Chapter 2: Alina, The Mother of Alan

The years pass by as Alina, now a young adult, she enters her home with a plate of food for her mother Kiru, as she is still training to become stronger. Alina's mother then asks her if she's still planning on seeing her old friend Orvus, to which she says 'yes' if she knew where to find him. All she can do right now is build her own team as she heard about a tournament coming. Several days ago, Alina saw a sign talk about a tournament being held at the arena so she signs up in order to be squad leader of her own team.

At the battle arena, Alina is in her Elite Saiyan Battle Armor as she stands with the combatants as the referee explains the rules of how the tournament goes, each fighter has to win two fights in order to earn a merit for squad leader.

Videl has arrived to see her best friend fight and win the tournament. "Hey Alina, glad I made to see you accomplish your dream of being squad leader." Videl said. "Glad you're here as well, since you volunteered to be the first on to join." Alina said, Videl then asked if she knows who she's fighting first. Alina tells her she has a good point as she doesn't know as well. But little did she know, her past would come back to haunt her in the form of Aikon, the barian saiyan who had sworn revenge against her for humiliating him years ago. As Aikon spotted Alina in the arena, a sinister grin spread across his face, his desire for vengeance burning hotter than ever. With a sense of determination fueled by his desire for revenge, Aikon prepared himself for the fight ahead, his mind set on giving Alina the ultimate thrashing for the humiliation he had endured. And as the battle began, the stage was set for a showdown between two bitter rivals, each determined to emerge victorious at any cost.

Later, the battle is about to start and aikon was already on the stadium area ready to fight.

"Hmph! Is she gonna run away or face me? Either way, this'll be an easy win for me."

Alina arrives and is ready to fight her childhood bully. The fight begins and aikon launches towards her ready to break her. The stadium was packed with spectators witnessed an intense fight between the two warriors. Aikon, overconfident as always, charged at Alina, throwing punch after punch and kick after kick, only to be dodged by her incredible agility. Alina, the nimble fighter, landed a few well-placed strikes of her own, including a powerful kick straight to aikon's face, leaving him dazed and confused.

"Why you little...that's the last time you'll make a fool of me!"

But aikon was a formidable opponent, and he soon recovered from the surprise attack. He grasped Alina's ankle, slamming her brutally onto the ground and even lifting her by her hair, which made her see stars and caused her to scream in agony. However, Alina's resilience shone through as she fought back with powerful kicks to aikon's face, though he simply absorbed the blows and retaliated with a devastating knee to her gut, windoning her and leaving her struggling to breathe.

Alina's speed was her ultimate asset, and she used it wisely to dodge Aikon's energy strike. She took the opportunity to deliver two powerful blows to his face, but Aikon was a hardy fighter and simply shrugged them off. With a mighty kick, he sent Alina hurtling towards the edge of the stadium. Her body bruised and battered, Alina winced in pain as she struggled to maintain her balance.

"Darn it! I should've seen that coming...*cough* I took my speed for granted...*cough cough* It can't...end like this...I have to think of something fast or...*cough* he'll kill me..."

In that moment, Alina was trying to gain the strength to get up and continue fighting. Just as she gets back up, aikon tries to blasts her but she dodged it and kicks aikon on the face and head again so hard her attack makes him slide back and just before Alina hits him again, aikon counters and hits her again and she lands on the ground, aikon stomps on alina's ankle breaking it and making her scream in pain again.

"Not so confident without your speedy little legs now, ain'tcha? Though, I gotta admit, you put up a better fight than I thought. But it's over now"

After some beatings, torture, and ankle breaking, Aikon flies up to the air and begins powering and attack strong enough to end alina's life.

Alina, amidst the searing pain radiating from her broken ankle, marshaled her inner strength and willpower to haul herself back to her feet. With a determination bordering on obsession, she ignored the agonizing protest of her injured ankle and launched herself at aikon like a trajectory drawn by some twisted fate. Her well-aimed kick connected with aikon's face, sending him reeling backwards, the force of the impact propelling him across the stadium until he crashed into the ground, dazed and disoriented. Alina, propelled by an unwavering resolve, followed up with a devastating blow to his temple, rendering him unconscious. Despite her victory in the exchange, Alina's injured ankle gave way, and she collapsed to her knees, the sweet taste of victory Soured by the pain that shot through her body.

