Cen Lingqiu returned home to find Wenzhi in the middle of a game. Hearing her come in, Wenzhi glanced up and exclaimed, "Whoa—what happened to your face?"

She quickly moved to Cen Lingqiu's side, her eyes widening as she took in the scratches and bruises. "And your neck—did someone try to assassinate you?"

Cen Lingqiu chuckled, shaking her head. "Nothing like that. Can you help me clean up my face? My right hand isn't very convenient right now."

"Oh, sure." Wenzhi grabbed the first aid kit and began tending to her wounds. Her curiosity got the better of her as she asked, "So, what happened? Did Yu Mingjiao do this? Did you provoke her or something?"

"Which question should I answer first?" Cen Lingqiu responded with a sigh. "I didn't provoke anyone."

"Then what's with the marks on your neck?" Wenzhi frowned as she carefully applied ointment. "It looks like someone tried to strangle you."

Cen Lingqiu avoided the question, replying vaguely, "There were some complications, but it's nothing serious."

Wenzhi's expression grew concerned. "Lingqiu, what's going on between you and Yu Mingjiao? You used to despise her, but now you want me to keep an eye on her. What are you trying to do? I really can't figure you out anymore."

Cen Lingqiu's gaze turned distant, and she fell silent. She knew Wenzhi couldn't possibly understand the truth—no one in this world could. She couldn't reveal that her soul had taken over this body, or that everything she did was driven by her own mission.

Some secrets could never be shared.

Meanwhile, Yu Mingjiao's younger sister, Yu Sui'an, was still caught up in her studies and didn't have much time to visit her. After their argument, she became even more stubborn, deciding not to reach out to Yu Mingjiao at all.

Cen Lingqiu continued her usual interactions with Yu Mingjiao, but the atmosphere between them had grown colder and more distant. It wasn't Cen Lingqiu who had changed—it was Yu Mingjiao. She had become even more withdrawn, barely responding to Cen Lingqiu's attempts at conversation. Previously, she would at least answer with a simple "mm" or nod, but now she remained completely silent.

Worse still, Yu Mingjiao had started to reject Cen Lingqiu's gestures of kindness. She refused the food Cen Lingqiu prepared for her, insisted on taking taxis instead of accepting rides on rainy days, and generally kept her distance.

Cen Lingqiu was baffled by this shift. Had she done something wrong?

She didn't think she had, especially considering she hadn't held any grudge against Yu Mingjiao for nearly strangling her to death. So why was Yu Mingjiao the one acting upset?

Unable to make sense of it, Cen Lingqiu consulted the system again. "What's Yu Mingjiao's current self-destructive index?"

The system responded, "Seventy-five percent. It's decreased by five percent."

This made Yu Mingjiao's behavior even more puzzling. Her emotional state seemed stable, without any signs of extreme thoughts. So where was this strange behavior coming from?

Cen Lingqiu couldn't figure it out, but since Yu Mingjiao's odd behavior hadn't caused any negative repercussions, she decided to let it go. She chalked it up to youthful stubbornness.

Later that day, after finishing some translation work, Cen Lingqiu made a trip to her original family's home.

Her parents were prominent figures in the construction industry, leading a company that had dominated the market in Lan City for years. Their business extended into various other sectors, making them one of the city's most powerful families.

After parking her car and entering the house, she was greeted by a well-maintained middle-aged woman who warmly took her hand. "Lingqiu, have you been busy with work lately? It's been so long since you visited your mother."

Cen Lingqiu wasn't accustomed to this kind of familial warmth, so she felt a bit uncomfortable with her mother's affection. "Yes, I've been a bit busy. Sorry, Mother."

"No need to apologize to me," said the woman, Zhang Li, who had a kind and wealthy air about her. She patted Cen Lingqiu's hand. "Just take care of yourself. Come, let's have dinner. Your brother was finally let out by your grandfather today."

