Plans Of An Evil God.

In the first few moments Walburga tried to go closer to Loki's soul she felt a strange dissonance. As if she couldn't make out the difference between herself and Loki anymore.

She felt it was rather easy to parasitise Loki and kill him if she wanted to.

But that was where the feeling of power ended. Almost instantly a sense of creeping hunger and madness took hold.

Walburga looked at Loki's soul and found herself staring at a dense grey fog pulsating and throbbing around Loki's soul. It felt like a barrier had been erected around it.

A feeling of inferiority that she'd never felt before in her life as a member of the Noble House of Black.

She suddenly felt like she was back in front of her Grandfather who'd displayed authority as a demigod to her and wowed her.

Yet Walburga didn't shout out in pain or even bow her head against it. Much unlike Sirius who was rambunctious in front of what he feared, Walburga only became more Noble. Her posture stiffened but it remained straight.

That was when Loki spoke using his thoughts again.

'As you can see…' Loki paused and-

'You have the protection of a True God.' Walburga completed.

'Precisely…and you can probably guess…'

'It came at a price.'

Loki nodded and explained, 'The price was to spread the name of Mr. Error around the world.'

Walburga frowned.

'So you indebted the Black family to a random Evil God?' Walburga didn't like this but Loki shook his head and made up a reason for his involvement again.

'It wasn't like I did this on purpose. I was taking stock of the old items in the underground vault and I happened to pick up a really old pinwheel that was just tossed away randomly. That night the pinwheel broke as a flood of red light engulfed me and teleported me to Mr. Error's divine kingdom.'

Walburga's frown deepened.

'I don't know how that pinwheel was related to 'Him', but it was. And now after taking 'His' help on certain matters, I'm indebted to help 'Him' in 'His' resurrection.'

Walburga nodded in understanding since the fate of Beyonders was not always a straightforward thing, simply possessing an item that is contaminated by the aura of an Evil God could change the course of one's life unknowingly.

'How did you take 'His' help in reviving me? Was it those weird spells you used?'

Loki nodded.

'There's a profound secret to the Magic that everyone uses. It is what maintains the sanity of various True Gods both Evil and otherwise. Mr. Error's aim is to introduce new spells to the world of Wizards and Witches. He aims to create anchors for himself through the usage of his spells and regain his sanity once he is revived.'

Walburga's eyes widened immediately but she didn't make any immediate comment, opting to digest the information instead of speaking mindlessly.


Loki waited patiently for her to speak and Walburga did after a few seconds.

'I understand. I can help you with that so you don't need to worry about that.'

Loki was about to *sigh* with relief when he heard that but then Walburga spoke with an unusually warm tone, 'I can do that much for a child in the Black Family house can't I?'

Loki didn't realise but the burden of his worry about Walburga not accepting or recognising him suddenly lightened. His body relaxed and he spoke in a similarly warm tone.

'As if I'd let you abandon me!! I'd stick to you like a parasite!!!'

Walburga laughed before warning him in a stern tone.

'If you ever become like Sirius, I'll take no time to beat you up and set you straight!'

'Ah…Sirius…' Loki suddenly had a weird expression on his face.

Walburga saw the several stray thoughts that popped up into Loki's mind with the most dominant one being womanizer and frowned.

'You went to Azkaban to meet him?'

'I mean…I did meet him…just not in Azkaban…'

Walburga frowned even more, 'He escaped from there?' Her tone was stern and her sentence was disapproving.

'....turns out he wasn't a mass murderer after all. It was Peter Pettigrew who faked his death and framed Sirius.'

'Are you serious!?' Walburga asked. Her voice gained a sharp glassy hint of threat while a soft tremble hinted at her own insecurities. Loki didn't want to turn their first meet-up after such a long time into a soppy one so he tried joking-

'I'm not 'serious', your son's name is 'Sirius'.'

There was an awkward pause after that where Walburga suddenly had a flashback to how terrible Loki's sense of style was but the short distraction gave her a better handle on her emotions.

That was when Loki spoke while gathtering three runes from around his body towards Walburga, 'Use the object you're holding to steal them and get back your normal body.'

Walburga suddenly felt a worm crawl into her thoughts as she looked at Loki and spoke in a gossipy tone.

'~why do you want your grandma to go away from you? Hmm~m? Hmm~m? Is it because you want to go somewhere to meet 'someone'?'

Loki just rolled his eyes and pushed the runes further into Walburga's soul until she was forced to steal them because he kept pushing them into her face.

Walburga returned to her body and after making sure everything was in its place she looked at Loki. They made eye contact for a second before Walburga smiled along with Loki.

"By the way, where are we? You never told me."

Loki explained casually since he didn't want to go in-depth about where they were, "Hogwarts."

And before Walburga could panic about Dumbledore Loki added-

"It's a room that not even 'He' can look into so don't worry about something happening."

Walburga frowned at this piece of information but she nodded since she trusted Loki.

"Let's return. I'll have to leave without greeting Sirius though."

"Why? Did he do something to you?" Walburga asked in a stern tone that was almost begging to scold her child by pulling on his ear.

Loki shook his head to stifle his laughter over imagining Sirius being scolded by Walburga before he spoke jovially, "I haven't met him in my real body ever. I met him in the divine kingdom of Mr. Error."

Walburga's eyes widened, "Even-"

"-Yes. You can see how closely the Black Family's fate is tied to 'Him'."

Walburga nodded, her eyes narrowing to show she was taking this matter with extra seriousness now. If before it was a ten on a scale of one to ten, now it was a twenty on the same scale.

"So please don't tell him about me. I'll reveal myself to him later on, but for now, I don't want to."

Walburga nodded even though she didn't really understand why Loki insisted on staying away from her son.

Loki vanished for a few seconds and returned after having stolen Skele-Gro from the Hogwarts mataron for helping heal Walburga's broken bones.

"This is a modified version of the skele-gro potion to work on Beyonders. It should work immediately but it'll also cause a ton of pa-"

Before Loki could finish his sentence, Walburga was already gulping down the entire bottle.

And true to her stance as a noble, Walburga made not a single sound as her broken bones snapped back into place and healed with a sickening *crunch* that caused even Loki to wince.

Teleporting the empty bottle away, Loki extended his hand to Walburga before taking her hand and vanishing from the place they were standing, reappearing in the Black Family Manor's underground vault.

Loki looked at the sobbing, drunk Sirius who was complaining loudly about the illusory coffin he had set up before looking at Walburga and speaking while keeping their conversation from reaching Sirius.

"He just learnt that you were in the basement in the Divine Kingdom."

Walburga nodded. She was confused as to how Loki had created such a realistic illusion but she chalked it up to the new 'Evil God's' powers.

Staying invisible the entire time, Loki replaced the illusory coffin with the real one and helped Walburga get back into it before nodding to her.

"I'll leave the rest to you from here Grandma."

Walburga nodded with a warm smile. She tussled Loki's hair a little for fun before turning away from him to look at Sirius who was positively wasted.

'Tsk. No elegance! I better teach him to become a proper heir!'

Loki noticed this and a funny idea crept into his mind.

Since Sirius was so wasted, Loki easily planted a simple thought into the man which he thought was perfectly reasonable and logical.

"If you were still here Mom, I'd do anything you would've asked of me! I'd even have sworn to never go out in the night again!! I'd become the perfect heir you always wanted me to be!!! I would've made you proud! If only you were here…"

Walburga's brows rose before a smile walked onto her face.

Loki looked at the scene for a last time, watching with an amused expression at the perfection he'd created before he vanished.


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