
"Don't you also think I am dumb?" Arwen asked suddenly, noticing Aiden's unwavering gaze on her even moments after she finished speaking. 

"Dumb?" Aiden repeated, his brows arching slightly. 

A disdainful smile curled Arwen's lips and she nodded. "If I had said all that to Gianna, she would have told me I am dumb enough not to blame Ryan for anything. Especially after he left me to die there on the spot of accident," she said, her tone self-deprecating.

Aiden stared at her for a moment, before shaking his head. "You are not dumb," he said firmly. 

She blinked at him in surprise. He continued, his voice steady yet gentle "Your attitude might be hard to understand, but not difficult enough to be blamed. You are just trying to erase him from your life —to make it as if he was never truly a part of it, neither in the past nor in the present. And that's why you simply refuse to give him any sort of importance."