Tribute to the Morningstar!

The moment Lucifer crossed the threshold, the party seemed to hold its breath. Then, like a wave crashing against the shore, it surged towards him.

"Holy shit, it's really him!"

"The Morningstar!"

"Did you see what he did downtown?"

"Is it true he can shoot fire from his eyes?"

The barrage of questions and exclamations washed over Lucifer, threatening to drown him. He felt Ezra's hand on the small of his back, grounding him, as she deftly maneuvered them through the crowd.

Sasha materialized from the throng, her usual hoodie and jeans replaced by a sleek cocktail dress that looked about as comfortable as a straitjacket. "Lu! You made it!" Her smile was a bit too bright, her eyes darting between Lucifer and Ezra with poorly concealed curiosity.

"Wouldn't miss it," Lucifer replied, accepting the red cup she thrust into his hands. He sniffed it cautiously – fruit punch with a kick that could probably fuel a rocket.