Following Zhang Li to the dining table, Cen Lingqiu was greeted by a cold look from her brother, Lin Dong. He had lost some weight, and it was clear that the time spent under their grandfather's strict punishment had been tough on him.

Lin Dong seemed to harbor some resentment toward Cen Lingqiu, likely because she hadn't taken his side during his recent troubles with the police. He gave her the cold shoulder, but Cen Lingqiu, sensing his mood, decided not to engage with him.

Throughout the meal, Cen Lingqiu was distracted, her thoughts wandering to the potential trouble Lin Dong could cause for Yu Mingjiao. The girl's self-destructive tendencies had only just started to decrease, and she worried that Lin Dong's reappearance might trigger a relapse, just as Yu Sui'an had done.

The thought made her head ache.

Why did Yu Mingjiao's life have to be filled with such troublesome people?

Zhang Li, noticing Lin Dong's lack of enthusiasm, tried to make small talk. She put a piece of sweet and sour pork on his plate and casually asked, "Lin Dong, I heard that Miss Li from the Li family has some free time and wants to play Go with you. You used to play together, didn't you? Why don't you meet up with her?"

Lin Dong scoffed, pushing the plate away. "I don't care about Go. Let her play by herself."

Zhang Li frowned, clearly displeased. "That girl is wonderful—smart, beautiful, and, most importantly, healthy. Why are you so fixated on that disabled girl? What's so special about her?"

Lin Dong ignored her, turning instead to Cen Lingqiu with a cold voice, "Sis, have you seen Yu Mingjiao lately?"

Cen Lingqiu continued eating, not even bothering to look up. "How would I know?"

"Why are you always avoiding talking about her?" Lin Dong asked, his confusion turning to frustration. "You weren't like this before."

"You're overthinking things," Cen Lingqiu replied dismissively.

"Sis!" Lin Dong pressed, his voice growing more intense. "You've been acting strange lately. Why aren't you giving me updates about her like you used to?"

Cen Lingqiu regretted not resisting Zhang Li's request to come home for dinner. Dealing with Lin Dong was giving her a headache.

"There's nothing to say."

Lin Dong's expression darkened, clearly unhappy with her vague answers.

Zhang Li sighed and set down her chopsticks, exasperated. "What's going on with you two? Fighting over a useless, disabled girl? What's so special about her?"

Cen Lingqiu and Lin Dong both fell silent, each lost in their thoughts.

After dinner, Cen Lingqiu had a brief chat with Zhang Li before leaving. Just as she was about to go, Zhang Li stopped her, speaking earnestly, "Lingqiu, please keep an eye on your brother. Make sure he doesn't get involved with that girl again. Every time they're together, something bad happens."

Cen Lingqiu thought to herself, The one who suffers when they're together is Yu Mingjiao.

Of course, she couldn't say that out loud, knowing it would only invite a long lecture. So she simply nodded and gave a noncommittal response, "I understand."

Zhang Li smiled in satisfaction. "Good. Don't forget we're meeting at Yueju next week."

Finally leaving the villa, Cen Lingqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

She really didn't like visiting the original owner's family. Zhang Li's excessive warmth made her uncomfortable, and Lin Dong's sulky demeanor only added to her irritation.

Glancing at the time, she realized it was almost time for Yu Mingjiao to be getting out of school. She decided to stop by and pick her up.

During the last class of the day, Yu Mingjiao was resting her head on her hand, staring blankly at the blackboard. Next to her, An Wu kept poking her arm with a pen.

Yu Mingjiao didn't respond, not particularly interested in whatever An Wu was trying to say.

But An Wu was persistent, continuing to poke until Yu Mingjiao finally grew irritated. She grabbed the pen and asked, her voice flat, "What is it?"

An Wu grinned sheepishly, glad to have finally gotten her attention. "Mingjiao, it's my birthday next week. Will you come to my party?"

"No," Yu Mingjiao replied coldly.

"Oh, come on," An Wu whined, tugging at Yu Mingjiao's sleeve. "I don't have many friends in college. You're one of them, so please come. It would mean a lot to me."

