Chapter 32

Fiona's pov

As I paced up and down my room, waiting for Sebastian to come back and give me an update on what happened. I had been restless for a while as I tried to restrain myself from doing anything that would upset Seb.

Just then my door opened and Seb walked in. He had his normal aura around him but his eyes softened when he saw me. I ran to him, as I was expecting answers about what happened.

"Where is Rachel? Did you capture her? What's going on?" I asked him

He held my shoulders "Hey, calm down! Rachel is in jail as she awaits trial tomorrow"

My mind was finally at ease but I still wanted to see her and know why she did what she did. "Can I see her?" I asked

"No, you can't. She will be in court tomorrow so it's not necessary. The good thing is that she was caught before any damage was done."

He pulled me closer as he hugged me, "Now let's get you to bed"