Cen Lingqiu rushed Yu Mingjiao to the hospital, staying by her side through several IV drips. It was only after a long while that Yu Mingjiao slowly regained consciousness, her face gradually returning to normal.

As soon as Yu Mingjiao woke up, Cen Lingqiu couldn't help but scold her, "What were you thinking? Are you still a child? You knew you were allergic, yet you did it anyway. Do you care so little about your own health?"

Yu Mingjiao lowered her eyelids, remaining silent.

Cen Lingqiu continued, clearly angry this time, her tone losing its usual gentleness, "Didn't I tell you to stay away from He Hanzhou? What were you trying to prove? Did you completely ignore what I said?"

She was genuinely upset, her expression void of any emotion, her eyes cold and sharp.

Since they had grown closer, Yu Mingjiao had rarely seen Cen Lingqiu lose her temper. Most of the time, Cen Lingqiu was calm and steady, seemingly unaffected by anything or anyone. Even during their argument half a year ago, Cen Lingqiu hadn't shown much emotion.

She was like a lake—always serene.

It was rare to see such a cold, unsettled expression from her, and it was because she was worried about Yu Mingjiao.

Did this mean that Yu Mingjiao was important to her?

Just the thought of this filled Yu Mingjiao with immense satisfaction, making her feel a tingling excitement.

She didn't regret her actions in the slightest.

In fact, she felt fortunate.

Cen Lingqiu stood at the foot of the bed, exuding an icy aura.

Yu Mingjiao carefully hooked her pinky finger around Cen Lingqiu's.

Cen Lingqiu looked down, watching her move.

Seeing that Cen Lingqiu didn't pull away, Yu Mingjiao slowly extended her hold, hooking her middle finger, then her index finger, each time glancing at Cen Lingqiu to see if she would get angry. Finally, she took hold of Cen Lingqiu's hand.

Cen Lingqiu thought she looked like a fluffy little puppy, her voice soft as she asked, "What are you doing?"

Yu Mingjiao pressed her lips together, her weak, moist eyes locked onto Cen Lingqiu's, her expression innocent and calm. "Your hand is cold, and mine is warm."

She spoke so simply, her hand still connected to an IV drip, her face pale and frail. Yet her eyes were so clear, as if trying to draw Cen Lingqiu into them.

The tension drained out of Cen Lingqiu as she watched Yu Mingjiao's puppy-like behavior, and she couldn't help but smile a little.

"Alright, enough," Cen Lingqiu said, "Don't try to change the subject. I'm being serious."

"I know." Yu Mingjiao pressed Cen Lingqiu's hand to her cheek, whispering, "As long as you don't ignore me, I'll do what you say."

"Everything I say?"

"Yes, I only listen to you."

Cen Lingqiu chuckled, not taking her words too seriously, pinching her cheek lightly. "Liar."

Yu Mingjiao frowned, "It hurts."

"Good, maybe it should hurt."

Yu Mingjiao's health was poor, and this allergic reaction had triggered other issues, leaving her with rashes that hadn't completely disappeared. The doctor recommended staying in the hospital for another day or two for observation.

Yu Mingjiao disliked hospital food, so Cen Lingqiu went out to buy her something better.

When the door to the hospital room opened, Yu Mingjiao thought it was Cen Lingqiu, but it wasn't. It was He Hanzhou.

He Hanzhou nonchalantly sat by her bed, "You seem to be doing alright."

Yu Mingjiao responded indifferently, "Oh."


He Hanzhou clicked his tongue, "I didn't expect you to be so extreme. You're a real lunatic."

Yu Mingjiao didn't react to him at all, simply stating, "So what? You'd better give up on Lin Qiu. Otherwise—"

Her eyes were dark, her gaze calm, "I'm not sure what I might do. What do you think?"

Anyone else might think she was bluffing, just empty words, but coming from Yu Mingjiao, He Hanzhou knew he had to be cautious.

After all, this woman, who looked almost like a lifelike doll, was an undeniable maniac. Who else would go to such lengths to torment themselves?

He Hanzhou still didn't fully understand, slowly voicing his thoughts, "I don't quite get it. You went so far as to hurt yourself just to make Lin Qiu hate me, but you can't completely blame me for this. I'm not entirely at fault, so how can you be sure Lin Qiu will irrationally hold me responsible? This is clearly your own doing."