Yu Mingjiao didn't like parties. She hated crowds. "I'll give you a gift, but I'm not coming," she said, her tone unyielding.

"I don't need gifts. You know I'm not lacking anything. I just want someone to spend my birthday with. Please, just come."

But Yu Mingjiao remained indifferent, her decision firm.

Even as class ended and the students began to leave, An Wu kept pleading with her. Yu Mingjiao tuned out her chatter, calmly pushing her wheelchair out of the classroom.

Seeing her friend so insistent, An Wu sighed in disappointment. "Mingjiao, I'm being serious here. I really want you to come. It would make me so happy."

Yu Mingjiao paused for a moment, recalling something Cen Lingqiu had said to her during a power outage.

That woman had told her that ignoring people's words was impolite and would only make them unhappy.

She looked at An Wu, tilting her head slightly, her expression a mix of innocence and indifference. "Are you unhappy?"

An Wu pouted, "Anyone would be unhappy."

Yu Mingjiao didn't respond.

But that woman never seemed unhappy.

As they exited the school gates, An Wu continued to chatter, her voice buzzing like a cicada in summer. She even tugged at Yu Mingjiao's hand, preventing her from leaving.

Finally, Yu Mingjiao couldn't take it anymore. Pulling her hand free, she sighed, "Fine."

"Send me the location."

An Wu's face lit up with a smile. "Great!"

"Hey, Mingjiao, isn't that your sister?" An Wu asked, pointing to a figure approaching them.

Yu Mingjiao looked up.

Cen Lingqiu was walking toward them, dressed in a white satin blouse paired with deep gray trousers. Her black high heels clicked softly against the pavement, and her chestnut-colored hair was loose around her shoulders. A band-aid covered a small cut on her left cheek, and she wore a pair of silver-framed glasses, likely forgetting to wear her contact lenses.

Even with the band-aid, her pale, elegant features remained striking, her presence cool and aloof, distinct from those around her.

An Wu couldn't help but comment, "Mingjiao, your sister has such a unique aura. She really stands out."

"She's not my sister," Yu Mingjiao corrected for what felt like the hundredth time.

An Wu didn't seem to care. "Yeah, yeah. Sometimes calling someone 'sister' is just a term of endearment."

Yu Mingjiao: "..."

What nonsense.

Cen Lingqiu put her phone away as she approached, giving Yu Mingjiao a brief nod. "Ready to go home?"

"I'll go by myself," Yu Mingjiao replied.

Cen Lingqiu frowned, gently taking her wrist. "Why? It's no trouble for me."

Yu Mingjiao avoided her gaze. "I want to go alone."

Cen Lingqiu studied her carefully.

Although Yu Mingjiao's tone was as emotionless as usual, this time it carried an added layer of resistance, as if she was deliberately pushing Cen Lingqiu away.

Sensing the tension between them, An Wu tried to lighten the mood. "I can take Mingjiao home, too. We were planning to do some shopping anyway."

Seeing that Yu Mingjiao didn't object, Cen Lingqiu didn't push further. "Okay."

As the two girls left, An Wu couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Mingjiao, did you and that sister of yours have a fight?"


"Then what's going on? The vibe between you two felt really off today. You didn't seem like you wanted to see her."

Yu Mingjiao pressed her lips together.

It was true—she didn't want to see Cen Lingqiu.

Ever since the day she'd found herself feeling grateful to Cen Lingqiu, a sense of unease had taken root inside her. She realized that she was slowly forgetting the pain Cen Lingqiu had caused her, becoming lost in the memories of her kindness, the way she had helped her out of difficult situations time and again.

It was terrifying.

She no longer trusted anyone's concern, not after being deceived by those closest to her—her father, Yu Sui'an, and the people she should have been able to rely on. And certainly not by this woman.

She couldn't bear the thought of being tricked or humiliated again, of reliving that pain. She didn't want to betray herself.

