Men usually carry their beloved’s picture in their wallet.

Back at Winslow Residence, 

Arwen was, as usual, working from home. She had nothing to visit the office for, so she decided to stay back and company Gianna. 

But little did she expect that all the while she stayed, Gianna would have no chill. She would keep pestering her with one or the other question after every few minutes. 



Arwen snapped towards her before Gianna could even begin again. But then, seeing her blink like an innocent, curious puppy, she didn't know how to react. 

In the end, she just sighed and asked in a tired tone, "Why are you having so many questions today? Didn't you use to hate getting disturbed while you read books?" 

She tilted her chin towards the book she was holding in her hand. She was sure that since the moment they had come back to the room, Gianna had barely read even a page properly. She was simply not at all focused.