Despite her own injuries, Alina managed to land gracefully, bearing the weight of her body on her uninjured leg. She knelt there, victorious but exhausted. The queen, witnessing the conclusion of the fight, declared Alina the unequivocal winner, and the crowd erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause. Alina's perseverance and courage had carried her through, and she stood tall, relishing her hard-earned triumph.

As Aikon's defeat at the hands of Alina became apparent once again, his anger and frustration boiled over, fueling the flames of his already burning hatred towards her and the Spluffs. With each blow delivered by Alina's skilled hands, Aikon's resentment grew deeper, his desire for revenge consuming him from within.

Videl rushes in to help Alina and congradulate her on her first win. "Great job out there, your first fight and you win. And, you look terrible by the way." Videl said. "Don't ruin this moment for me, I'm still savoring it." Alina weakly responded.

Her best friend carries her to the medical room and Healing Tank. The doctors and nurses help out as Alina is healing and they're amazed by her resiliance survivng against a barian. After a few hours, Alina was fully healed and geared up after washing herself up. Back at the arena, Alina was ready for her 2nd opponent. The announcer introduces her opponent who happens to be another barian named Nappa, who is also another saiyan barian and is bigger than her and is muscular. Nappa, a hulking figure of pure muscle and power, exuded an aura of intimidation. He was a true force to be reckoned with, and Alina knew she'd need to bring her A-game if she were to overcome this challenge. But she wasn't afraid, not after what she had already endured and overcome. Bring it on, she thought!

As Nappa stood before Alina, his eyesgleaming with malice and contempt, he unleashed a torrent of verbal assaults, aiming to break Alina's focus and unnerve her. But Alina, ever the stalwart warrior, remained unwavering. She brushed off the insults with a nonchalant shrug, her eyes burning with determination. The insults merely served to fuel her fire, and she stood proud, ready to demonstrate her worth.

Amidst the electric atmosphere, the queen stepped forward, her voice resonating through the arena. With a majestic sweep of her hand, she signaled the beginning of the long-awaited clash. Like two trains approaching at full speed, Alina and Nappa charged at each other, their auras radiating intense power.

The initial moments of the battle were a blur of rapid movements and clashings blows. Alina's agility and precision matched Nappa's brute strength and larger frame blow for blow. Her skillful maneuvers and swift strikes found their mark, answering his relentless assaults.

With each exchange, the crowd held its breath, witnessing the incredible display of fighting prowess from both warriors. It was as if the very elements of combat had been distilled into this breathtaking exchange—a testament to the pinnacle of martial arts excellence.

Alina's blows were precise and calculated, striking with the force of a force of nature. Her skills, honed through rigorous training and an unyielding spirit, allowed her to match Nappa's might blow for blow. The battle raged on, a testament to the indomitable human spirit, as Alina's determination knew no bounds.

Despite Nappa's muscular prowess and intimidating presence, Alina refused to be intimidated. She drew upon her inner strength, drawing inspiration from the resilience that had carried her through previous trials. With each clash, she found new reserves of power, pushing herself beyond her limits.

The battle between Alina and Nappa intensified with every passing moment, their struggle a symphony of martial arts mastery. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, witnessing the incredible display of skill and resilience, as these two mighty warriors pushed each other to their limits. Nappa, the formidable saiyan barian, realized that Alina was no ordinary opponent. He had underestimated her skills, and now he was in for a real fight. Channeling his immense power and enduring stamina, Nappa intensified his assault, aiming to overpower Alina with sheer brute force.

The tides of the battle turned in Nappa's favor as he unleashed a seemingly relentless barrage of powerful strikes. Alina found herself on the defensive, her every effort matching his might a valiant struggle. Blow after blow, Nappa's attacks grew more forceful, each aimed at breaking Alina's defenses and testing her resolve.