Everything was a lie.

Yu Mingjiao stuffed her mind full of hatred, trying to drown out the conflicting emotions tearing at her sanity. The only way she knew to cope was to retreat into cold silence.

Just as she had at home, she began to distance herself again, shutting everyone out.

At the core of it, she still didn't fully trust Cen Lingqiu.

An Wu's birthday party was held at Yueju, a well-known restaurant and clubhouse famous for its high-quality ingredients and imported seasonings. The place was frequented by people who appreciated fine dining and didn't mind paying a premium for it.

An Wu had reserved a private room at the end of a corridor for her party. With her parents abroad on business, the guest list was limited to a few relatives and friends.

Yu Mingjiao arrived last. As soon as she entered, the room fell eerily silent, everyone's eyes on her.

Ignoring the stares, Yu Mingjiao approached An Wu. "Where do I sit?"

"Here," An Wu said, hurrying over to guide her. "You can sit next to me."

"Okay." Yu Mingjiao handed her the gift.

"Wow, thanks!"

Yu Mingjiao settled into her seat.

The conversation in the room slowly resumed, though some guests who hadn't met her before couldn't resist whispering to each other.

"Wow, she's gorgeous."

"Is her skin even real? It's so pale."

"She's so thin."

"Her face is just like a manga character's, you know? Like one of those beautiful, melancholic ghosts."

"Watch your words. Don't be rude."

Yu Mingjiao's sharp hearing picked up every word, but she ignored them all.

"But isn't she disabled?"

A soft male voice interjected. "She's in a wheelchair, isn't she? What a shame, with such a beautiful face."

The boy who spoke had glasses and a flushed face from drinking. He was muttering to the person next to him.

His companion quickly covered his mouth, whispering urgently, "Shut up. You shouldn't say things like that."

Glancing nervously at Yu Mingjiao, the boy met her cold, snake-like gaze and fell silent.

Sensing the tension, An Wu quickly tried to smooth things over. "Alright, everyone's here. Let me introduce you—this is my friend, Yu Mingjiao."

Yu Mingjiao gave them a curt nod, acknowledging the introduction with minimal effort.

The party continued in typical youthful fashion, with plenty of drinking and laughter. A few guests attempted to offer Yu Mingjiao drinks, but An Wu intercepted them, and those who weren't deterred by An Wu were scared off by Yu Mingjiao's icy demeanor.

Just as the boy had remarked earlier, Yu Mingjiao had an aura of a beautiful but gloomy ghost. She wore a black dress that accentuated her pale skin, her lips a vivid red. Her recent refusal to eat properly had made her even more gaunt, giving her a sharp, almost ethereal appearance.

Despite her stunning looks, she was too cold and unapproachable, so no one dared to strike up a conversation with her.

Yu Mingjiao found the noisy atmosphere stifling. She didn't like loud environments.

After quietly informing An Wu, she left the room.

On her way to the restroom, she unexpectedly ran into the last person she wanted to see.

Lin Dong was also at Yueju with his parents and grandfather for a family dinner. He had stepped out to smoke and spotted Yu Mingjiao in the hallway.

He hadn't forgotten how Yu Mingjiao had orchestrated his arrest, which had led to the most humiliating experience of his life—being questioned by the police and thrown into a holding cell like a common criminal.

Even after his grandfather bailed him out, the old man had broken one of his ribs and forced him to reflect on his actions for a month. His rib still ached from time to time.

And it was all thanks to Yu Mingjiao.

He had underestimated this fragile-looking woman.

"What a coincidence, Mingjiao," Lin Dong drawled as he slowly approached her.

Yu Mingjiao knew that trying to escape was pointless, so she stayed where she was, waiting to see what he would do.

"Thanks to you, I broke a rib and was locked up for a month," Lin Dong said, bending down to her eye level, a wicked grin on his lips. "Are you satisfied, Mingjiao?"

