Chapter 6 - The Final Stretch

The government adds a few new abilities, and I am shocked to see their new items added, such as; Infinite fuel, and more stamina for the machine.

I fly up almost immediately to help the man, but, I don't see him. It's like he's trapped inside of the Void fighting matter and anti-matter.

I go up and punch the machine 500+ times, I fly up into space, throwing the machine into the endless Void. But before I did, I made sure I told the man, I'll miss you man.

I charge up the energy using the infinite fuel to create a massive shock wave of infinite fire, and I blast it at the anti matter and it collided with space causing me to get trapped into the finite collision, making me temporarily lost in the utter darkness of the universe.

The homeless man and everyone on earth are happy, but are in disbelief as I get lost in the dark universe and now that the ball was permanently trapped, everyone was safe for ever and ever more from that trap.