Chairman —but in name only.

It was not easy for them to get a contract with Winslow Globals, so their fear of losing it just after they secured it was not for nothing. 

They dreaded that all their efforts and energies would go to waste. 

It had taken them a century of effort and fortune to attach their names to the Winslows, and they were terrified that it would amount to nothing …soon. 

Their instincts were telling it to them … not allowing them to ease. 

After all, the person they were trifling with was no other but 'Aiden Winslow'. 

But even if they were now scared of losing everything, there was nothing they could do. 

This was a mistake that cannot be undone. 

They have already made a mistake by choosing the wrong side. And once chosen, they couldn't undo it. 

As their nervousness clenched their hearts, they could do nothing but watch the rest celebrate a victory … that might never come in the future.