"Of course not," Yu Mingjiao replied coolly, meeting his gaze without flinching.

"I won't be satisfied until you're dead."

Lin Dong's grin faded, his expression darkening as veins bulged on his forehead.

Undeterred, Yu Mingjiao laughed coldly. "You look pathetic."

She knew she had struck a nerve.

"You must be feeling pretty good about yourself, thinking you've gotten the best of me. But I'll remind you—"

Lin Dong suddenly grabbed her wheelchair and dragged her into a nearby room that hadn't been cleared out yet. He slammed the door shut and locked it, ignoring the frantic knocking of the cleaning staff outside.

With a smirk, he leaned over her, his hands gripping the armrests on either side of her. "Mingjiao, you really are full of surprises."

Yu Mingjiao responded with a derisive smile.

"I thought I'd keep you locked up in the estate forever, but my sister went and took you out," Lin Dong continued, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "My sister seems to be treating you well lately. She doesn't even tell me where you are or what you're doing anymore."

In the past, Cen Lingqiu had kept a close watch on Yu Mingjiao, reporting every move she made to Lin Dong, which inevitably led to trouble for her. Much of Yu Mingjiao's suffering could be traced back to those reports.

But now Lin Dong was saying that Cen Lingqiu had stopped monitoring her.

Yu Mingjiao had hated being watched like that, as if she were some kind of pet that needed constant surveillance.

Had Cen Lingqiu really given up on that ridiculous behavior?

Yu Mingjiao blinked slowly, her gaze lowering as she drifted into thought.

Lin Dong seemed genuinely curious. "I wonder, Mingjiao, what did you do to my sister? She's not the type to soften easily."

"Why do you think that?" Yu Mingjiao mused, her finger idly tapping her cheek. Then she smiled, a chilling expression that sent a shiver down his spine.

"How about this—if you jump off this building, I'll tell you."

Lin Dong's eyes darkened, and he grabbed her chin.

"Yu Mingjiao, you should know when to stop. Do you really think my sister cares about you? Don't fool yourself. If you didn't look a bit like Ning Jia, neither she nor I would give you the time of day."

He laughed cruelly. "You should be grateful you resemble her. Otherwise, I'd make sure you wished you were dead."

Yu Mingjiao suddenly burst into laughter, covering her mouth with one hand as her eyes curved into a smile. She laughed so hard that her shoulders shook, her head tilting downward.

Though she was laughing, there was no warmth in it—only a sinister, unsettling quality.

Lin Dong's expression remained stony. "What's so funny?"

Still half-covering her mouth, Yu Mingjiao replied softly, "I'm laughing at how pathetic you are."

"In love with a ghost, aren't you?" She tilted her head, her voice slow and mocking.

"Besides, I heard that Ning Jia killed herself because she didn't want to marry you."

Yu Mingjiao's gaze pierced through him as she continued, her tone calm but cutting. "She would rather die than be with you. What are you being so sentimental about?"

Her gentle, melodic voice hit Lin Dong like a dagger, striking a nerve deep within him. His eyes widened, and he clenched his teeth, veins bulging in his neck.

"Crazy woman."

He raised his hand, intending to strike her, but the door suddenly swung open.

A group of people stood at the entrance—cleaning staff, An Wu, some of her friends, and, standing at the forefront, Cen Lingqiu.

Cen Lingqiu looked at Lin Dong, her annoyance evident as she ruffled her hair. "Lin Dong, what do you think you're doing? Do you want Grandpa to beat you again?"

"Sis," Lin Dong muttered, caught off guard.

"Father and Grandpa are looking for you," Cen Lingqiu said, gesturing toward the hallway. "Go back."

Lin Dong hesitated.

Cen Lingqiu added, "Grandpa's angry."

Lin Dong had been thoroughly cowed by their grandfather's punishment. Seeing the gathering crowd of cleaning staff and students watching him, he had no choice but to leave, though he did so grudgingly.

Before he left, Yu Mingjiao quietly called out to him.

