"Mr. Winslow, what exactly did you say or do to my friend?" Arwen asked, her gaze narrowed at Aiden.
Aiden raised a brow at her, feigning complete innocence. "What did I do?"
"That's what I am asking you. What did you do?" she repeated. She might not have said anything all this while because Carl, Eira and Amelia were around. But it wasn't that she didn't notice that Gianna had been behaving strangely since Aiden showed up. There was something surely.
He shrugged. "I didn't nothing."
Arwen took her steps to him. Standing right in front of him, she looked up, further narrowing her eyes. "You want me to believe that?" she said, her voice coming soft but clearly carrying confidence. "Gianna was clearly looking out of the place today which shouldn't have been the case given you two had known each other. Why was that?"