Chapter 14

Ryan's pov

My wolf Wave has begun to get active for no reason. I could hear a little heartbeat, I looked for the source and it was coming from Fiona. When did she have a little heartbeat and why can I hear it?

The little heart beat was coming from her stomach, and it meant only one thing.

"Fiona is Pregnant"

I looked up from her stomach to meet her eyes. Her face was drained from color and it confirmed my suspicions.

I turned and backed out immediately, the only reason I can hear the baby's heartbeat is because I'm the father. I can't deal with this now, I still have a ceremony to plan.

I walked back to my throne, with different thoughts in my head.

Fiona's pov

"He knows!"

"Ryan knows!"

My heart raced knowing about this information. I felt like I was choking, I needed air. I looked around for an escape route.

"Seb, I will be back. I feel choked up, I need to catch my breath"

Sebastian looked at me with a questioning look, "are you okay?"

I swallowed hard knowing that it is not true "yes I am. I just need air" I lied through my teeth.

"Okay, Stella should go with you" He suggested

"No…..I would be back quickly" I said to him as I got dressed and walked out of the hall. I could feel stares but ignore them. I need to get out of here.

With the direction from the guards and Servants, I stood in the middle of the garden. My heart racing, my anxiety rising, I walked back and forth to calm myself.

"I need to go for run" A voice tells me

"Yes, that's what I should do. I need to clear my head"

I grabbed my gown and dashed into the forest which was connected to the garden. I ran as fast my leg could carry me. Deeper and deeper into the forest I ran.

All of a sudden I felt a surge of energy bust through me and I began to pick up speed. It was like the more I ran, the more I could breathe and I finally felt like I had been living wrong the entire time.

I paused at a clearing, breathing heavily but I did not feel a hit of exhaustion. The full moon was at its peak, I could feel it more than I have felt it in all my life. I was confused but I felt excited to feel the full moon effect for the very first time.

Just then my ears picked up a sound which normally I shouldn't be able to pick up.

"Who's there?" I asked but I was met with silence.

"Show yourself!" I yelled and in the darkness I could see its red eyes staring back at me.

"Rouges!" I whispered to myself, just then a brown wolf appeared out of the darkness, growling at me and ready to attack.

I swallowed hard, knowing how bad it looked. The last time I came face to face with a rogue wolf, I was almost killed.

"I need to get out of here" I said to myself and turned on my heels and began to run. I ran as fast as my legs could get me, but I could still feel the rogue wolf behind me.

"I'm not going to make it." I thought to myself, "my baby!"

I pushed further with the wolf just behind me, I could see lights ahead and I knew it was the pack. I need to get over there and I will be safe.

Just as I was about to come out of the forest, something jumped me from the side making me fall face flat.

"Ahhhhh! Shit!" I felt the impact of the fall. I looked up to see another wolf, the brown wolf finally caught up with me and both of them circled me like a predator would do to their prey.

I stood up and knew I can't be weak, my baby's life is at stake. I need to fight even if it means the death of me. I assumed my fight stance as I looked at the wolves waiting for them to attack.

Just then, one jumped on me with full force pushing me back as my back hit a tree. The impact from the hit made me dizzy, I shook my head to clear the effect.

"I need to be strong" I said to myself, I looked around and saw a stick which I can use to defend myself. I picked it up, swung it at the wolves and it made them back off but in a few minutes I was disarmed by the gray wolf that attacked me from the side.

The gray wolf jumped on me, using its paws to hit me on my stomach. The hit was powerful enough to bring me down to my knees as I began to cough out blood.

"My baby! Sebastian!" I yelled but nobody could hear me from the forest.

I was beginning to lose strength, just then I heard a loud echo on my head, I placed my hands on my head as I fell on to the floor. I was beginning to lose consciousness.

"My baby! Please have mercy" I said repeatedly .

Just a few minutes before I lost consciousness, I saw a female figure.

"Take care of her and dumb her body in the forest" I heard the lady say, I know that voice but I was slipping away to pinpoint the voice.

Then it all went dark.

Sabrina's pov

I walked into the forest to see Fiona putting up a fight against my two strongest wolves. I picked up the stick which was close by and hit her on the head.

She fell down to her feet but before she lost consciousness, she kept repeating to keep her baby safe.

"Her baby? Fiona is pregnant?"

"Victor!" I called out as I walked back to the event to avoid suspicions

"Make sure everything goes according to plan, do not leave anything unturned and draw blood from her and run it to the lab. That bitch cannot be pregnant"

"Yes your highness!"

"Fuck!" I screamed as my mind was already giving me a clue of who the father was.