Lin Dong turned to face her.

Yu Mingjiao's voice was soft and measured. "My life has already been as painful as death."

She said.

No matter what he did to her, she had already endured enough pain to last a lifetime.

Lin Dong's eyes narrowed.

But Yu Mingjiao had already wheeled past him, her eyes meeting Cen Lingqiu's for a brief moment. As she passed by, Cen Lingqiu discreetly reached out and touched Yu Mingjiao's sleeve, her gaze filled with concern.

"Are you alright?"

Yu Mingjiao paused ever so slightly.

In that brief moment, Cen Lingqiu sensed that Yu Mingjiao had something she wanted to say.

But she said nothing and continued on her way, her long hair brushing against the back of Cen Lingqiu's hand.

It tickled slightly.

Yu Mingjiao went to the restroom, washing her chin vigorously where Lin Dong had touched her. When she was done, An Wu quickly led her back to the private room, her worry evident. "What happened with that guy? Why did he lock the door? Did he try to hurt you?"

Yu Mingjiao shook her head. "He's just a fool. I'm fine."

An Wu let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. You were gone for so long, I was getting really worried. Thank goodness that sister of yours was there. She helped me find you."

She hesitated, then asked, "But that guy… he seemed like he was related to your sister."

Yu Mingjiao took a sip of lemon juice, repeating for what felt like the hundredth time, "She's not my sister."

The lemon juice was sour, making her frown.

Setting the cup down, she wrapped her hand around the wrist Cen Lingqiu had briefly touched, her fingers slowly tracing the spot.

Cen Lingqiu and Lin Dong returned to the private room where Zhang Li, Cen Lingqiu's father, and their grandfather were seated. Their father, a stern-looking man, exuded authority, while their grandfather sat at the head of the table, his expression inscrutable.

Also present were a few relatives from the extended family, who had gathered for one of the family's regular meals at Yueju.

Lin Dong had taken too long to return from his smoke break, prompting their father to send Cen Lingqiu to find him. When Cen Lingqiu ran into An Wu, she learned that Yu Mingjiao was also at Yueju. Knowing that Lin Dong might cross paths with her, she hurried to find them, eventually catching up with them with the help of the cleaning staff.

As Lin Dong reentered the room, their grandfather scolded him for causing trouble just by stepping out to smoke, accusing him of being a walking disaster. Lin Dong, looking defeated, kept his head down and stayed silent, focusing instead on drinking.

Cen Lingqiu, meanwhile, found the family discussion about business strategy utterly dull.

Propping her chin on her hand, her thoughts drifted back to Yu Mingjiao.

What had she wanted to say to her earlier?

Was she still being stubborn?

Had Lin Dong said something hurtful to her?

Unable to shake the thoughts from her mind, Cen Lingqiu asked the system again about Yu Mingjiao's self-destructive index.

The answer was the same, though it had decreased by another two percent.

Her curiosity only grew.

Cen Lingqiu desperately wanted to understand what was going on with Yu Mingjiao, but she couldn't make sense of it.

When An Wu's birthday party finally ended, Yu Mingjiao waited at the entrance for a car to take her home. Looking up, she noticed Lin Dong leaning against a car, smoking a cigarette.

Yu Mingjiao felt a wave of irritation.

He's like a ghost that won't go away.

Lin Dong's voice was rough. "Mingjiao, get in the car."

An Wu and her friends were also leaving.

Lin Dong raised an eyebrow. "Or would you rather I drag you into the car in front of your friends?"

Yu Mingjiao glanced toward the glass doors, then lowered her gaze and wheeled herself over to the car.

Lin Dong chuckled softly.

"Aren't you curious where we're going?" he asked once she was in the car.

Yu Mingjiao snorted. "Does it matter?"

Lin Dong had drunk too much, and his mind was foggy, but he didn't seem bothered by her sharp retort.

"I'm taking you to Ning Jia's grave."