Yet Alina refused to yield. Her heart burned with the fire of determination, and she fought with all her might, using her agility and cunning to evade Nappa's relentless attacks. She returned each blow with calculated precision, ensuring that every strike counted. The crowd held its breath, witnessing the grit and determination on Alina's face as she dug deep into her reservoir of strength.

Despite Nappa's growing dominance, Alina's resilience and unwavering spirit kept her in the fight. She adjusted her strategy, exploiting Nappa's minor flaws and attempting to wear him down. With each exchange, she learned his fighting style, adapting and evolving her techniques to counter his every move.

The battle raged on, the intense clash of powers reverberating through the arena. Alina's perseverance inspired the crowd, and their cheers egged her on. She fought not just for herself but for the hope and determination that burned within every underdog's soul. Videl's eyes were fixated on the intense battle between Alina and Nappa, her heart racing with anxiety and admiration for her best friend. She witnessed Alina's unwavering determination and resilience as she continued to hold her own against the formidable barian warrior. It was a sight to behold, seeing Alina's relentless kicks and strikes, each one a testament to her unwavering spirit.

Amidst the electric atmosphere of the arena, where warriors clashed in epic battles, there stood two fearless combatants, locked in a fierce struggle that pushed the boundaries of physical might and endurance. Alina, the fearless fighter with an unbreakable spirit, found herself engaged in a grueling contest of skills against the muscular saiyan barian, Nappa.

The battle, a testament to sheer determination, witnessed Alina weathering Nappa's powerful assaults with remarkable resilience. Her every move spoke of a warrior who refused to back down, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Punches and kicks landed with force, each exchange a symphony of grunts and clashes that kept the crowd on the edge of their seats.

Yet, fate had more twists in store. As Nappa unleashed a devastating counterattack, Alina's resolve was put to the ultimate test. The mighty saiyan warrior pinned her down, his sinister grin reflecting an unpleasant intention. The situation seemed dire, but Alina's determination burned brighter than ever. Watching intently from the sidelines, Alina's best friend Videl felt a torrent of emotions. Fear for Alina's safety warred with admiration for her tenacity. She witnessed her friend's unwavering resistance, a shining example of courage, as Alina refused to succumb to Nappa's demands to surrender. Alina's grit inspired Videl, reminding her of the strength that resided within them all.

In a swift and ingenious maneuver, Alina unleashed a hidden weapon—her tail—snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. With a fierce jerk, she freed herself, employing her adeptness to reverse the tide of the battle. A brilliant flash of energy later, and Nappa was sent careening into the arena walls, leaving him defeated and disoriented.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy, their cheers reverberating through the arena, as Alina stood victorious. Her perseverance had paid off, proving without a doubt that she was an unstoppable force.

The queen, with a majestic sweep of her hand, signaled Alina's triumph. With unwavering authority, she pronounced Alina the victor of the tournament, elevating her to the esteemed rank of Squad Leader. This honor bestowed upon Alina the opportunity to forge her own team, an elite force that would traverse the cosmos, leaving an indelible mark on the universe.

As the crowd erupted into a standing ovation, Alina's heart swelled with pride and responsibility. She knew that this was only the beginning—a precipice where the boundaries of possibility had yet to be defined. And so, the tale of Alina's triumph spread, inspiring future warriors and reminding all who heard it that the human spirit, when fueled by determination, knows no limits. As the audience erupted in a standing ovation, acknowledging Alina's breathtaking victory, a beaming Videl hurried into the arena. With eyes shimmering with a mixture of pride and relief, she wrapped her arms around Alina in a tight embrace, showering her with congratulations. "You did it, Alina! I knew you had it in you!" Videl exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

Alina, still reeling from the adrenaline rush of the intense battle, felt the warmth of Videl's hug. A wave of gratitude washed over her as she returned the embrace, grateful for the unwavering support of her dearest friend. "We did it, Vid," Alina replied, her voice thick with emotion. "Without you, I wouldn't have made it this far. You're the best friend a girl could ask for!"

Together, the two friends shared a moment of triumph and camaraderie, their laughter mixing with the cheers of the crowd. Alina's victory tasted that much sweeter when celebrated with the one who had stood by her through thick and thin.

