chapter 6

Fiona's pov

"Pregnant!" The word kept on echoing in my ears. I was shocked, confused and very agitated.

"What do you mean pregnant, Rachel?" I asked, still in a state of shock.

"Mmmm, you are a month pregnant" she smiled at me, excited about the news. My mind went back to everything that the night I spent with Ryan in his chambers before he rejected me in front of my formal park.

"Rachel" I looked at her with pleading eyes, "you cannot let Sebastian know about this"

"Why? It's good news. Who's the father?" She asked me. I looked at her, thoughts swirling in my head. I can't tell her

"Hmm, I don't know" I said to her

Her eyes widened, "wait was it a one night stand?" I nodded in agreement. "Oh, I'm sorry" she hugged me. I did not tell a lie though, I just did not call his name.

"So what are you going to do?" She asked after she disconnected from the hug.

"Nothing, I'm going to keep it." I told her

"Would you tell my brother? He likes you and I think he deserves to know" I breathed out as I thought about her words. Sebastian truly deserves to know but I don't feel it was the right time to tell him.

"I would tell him, just don't say anything okay?" I asked her, wanting her to reassure me.

"I won't say anything but it won't take long before you start to show that you are pregnant. You better say something soon" Rachel gave her two cents of advice, as she picked up her stethoscope to go attend to other patients.

I watched her leave, as I sat down in her office unable to move. It felt like the walls were closing in on me.

"I thought I had a fresh start, away from Ryan and the she-devil Sabrina. Why should this happen to me, moon goddess?" I asked but no answer came.

I picked up myself and walked back to my room. I laid down on the bed , my thoughts swirling about what I should do. I hated Ryan and what he did to me, the embarrassment and betrayal I felt from my own pack stung me like a bee.

Just then I heard a knock on my door disrupting my thoughts, "come in"

The door pushed open and Sebastian walked in, his aura filled the room. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. He walked towards me with a smile on his face.

"Hey!" He greeted

"Hey Sebastian. How are you? I thought you would be busy with park work?" I asked him

"I am but Rachel told me that you were in her office few minutes ago but she wouldn't tell me if you were fine or not, so I decided to come check on you" He told me

"I'm fine Seb" I gave him a weak smile

"Seb? I like the name" he smirked at me. "So, what do you say we go for some running tonight?" He asked and my heart skipped again and not because of his handsome features but because he would discover the truth.

I looked up at me, my heart breaking that I would have to turn him down again.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I whispered

He looked at me, his blue eyes darken at the rejection "why?"

I looked everywhere else but his eyes. "I just don't feel the need to run" I said

"Fiona, you are a wolf. You need to let your wolf out from time to time" he tried to convince me.

"I just don't think it's time." I said as he looked at me suspiciously, "ever since you rescued me from the attack she had been asleep"

He looked shocked because it's rare to have your wolf sleep, it's almost similar to the other half of you dying.

"Fiona! Why did you not say something! We need to get you to Rachel" he held my hands as attempted to drag me to the doctors office.

I pulled my hands out of his grip "stop, I'm fine"

"You are not fine, your wolf…. She is in hibernation and that's deadly" he walked close to me as he held my hands and looked into my eyes, "what if she never wakes up again" he said in a soft voice.

My eyes filled with tears, knowing that my wolf would never wake up and not because of hibernation but because I don't have one. Sebastian cleaned my eyes and hugged me tight.

For the first time in a long while, I cried out my eyes. All the pain, humiliation and embarrassment I suffered, rushed back to me as Sebastian hugged me.

"Shhh, it's okay. Your wolf will definitely wake up, it would take some time and practice but she would wake up" he offered words of encouragement, he pulled me to the bed and sat down.

"You need all the rest you can get okay? So…. lay down and I would get the maid to bring you food" he made me lie down as he tucked me in. He then planted a kiss on my forehead before he turned to leave but stopped when he reached the door.

"And Fiona, we can do something else other than going for a run, is that okay?" He asked and smiled at his thoughtfulness

"I would like that" I smiled, he returned it before he left.

I watched the door close, I felt the guilt of lying to him eat me up constantly. I shouldn't be lying like this but I don't know what he would do when he finds out the truth about me. That I am just a useless Omega with no wolf.

Would he treat me the way Ryan treated me? Would he treat me better knowing I'm carrying Ryan's child?

My head was spinning and my eyes closing slowly, as the hands of sleep slowly washed over me. Soon enough my eyes were closed.