She scoffed. "Bringing a substitute to visit her grave? Are you hoping to make her angry enough to come back to life?"

"Shut up," Lin Dong muttered, his speech slurred. "I need… to take you there to apologize. She liked me. You were wrong, so apologize…"

Yu Mingjiao's eyes gleamed with cold amusement.

What a fool.

Lin Dong drove down a deserted road, swerving erratically as he struggled to stay in control. He nearly crashed into a few streetlights along the way, but luckily, the road was empty, and no other cars were around.

Yu Mingjiao stared out the window.

Will I die here today?

If I do, will it be a painful death?

Will my body be torn apart?

But… I don't want to die with Lin Dong.

She bit her lip, her eyes fixed on the rearview mirror.

A car was approaching from behind, its headlights growing brighter.

As it drew closer, Yu Mingjiao recognized the license plate.

A faint, satisfied smile tugged at her lips.

Lin Dong's vision was starting to blur, and his grip on the steering wheel was growing weaker.

The car veered dangerously.

The vehicle behind them accelerated, quickly overtaking them. In a swift, sharp maneuver, it cut in front of Lin Dong's car, blocking its path just as it was about to careen off a cliff. The impact pushed Lin Dong's car away from the edge.

Yu Mingjiao was jolted forward by the collision, the seatbelt digging into her chest. Lin Dong, jolted awake by the pain, managed to hit the brakes and bring the car to a stop.

Everything happened in a matter of seconds.

Fortunately, Lin Dong had been slowing down by the time of the collision, and the airbags had deployed, preventing any serious injuries.

Lin Dong passed out from the impact.

Yu Mingjiao, however, had been hit by shards of glass, and blood was trickling down her forehead, dripping onto her pale face.

Cen Lingqiu quickly got out of her car, instructing others to take the unconscious Lin Dong to the hospital.

She then hurried to Yu Mingjiao's side, opening the car door.

"Yu Mingjiao."

Yu Mingjiao lifted her gaze, her expression unnervingly calm.

Her eyes were devoid of emotion, and though blood streamed from her forehead, staining half her face, the other half remained eerily beautiful.

Cen Lingqiu pressed a wad of tissues to the wound, her voice laced with urgency.

"Besides your forehead, are you hurt anywhere else?"

"Is there any other discomfort?"

Yu Mingjiao didn't answer, instead asking, "Did you chase after us because I was in the car?"

Cen Lingqiu was too agitated by the sight of her blood to notice the odd tone in Yu Mingjiao's voice.

She frowned. "Of course. Lin Dong was drunk. If you stayed in that car, you would've died."

Thinking about it only made Cen Lingqiu more upset.

"Yu Mingjiao, what were you thinking? You knew he was drunk, and yet you got into his car anyway. Don't you know that could've killed you? How could you be so reckless?"

After placing Yu Mingjiao in the passenger seat of the undamaged car, she buckled her in.

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

Yu Mingjiao sat in the passenger seat, her hand pressed against the wound on her forehead, her face turned toward the window.

Everything Cen Lingqiu said was true.

She knew Lin Dong was drunk. She knew that getting into his car was dangerous.

But she did it on purpose.

Yu Mingjiao had seen Cen Lingqiu through the glass doors, and she was certain Cen Lingqiu had seen her too.

She wanted to see if Cen Lingqiu would follow her if she got into Lin Dong's car.

After all, hadn't she said she wanted to make up for her past mistakes?

If Yu Mingjiao were to die, or even get hurt, because of Lin Dong, how would she react?

Would she be upset because Yu Mingjiao had died? Or would she not care as long as her brother was alive?

Yu Mingjiao just wanted to know if this woman was sincere or if it was all just a façade.

It was a pointless game.

If she lost, she would drag Lin Dong down with her.

After all, she didn't care about living.

But if she won…

Well, it seemed she had.

And Cen Lingqiu's fierce anger only confirmed Yu Mingjiao's suspicions.

Perhaps she had guessed right.