this work of art.
Loki flicked his wand rather casually and created a special shape with his spirituality that shot out and landed on the coffin.
And instead of a loud bang or even a soft click there was only silence for a few seconds before the runes on the coffin visibly started to rearrange themselves as the symbol Loki drew with his spirituality started to unfold and crawl around the entire box like a mould or parasite that was growing by consuming the wards on the box.
The continuous ripples that were sent across the surface of the wards protecting the coffin, made it seem like the individual components were trembling because of Loki's spell.
But Loki wasn't done.
Switching to his spirit vision quickly, Loki searched for his target with the help of its spirit body threads.
To any normal person or even a high-level Beyonder of a pathway with strong spirit vision, Walburga's body would look sick and her soul would only look corrupted. But none would be able to point out the reason for it all happening.
Loki's first ideas about how to help here Walburga were based on trying to help Walburga gain anchors by creating a following for her such that she wouldn't have to depend on Salazar Slytherin anymore like the other Beyonders.
But Loki knew that doing such a thing was extremely risky, especially because several other High Sequence Beyonders would immediately be able to connect the events of the two things happening.
But now he had another option opened up to him.
A new method that had only risen above the horizon after drinking his Sequence 4 Parasite potion.
He could clearly feel that given time, he could very easily siphon of the life of his host and slowly make them lose control while extending his own life span drastically.
The idea had left Loki with a simple and almost poetic solution to the entire problem.
Loki would simply and elegantly subject the demon to exactly what it had been doing all this time.
Loki had used his Beyonder ability through the indirection of the Sefirah Castle so that he could keep his attack hidden from the demon.
He was parasitizing the runes on the coffin box with the help of a worm of time from his Mythical Creature form.
Specifically, Loki was modifying the runes on the coffin box to do the exact opposite of what it had been programmed to do.
The coffin box was suddenly going to extract all the life energy of the person inside it instead of helping the person preserve it.
But the target of the coffin was no longer Walburga.
As soon as Loki's spell captured the runes on the entire box it began to slowly infiltrate and attack Walburga herself, trying its very best to devour her.
Or at least that was what it would've looked like to other people until a sudden shrill screeeaaaccccchhh filled the air, pouring out of the coffin like a banshee trapped in a well.
The pulsing runes that had been consumed slowly started to tremble wildly under the continuous maddening screeches that erupted from inside the coffin.
A swirling dark portal opened up beside the coffin for a moment as whatever made the sounds tried to guide it into the Abyss but with a simple flick of Loki's hand the portal vanished as if it never existed.
Loki had stolen away the creature's ability to open portals to the Abyss. And since the area was concealed by Salazar Slytherin himself, 'She' was never alerted of the event occurring.
The creature tried to do the exact same thing again and again, but Loki bluntly stopped its attempts at running away each time with little to no effort.
But the creature didn't stop and kept trying again and again since Loki had conveniently trapped it in a loop of thoughts.
Loki had manipulated its Body of Heart and Mind by stealing its thoughts whenever it saw the result of summoning a portal.
Since the creature didn't know that Loki was constantly shutting down its portal, it kept trying again and again failing to realise that it had already opened a portal and had failed in doing so.
Loki could've easily killed the creature by now, but it wasn't in his best interest to do so.
Since if he didn't return the life that the Creature stole from Walburga, she'd end up dying anyway, even if Loki freed her from the parasite.
And so Loki continued to work his magic.
The runes consumed by his life reversal spell started to rearrange themselves as Loki directed them like an orchestra conductor.
Each rune was pulled out of the array that was etched into the coffin before it was dragged around and rearranged into an entirely different sequence with a different target, the parasitic demon.
Where before the runes simmered down the life energy of Walburga so that she could live longer with what little life energy she had left, now the runes told a different story.
They were ruthlessly dragging out the life energy of the parasite and stuffing it into Walburga.
Of course, the demon and Walburga were deeply connected during this time but Loki didn't know if he could separate them without doing something drastic. And since it was only for a short amount of time, Loki left it as it is.
The screeching only got louder as Loki continued rearranging the runes, making the connection between the parasite and the coffin stronger by each passing second.
Slowly Loki started to hear something inside the coffin try and create deep trenches into the thick enchanted wood, but nothing inside could scratch its way outside.
It seemed that the Black Family ancestors had made the coffin out of wood strong enough to withstand the family member inside the coffin becoming a creature that had lost control.
Loki flinched a little as he imagined how painful it must be for Walburga to go through what he was doing. But he knew it was for her best that this process was done as fast as possible.
Like ripping off a bandaid in one jerk to feel the least pain you could.
Loki's eyes suddenly narrowed, however.
Walburga stepped right through the coffin.
Although the coffin was meant to keep a maddened creature inside it, its makers hadn't realised that its occupant could deceive the laws of nature.
Loki had bet on the fact that he could keep the demon distracted for long enough to kill it immediately when Walburga was safe and done, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
It seemed like the demon had realised that Loki was messing with its mind and used the mystical item it was using to parasite Walburga to simply deceive the coffin's runes about their position.
As such, Walburga who had just been scratching the unbreakable coffin door, with enough force to break her nails, suddenly appeared in front of Loki.
"You wouldn't happen to remember me would you Grandma?" Loki asked with a wry smile as he looked at Walburga whose eyes were crimson red.
Blood leaked from her fingers and hands as they dripped at her feet.
A warm puff of air was released from her nose as Loki spotted the simple demon climb over he shoulder as it stared at Loki with a menacing look.
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