As they pulled apart, beaming smiles on their faces, Videl noticed the bruise forming on Alina's cheek from Nappa's forceful blow. With gentle concern, Videl traced the mark, her thumb softly brushing Alina's skin. "Are you okay, Alina? That brute really gave you a beating."

Alina, still buzzing from the battle's aftermath, waved it off playfully. "Ah, it's nothing a little recovery time won't heal. Besides, the win makes it all worthwhile!" She winked, displaying her trademark grit and humor.

"You're something else, you know that?" Videl replied, shaking her head in amusement and admiration. "But enough celebrating for now. The medics will want to check you over, make sure you're in one piece."

Alina's eyes widened playfully. "Hey, I'm fine, promise! But you're right, I should probably let them take a look." Alina turned to the queen and bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for this opportunity. I promise to make the most of my new role and represent our world with honor."

The queen, a gracious smile on her face, returned the gesture. "Well done, Alina. Your courage and determination inspire us all. Now go, tend to your injuries, and may your path ahead be a glorious one." Alina and Videl, arm in arm, left the arena, ready to embrace the new adventures that awaited them. Their bond, strengthened by shared trials, would continue to sustain them through the challenges yet to come. The medical room buzzed with activity, a contrast to the calm within the healing chamber. Alina, encased in the translucent cocoon, floated peacefully, her body undergoing a rapid regeneration process. The chamber's soft hum provided a soothing backdrop to the bustling room.

Seated beside the healing chamber, Videl kept Alina's hand in hers, a silent gesture of support. She witnessed the monitors and sensors enveloping her friend, ensuring a swift recovery from the battle's rigors. Fascination mingled with anxiety as she observed the intricate readings and fluctuations on the futuristic dashboard.

Alina, her eyes gently closed, felt the warmth of Videl's presence like a comforting blanket. The chamber's tranquil atmosphereinduced a serene state, welcoming healing and introspection. "This is definitely an otherworldly experience," Alina mused softly. "Hard to believe we're living through such adventures."

Videl chuckled, her thumb gently stroking Alina's hand. "You're telling me! Remember when we used to daydream about being warriors, fighting alongside the elite? And now look at us, part of an elite fighting force, flying saucers and all." She shook her head in disbelief. "It's like we're living in a comic book!"

Alina smiled, her thoughts meandering through their shared memories. "It's surreal, isn't it? But I couldn't be prouder of us and everyone who fights alongside us. We've come a long way from our innocent days of daydreaming."

The two friends lapsed into a comfortable silence, content in each other's company. Outside the healing chamber, the medical team buzzed around, their attentive eyes and expert hands ensuring Alina's swift return to full health.

"You know," Videl began, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and hesitation, "I've been thinking about joining your squad when you form it officially. I mean, if you want me along for the ride."

Alina's eyes snapped open, and she squeezed Videl's hand tightly. "You'd do that? For me?" Her voice mirrored the excitement and surprise etched across her face.

"Of course! Our adventures would be even more unforgettable with both of us together," Videl reasoned. "Imagine the fun we'd have exploring new planets, meeting new friends, and kicking some bad guy butt!"

Alina's heart swelled at the prospect. "It'd be incredible, having you by my side throughout this journey. A fresh pair of eyes, a new perspective—our own dynamic duo!" The idea of having Videl as a constant companion on her upcoming missions brought an unexpected sense of joy and comfort.

"That is, if you'd have me," Videl added shyly.

"Oh, you're definitely in, videl!" Alina declared, their shared excitement momentarily drowning out the hum of the healing chamber. "The squad would be honorably incomplete without you, my dear friend." And so, amidst the whirlwind of post-battle activities, a new chapter was forged—a chapter that promised fresh adventures and unforgettable memories for Alina and Videl, a dynamic duo embarked on a cosmic journey like no other.

As the healing chamber's doors glided open, Alina emerged, restored and rejuvenated from her battle wounds. The soft glow of the medical room gave way to the bustling activity outside, where excited whispers about her recent victory echoed down the corridors.