Indeed, Yu Mingjiao's plan had many holes. She wasn't a child, and she had the right to refuse. Anyone who knew they were allergic to mangoes wouldn't willingly expose themselves to the allergen, especially someone as cautious as Yu Mingjiao. It was foolish behavior.

Cen Lingqiu was a rational adult. If He Hanzhou explained the situation to her, she would likely see that the blame didn't entirely lie with him.

"You intentionally triggered your allergy." He Hanzhou was intrigued, "You also deliberately lured Lin Qiu here. Was your only goal really this?"

Yu Mingjiao remained composed, not showing any sign of panic despite being exposed.

She smiled faintly, speaking slowly, "Of course—not."

She had chosen this café because it was close to Cen Lingqiu's workplace, allowing her to arrive quickly. She also knew the café served mango desserts, which she could use to execute her plan. She had timed everything perfectly, ensuring that Cen Lingqiu would arrive just as she started to react.

If this made Cen Lingqiu wary of He Hanzhou, all the better. But her primary goal was to regain Cen Lingqiu's attention and concern.

Cen Lingqiu's recent distance had made Yu Mingjiao uneasy. She kept wondering if Cen Lingqiu no longer cared about her.

Am I no longer important to her?

Why isn't she concerned about me?

Why is she avoiding me?

Yu Mingjiao wanted all of this woman's attention.

So, she devised this plan, just as she had when she got Lin Dong drunk and made him drive. Yu Mingjiao wanted to test her importance in Cen Lingqiu's heart again.

She wanted to win this gamble once more.

Making Cen Lingqiu dislike He Hanzhou was genuine, but so was her desire for all of Cen Lingqiu's care.

These were all parts of her plan.

Yu Mingjiao bluntly told him, "As for the reason, it's because I want her to care only about me, entirely and completely."

She craved all of this woman's gentle concern.

He Hanzhou clicked his tongue, "You're a real lunatic."

"You're absolutely insane," He Hanzhou muttered to himself, "You're just as crazy as that woman."

Yu Mingjiao asserted her claim, "She belongs to me."

"You—" He Hanzhou paused, unable to quite understand her feelings for Lin Qiu. It didn't seem like a normal friendship at all.

"Your feelings for her seem a bit… odd." He Hanzhou was curious, "Friends don't usually act like you two."

Yu Mingjiao's eyelids twitched, her heart tightening, her voice cold, "What business is that of yours?"

He Hanzhou laughed lightly, "Forget it. I don't want to get involved with another crazy person. My feelings were snuffed out before they even had a chance to bloom."

Yu Mingjiao: "Then leave."

Having gotten the answers he wanted, He Hanzhou didn't stick around. Just before leaving, he seemed to have something else to say, but in the end, he just smiled and walked out.

Only a couple of minutes after He Hanzhou left, Cen Lingqiu returned, bringing back some light-flavored Cantonese dishes. Her expression was as usual, "I'm back. It's so cold outside."

Hearing her mention the cold, Yu Mingjiao instinctively reached out to hold her hand, but whether intentionally or not, Cen Lingqiu kept her hands busy arranging the food, avoiding her touch.

Yu Mingjiao's face darkened, but Cen Lingqiu's voice remained gentle, "Why are you daydreaming? Eat up."

On the surface, everything seemed normal, and Cen Lingqiu still appeared to care for her. Yu Mingjiao thought she might be overthinking things and set aside her doubts.

Meanwhile, He Hanzhou got into his car, where a woman sat in the passenger seat. Her red lips moved as she asked, "Did you see her?"

"No, she wasn't at the hospital."

The woman sneered, "You sound disappointed. I really don't get what you see in her. You've got terrible taste."

He Hanzhou shrugged, "You're awfully harsh. How can you say that about me?"

The woman crossed her arms, her chest dusted with pink hair, scoffing, "A man with no taste."

Yu Mingjiao stayed in the hospital for two days before being discharged. Cen Lingqiu, possibly exhausted from caring for her, seemed tired. As soon as they got home, she took a bath and went straight to bed.

Yu Mingjiao didn't even have a chance to talk to her before Cen Lingqiu was fast asleep.

She was a bit upset.

She had hoped Cen Lingqiu would spend more time with her because of her illness, but she had just gone to sleep without a word.

Maybe she really was tired.

Yu Mingjiao thought.

