Consuming Excess.

Loki sat down in his room in the Leaky Cauldron that was sealed off from the outside by walls of spirituality, his eyes focused on the Beyonder Characteristics that he had forced to be expelled out of the ring he'd looted from the spirit that parasitised Walburga.

They were the excess Beyonder Characteristics in the Sequence 3 Mentor of Deceit Beyonder Characteristics within the ring.

Loki was consuming them so that he could make stronger avatars in the future when he eventually reached Sequence 2.

Loki picked up a clear beaker and splashed in all the subsidiary ingredients, creating a baby pink potion that was waiting for the main ingredients.

Not delaying things anymore after having already divined that the current time was suitable for the consumption of the parasite potion once again, Loki tossed the Beyodner Characteristics into the beaker and watched it bubble and sink into the concoction, turning its colour from the baby pink it was before to a deep sea green.

Loki quickly verified that the potion was normal and didn't contain any corruption or such before slogging the entire this in a single gulp.

Loki's skin bubbled and morphed for a few seconds, but all abnormalities receded after Loki used cogitation to calm his spirit and mind.

Loki didn't feel any more powerful than before, but he did feel 'fuller'. It felt as if he was holding more of something inside the container that was his spirit and his body.

Loki flexed his muscles for a few seconds and even used his ability to steal random things from the well-off people walking in the alleyway beside the Leaky Cauldron to test his skill and abilities before he returned them to stray orphans or beggars that were mixed with them based on his Sequence 9 acting principles.

'Everything's functioning smoothly.'

With the short experiments conducted to his satisfaction, Loki lifted the wall of spirituality and used his whistle to call Rowley. And with the flick of his hand, Loki used his illusory abilities to create a simple letter that was directed towards Cassandra Trelawney.

*Hoot* *Hoot*

The owl emerged out of the portal to the spirit world and landed on Loki's shoulder who just gave it the letter which it clamped down on using its claws and flew back into the spirit world after taking a few well-deserved pets and scratches.

'I promised to show her my abilities when I became a Demigod. But I think I can do better. I can just explain to her the runes that it uses and how it can be replicated through magic with my help…'

'The only way to complete the advancement ritual for Sequence 3 is this…and it is also the fastest way for me to digest the Parasite potion…'

'I need to set things up properly though…'

'All in due time.'

'But I do wonder why she needs it though…'

'What use would she have of them? Is it a part of some sort of advancement ritual to become a Sequence 3 Cognizer? Like the Sequence 3 Mystocologist that needs to analyse a drop of blood of a Mythical Creature?' 

Not even a minute later, Rowley returned with a letter of its own. Loki examined the letter for a few seconds and quickly opened it to study what was written in it.

Inside were the simple words-

"You can meet us tomorrow. If you have no issues regarding my request I would like to see your abilities then."

Loki nodded and burned away the letter before turning towards the next person he had to talk to who could help him with what he was going to do next.

Loki closed his eyes for a second as he imagined the place he wanted to be at, and then without a word or a sound, Loki vanished from his room in the Leaky Cauldron before reappearing in a simple garden.

Loki looked around at the plants and various creatures that were rushing around and busy in their own tasks like trimming the hedges and chasing gnomes around and smiled.

'This place still has that calming feel to it…'

'I think I understand why this place exists here a little better…'


Loki looked at the door and saw Nicholas looking at him with a warm smile.

"Sorry for coming in unannounced, but I didn't think my owl could find you without doing something rather extreme."

"Something urgent?" Nicholas asked with a frown when he heard that.

"Not really urgent…but I definitely wanted to be quick about what I was about to do."

Nicholas relaxed when Loki said that. "What do you want to do this time? Prenelle had a vision regarding your trip to the Abyss. Something related to that? The alchemical puppet? I doubt I can optimize the functions of the runes any better than you."

Loki laughed with a little embarrassment before shaking his head.

"Yes. I want to make sure that the Alchemical Construct I made can't be traced back to me. I'll be venturing into a rather dangerous part very soon and I don't want to be connected to it in anyway."

Nicholas' pupils dilated slightly before he frowned.

"What are you going to do with it? Where exactly do you want to send it?"

"The Core of the Abyss. I promised to save someone." Loki stated calmly, speaking in a firm tone that caused Nicholas' eyes to widen slightly but before Loki could say anything else, Nicholas did something completely unexpected.

"Prenelle!!! He's here! He's doing something even crazier!!! He plans to go into the core of the Abyss!!!"

Loki winced when he understood what Nicholas had just done.

"The hell did you do that for you snitch!!?" Loki whispered hoping that Prenelle hadn't heard what Nicholas had just shouted.

He slowly walked up to Loki and patted his shoulder while speaking with a good-natured smile that made Loki annoyed enough that the veins on his forehead started to twitch.

"Consider it payment for stressing me with your stupid ideas."

Loki frowned and shook his head before giving Nicholas his storage ring. "The construct is inside this. It contains a part of me and so I want you to make sure that nothing can bypass the protections in it and come at me. No curse, no magic, no nothing."

The part of him that was inside the construct wasn't Loki's soul, it was just a worm of time separated from his mythical creature form, but it was disguised using the Sequence 3 Mentor of Deceit Characteristic.

'This damn thing is even more temperamental than the Ring of Harvest…keeps trying to make me forget it exists so that it can parasitize me and take over my body!'

Nicholas just laughed before he vanished with the ring, leaving Loki standing still in the garden to stare at the open door where an old woman was looking at him with a frown and squinted eyes.

"What did I hear you doing?"

Loki *sighed* and started to explain-

"I mean…I'm not exactly going to there myse-"

The spatula in Prenelle's hand snapped.

Loki trembled a little and made sure to avoid eye contact with the woman while paying attention to the small alchemical creatures that were running around on the ground, their already chaotic runs made even more chaotic when Prenelle's divinity was imposed onto the world.

Loki heard heavy footsteps step out of the house and into the garden, he was worried that he was going to get beaten up like the last time, but since he was a Demigod this time he hoped it wouldn't hurt as much.

The footsteps stopped right in front of him and just as he was worried about being beaten up, Prenelle grasped his arm in her own and began to drag him into the house.

'Huh? This is out of expectations…'

"Where are we going?" Loki asked in a timid tone that was also confused.

"Expected something?" Prenelle asked, her tone was still harsh.

"I mean aren't you angry at me or something?"

Prenelle didn't stop and continued walking in silence for a few seconds before she spoke again, "I am. But I know I can't stop your idiocy. So we will prepare."


"Yes. Prepare for every eventual outcome so that you know what to do in case anything fails to go according to your plan."

Loki suddenly looked at Prenelle with wide eyes. He truly hadn't expected this.

Prenelle continued to talk and scold Loki for the next few minutes as they walked to her experimental room in the basement but Loki strangely felt a similar feeling from her that he felt from Walburga.

'Ah…this last year…it did a number on me didn't it…'

'But…wait a second…'

"Wait a second…" Loki said out loud. "By preparing me for the Abyss are you going to perform some dark ritual and modify my soul and make it stronger or something!?!?" Loki asked since Voldemort's resurrection was still fresh in his mind.

He knew it wasn't something Prenelle would ever do, but he just wanted to pull the old woman's leg.

Loki's eyes widened as he concluded this, pretending to really believe that Prenelle was in league with the dark wizards.

He saw Prennelle's lips tremble but then he saw her eyes turn even fiercer.

"Do you want to get beaten up again!?"

"No mam!!"

"Good. Then forget about such silly things."

Loki nodded but there was an irreplaceable smile on his face.

'They'll make good friends if they meet…'


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