Polygamous devil!

The next day, Piper felt like her head had been stuffed with rocks and then ran over by a steamroller. She stumbled out of bed, her hair looking like a bird's nest.

The remnants of her nightmare clung to her like a bad hangover.

"Fucking three-headed psycho bitch," she grumbled, dragging her feet across the floor. "Who dreams about Cerberus with a butcher knife anyway? Stupid brain."

As she shuffled towards the kitchen, the siren call of coffee pulling her forward, Piper became aware of voices. Female voices. Multiple female voices, all seeming to come from the same place. Her sleep-addled brain struggled to process this information.

"Great," she mumbled. "Now I'm hallucinating. Or Luci's brought home an orgy."

She pushed open the kitchen door, her eyes still half-closed, ready to tell whoever was there to keep it down. But as her gaze focused on the scene before her, Piper felt her heart stop.