Alina, feeling refreshed and energized, beamed with anticipation. She turned to Videl, her eyes shimmering with a spark of excitement. "Ready to embark on our next adventure?"

Videl returned her gaze, her face alight with exhilaration. "You bet I am! I've always wanted to explore the cosmos, and now our dreams are becoming reality. Plus, kicking some bad guys' asses along the way sounds like a bonus!"

Alina laughed, her infectious chuckle filling the air. "Then it's settled! We're off to Planet Cereal!" she announced, clapping her hands together.

The mention of their destination piqued the curiosity of those nearby, and whispers of the mysterious planet filled the air.

Queen Casava II, aware of their eagerness, approached the duo with a gracious smile. "Planet Cereal awaits you, Warriors. A distress signal was received, and your presence is requested to investigate." She paused, her eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. "It's a mysterious place, shrouded in both beauty and danger. Your skills will be put to the test."

With her newfound freedom, Alina, Videl, and two Saiyans embarked on a journey to Planet Cereal, a vibrant world inhabited by the friendly and welcoming Cerealians. As they explored the city and immersed themselves in the local culture, Alina and Videl formed a deep bond with a Cerealian named Muezli, forging a friendship that transcended the boundaries of their respective species.

Together, they embarked on new adventures, exploring the wonders of the universe and forging lasting connections with beings from all walks of life. And as they journeyed onwards, Alina and her friends knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their quest for adventure, friendship, and the pursuit of a brighter future.

Then, in the midst of the civilization, Alina spots a familiar face from her childhood. It was Orvus, the new leader of the Zoni. Alina flies towards him and hugs him happy to see her friend.

Orvus was happy to see his best friend after 10 years, as well as Videl. The three friends are reunited and begin to talk about how their lives have been doing, Orvus became the new leader of the zoni and finished building The Great Clock, and Alina has become a squad leader. As their reunion goes on, an alarm goes off and has their attention as a mysterious spaceship appears with an army of soldiers and ships following. Orvus, Alina, Videl, and Alan head to the city to help defend the cerealians. The ones leading this army were the Heeters, a rich and powerful family intel group who exist in the Prime Universe and brokers for the Dragoon Force, acting as intermediaries for planets Magica conquers. As the Heeters' spaceship descended upon Planet Cereal, the unsuspecting Cerealians initially mistook them for friendly visitors, only to be met with devastation as the true intentions of the invaders were revealed. The Heeters, acting as intermediaries for the Dragoon Empire, wasted no time in unleashing chaos and destruction upon the city and its inhabitants.

In the face of overwhelming adversity, the brave Cerealians rallied together, determined to defend their home against the ruthless invaders. Despite their valiant efforts, they found themselves outmatched by the superior technology and firepower of the Heeters, their once-thriving city reduced to rubble in the wake of the onslaught.

Amidst the chaos, Elec and his family cornered Muezli inside a building, threatening her safety and forcing her into a desperate situation. But just as all hope seemed lost, Alan, ever resourceful and quick-thinking, created a diversion, providing Muezli with the opportunity to escape the clutches of their captors. With Alan's help, Muezli fled the crumbling city, her heart heavy with the weight of loss and uncertainty. But as they made their escape, they vowed to fight on, determined to seek justice for their fallen brethren and reclaim their home from the clutches of tyranny. And with the support of her newfound allies, she knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their quest for freedom.

Using his Scouter, Elec determines that there are the two Saiyans, One Zoni, and One Night Light on Cereal and detects another survivor in the mountains. Alan takes Muezli to the Hideout's location. An elf named Zalama, senses Alan and attempts to attack him, only to be easily thwarted by the Night Light. Zalama calms down when he sees the female Cerealian with him. Muezli asks Zalama for shelter, which he happily accepts. Alan tells them to stay hidden and lie low, as Aikon is on his way to Cereal. Before he goes, Zalama asks for his name and treats his arm with Healing. Suddenly, Alan detects someone with his Scouter and discovers Orvus, Alina, and Videl in the distance. Alan, Zalama, and Muezli are relieved to see their friends here and okay.