She lay down beside Cen Lingqiu, placing Cen Lingqiu's hand around her waist and curling up in her arms.

As she gazed at Cen Lingqiu's peaceful, sleeping face, Yu Mingjiao couldn't help but recall He Hanzhou's words.

Cen Lingqiu would eventually marry a man. They would hold hands, kiss, and then move on to more intimate acts.

Just the thought of it made Yu Mingjiao want to kill any future man in Cen Lingqiu's life.


What did a kiss feel like?

She couldn't help but reach for Cen Lingqiu's thin lips. Cen Lingqiu's lips were a pale pink, thin, with a well-defined cupid's bow. Her body was cold all year round, and even her lips were cold.

Would her lips be this cold when she kissed someone?

Yu Mingjiao desperately wanted to know.

Her body felt inexplicably warm, a beast within her urging her to act on her impulses.

She swallowed hard, her gaze unfocused, her fingers repeatedly stroking Cen Lingqiu's lips, which gradually turned a deeper red.

The night had a way of driving people mad, of turning them into creatures of desire.

Yu Mingjiao's delicate, pale fingers slipped between Cen Lingqiu's lips, feeling the warmth of her tongue.

Cen Lingqiu furrowed her brows, shifting her head slightly. Afraid she would wake up, Yu Mingjiao quickly withdrew her hand.

She watched Cen Lingqiu's reaction, but it seemed she hadn't woken up.

Relieved, Yu Mingjiao focused on Cen Lingqiu's lips again. Her once-dry lips now glistened slightly, like petals kissed by morning dew—moist and beautiful.

Her heart pounded, her mind clouded by chaotic emotions. Though it was early winter, Yu Mingjiao felt unbearably hot.

She craved the coolness.

Driven by this need, Yu Mingjiao slowly leaned closer to Cen Lingqiu.

The scent of cherry blossom from Cen Lingqiu's body wash grew stronger, making Yu Mingjiao feel dizzy. She didn't know if it was excitement or nervousness, but her body was trembling slightly.

As she drew closer, their lips were mere centimeters apart.

Like a cat sneaking a taste, Yu Mingjiao cautiously brushed her lips against Cen Lingqiu's.

Cool, soft.

She lost herself in the moment, acting on instinct, the sensation too intoxicating to resist.

Yu Mingjiao's cheeks flushed as she pressed her lips against Cen Lingqiu's again, this time with more pressure. Lip met lip, cold and hot, sending waves of emotion through her.

But it wasn't enough.

Yu Mingjiao wanted more, wanted to devour her, to merge with her.

She didn't understand what these feelings were. Yu Mingjiao had received so little affection in her life that she had no clear concept of love.

Because she had never experienced love, she didn't know what it was.

She didn't understand the fluttering heart, the desire, the selfishness, the possessiveness that came with love.

All she knew was to follow her heart, whether it was right or wrong, selfish or kind.

She wanted to kiss Cen Lingqiu, so she did.

As for the reasons behind her racing heart and the heat in her body, Yu Mingjiao wouldn't understand them.

It would take her a long time to fully grasp her own feelings.

For now, all she wanted was to satisfy her desires. Cen Lingqiu's lips, kissed to a bleeding red, were slightly chapped from Yu Mingjiao's bites.

Perhaps feeling the pain, Cen Lingqiu groaned softly, instinctively pushing her away and turning onto her side, her back to Yu Mingjiao.

Yu Mingjiao snapped back to reality as Cen Lingqiu pushed her, feeling a mix of shame and unfulfilled longing.

But now she was too afraid to continue, worried that Cen Lingqiu might wake up.

She hugged Cen Lingqiu's waist, resting her head on her back, gradually calming down.

The room was silent.

Yu Mingjiao's breathing steadied, and she drifted off to sleep.

So she didn't notice when Cen Lingqiu suddenly opened her eyes after she fell asleep.

Her eyes were clear, wide awake.

Cen Lingqiu raised her hand to touch her lips, still feeling Yu Mingjiao's warmth.

In the darkness, she sighed softly, her gaze filled with pain and conflict, her expression tense, as if exhausted.

Cen Lingqiu's eyes stared blankly into the night, lost in thought.

Behind her, the person she held was warm, but Cen Lingqiu couldn't feel any warmth at all.

She felt cold.

A coldness that came from being trapped by reality, unable to breathe.