But, Elec manage to find them and is surprised to see a Night Light, a Zoni, and two Spluffette Saiyans on Planet Cereal. "I might have known a night light and spluffettes would be here, rebelling against Magica. I'm sure she won't like that when I explain to her about this level of insubortination." Elec said with a smirk.

"Leave them out of this. Those two are not combatants, nor did they attack anyone! They're harmless." Alan growled.

Elec laughed at this hypocrisy and tells Alan that they were just doing their job executing any life on other planets for Magica to rule and this just angers Alan even more. But, Elec couldn't care less and just turned to his ship after finishing their mission until Alan rushed him and chopped him in the back of the neck knocking him out. Alan then heads off to find his friends but then sees that Elec used a remote to call for back up.

Orvus explains that the heeters were discussing their plan to scam the Sugarians and usurp Stolas one day.

"Not only that, Elec let somebody know were here." Alan said.

"This is bad. We need to head out of here and find a safe haven away from the heeters immediately." Videl said.

"I was born here! And I will see out my days here." Zalama refused.

"I would rather die than flee from those lowlifes." Muezli also refused.

The two inhabitants refused to leave their home to the heeters, so the group agreed to stay and fight. But any thoughts about what magica might do were thrown aside, when what elec had warned Alan about, reared it's ugly and small head. A small child who looked similar to elec and was the same height as Alan approached them outside. His name was Gas, the leader of the heeters, he rarely spoke and was rarely seen in public as he was reduced to a small child's body for some reason, but folks around the galaxy knew he was the strongest among all four of the heeter family. Gas gazed at them in silence and spotted the slumped body of his younger brother, his eye twitched and then his focus returned to the group.

"Which one of you did this?" Gas demanded.

Alina flinched a little bit and gas spotted the flinch. Alan was the one to step forward with a gaze similar to gas'.

"I did it. He wouldn't stop talking so I shut him up." Alan answered.

Gas was not happy to hear this and charged towards Alan and Orvus with them charging towards gas and the three begin fighting. The others head inside zalama's home for him to retrieve something that could help them. A capsule pod appears opening up to reveal two small orbs with stars on them. Zalama explains to the group that they are called Wish Stars, magical orbs created by Lunamescent, when both orbs are together they can grant a wish for anything they desire.

Back outside, Alan, Orvus, and Gas continue their fight with them outclassing each other. "Not bad kid, you seem to be able to match me easily." Alan giving credit to gas. Gas was getting tiresome of this fight. "Why do persist on going forward? What do you hope to achieve?" Gas asked.

"Ah, smart. Actually I've been sizing you up to what you were like as a fighter. Plus we know you've been holding back, so come on, show us what you got."

But as they watched Alan, Orvus, and Gas engage in their intense struggle, they realized that their fight was far from over, and that they would need to stand united if they were to overcome the looming threat of the Heeters and protect their home from destruction.

Gas sighed and remembered that his brother was in danger. Having been abandoned by the interloopers, he powered up to his beast form even though he didn't want to and knew the ramifications. The fight grew more intense however Alan and Orvus did not show any signs of slowing down nor did they back down from this. Gas was getting more and more frustrated with not getting anything done. Gas becomes so furious at the constant disruptions he unleashes his inner instincts fully. Alan and Orvus continue to fight back harder, explaining to the confused Gas that their kind evolve every time they are pushed past their limits and proceeds to defeat Gas with a powerful energy blast. Having watched the end of the battle, Elec approaches the now exhausted and witnesses his older brother killed by Alan and blasts him and Orvus at the arm.

Alan and Orvus scream in pain and fires another energy blast at Elec, killing him.

Sometime later, Zalama makes his way over to Alan congratulating him on winning the battle. Only for Alan to fall down with a big injury on him.

"ORVUS! ALAN!" Alina and Videl rushed over to their friends to attend to their injuries.

As Alan lay injured, his friends rushed to his side, concern etched on their faces as they tended to his wounds. Zalama, impressed by Alan's victory but concerned for his well-being, approached to offer his congratulations, only to be met with the sight of Alan and Orvus' injuries.

With Alina and Videl's help, they attended to Alan and Orvus' wounds, their thoughts weighed down by the gravity of the situation. Despite their relief at the defeat of the Heeters, Alina couldn't shake the realization of what Alan had done. By eliminating Gas and his brother, Alan and Orvus had struck a decisive blow against the Heeters, but the consequences of his actions would reverberate far beyond the confines of their small world.

Yet Alan remained steadfast in his belief that his actions would ultimately benefit their cause. With the Heeters out of the picture, he reasoned, the Dragoon Empire would be forced to divert its attention elsewhere, easing the pressure on the Spluffettes and granting them a reprieve from Magica's relentless pursuit.

Though the path ahead remained uncertain, Alan's resolve remained unshaken. With the support of his friends by his side, he remained determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead, confident that together they could weather any storm and emerge victorious in the end.

Zalama actually agrees with this and brings the two Wish Stars summoning the wish granting Dragon, Toronbo and asks him if he can restore all the cerealians killed by the Heeters. Toronbo grants the wish and everyone was brought back to life. They then cheer for those who saved their planet and brought them back to life. Muezli was and Zalama were grateful to Alan and friends for their help and saving their planet. Just as they were about to head off, Muezli stops them and talks about the offer of going with Orvus and the others and decides to accept it and goes with the cast to explore the galaxy with Zalama supporting her. Muezli asks Zalama what he plans on doing with the second wish, to which he tells her in secret for her to surprise the others.

After that, Alina asks Muezli what Zalama was telling her and she explains everything to everyone.


One of Magica's Dragoon-nauts are not quite sure which makes magica more angry and have his troops head to the planet's original location in hopes of making it return but to no avail. Magica then hears that the Heeters have been disbanded and two members have been disposed of by an unkown source.

This makes Magica at least somewhat happy that one obstacle is out of his way and decides to head to another world no longer focused on the spluffettes...for now. Magica had a new plan, a plan that will help her conquer the entire universe.

She began learning about 7 magical Star beings who have the power to grant wishes with the power of a magical wand and a powerful star that can give the user invincible power, leading to her planning to find the 7 Star Spirits, the Star Rod, and the Super Star.

With the Cerealians miraculously restored and their planet saved, the group celebrated their victory and the newfound hope that had been restored to the once-devastated world. As they prepared to depart on their next adventure, Muezli's decision to join them added another member to their growing band of allies, each one bringing their own unique skills and strengths to the group.

Back on Saiya, Queen Casava commended the group for their efforts and encouraged them to take some time to rest and recuperate. Alan and Orvus, now fully recovered from their injuries, joined their friends in the medical chamber, ready to embark on their next adventure together. With their bonds stronger than ever and their resolve unshakable, the group prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that as long as they stood united, they could overcome any obstacle in their path.

"Hey girls. How was the report?" Alan asked.

"Casava was impressed by our work. How are you two feeling?" Alina asked.

"All healed up and back up to full strength." Orvus answered.

"Well, the queen said we should take a breather, so why don't we just head to earth for a vacation." Videl suggested.

One Year later, Alan tells his friends that he's leaving to finish his destiny. They ask him for what reason and he explains that there will be a new hero about to be born soon so he must pass the role of "King of all Night Lights" to this hero as his successor.

The group didn't want their friend to leave but they understood it was a night light tradition for them to become stars and watch over the cosmos. But, before that, Alan then talked to Orvus in private about his reincarnation into a new night light, and orvus is surprised by this as Alan explains that he has a hunch that the luminary prophecy is about to come true. Orvus wanted to tell Alina and Videl about this but Alan tells him not yet as that time will come when the hero must face the "Coming Storm".

Orvus understands and the two meet up with the girls with them asking what they were doing, and they tell them that it was just plans for a going away party.

On earth, Alan's "Going Away" Party has begun in Spluff Grove as they all feast, drink, and dance with the spluffettes. Muezli had met the spluffs her new friends talked about and got to know them better and enjoy earth as well. After the party, Alan says his farewell and disappears into star dust. His friends will miss their friend, but little did they besides orvus know, a new hero of the stars was about to continue the Night Lights' legacy.