" Riya hid the weapons here daddy".
This simple statement fro Raj conveyed a pandora of events. Events that would now unfold. Leading to a lot of things.Not all of them pleasant
" Its a never ending war Srikant between good and evil but battles are fought every now and then. Between years or centuries or yugas. But then everyday too. Between every good and bad decisions. Dilemmas always exist".
" Daddy what are you thinking ", asked Raj.
" About Vicky", replied Ramcharan.
" Can you think pf a place where Riya could hide weapon", asked Kenny.
" No she was really adept at it", said Ramcharan.
" You mean we could see it with our eyes and will not bother about it twice", said Myra.
" Riya said once that an untrained eye cannot fathom what they see whatever
she meant by it", said Ramcharan.
But Maddy got it.
" Can I see her works, rough notes etc if available ", he asked.
" Sure".
As they finished snacks Ramcharan ordered:
" Park opens in 15 hours boys. I have paid and dismissed the cleaning staff. Start cleaning your mess. And yeah. Girls go back with me".
" YES SIR", all of them saluted. AND THE WORK BEGIN.
Fate brought Rahul here . To this wish granting Shiva temple.
" Shiva", he prayed. " Why did you make me love her so much? She does not reciprocate my love. What will I do when she marries him?" He prayed earnestly to his Lord.
" May Shiva bless you prince", said a sage.
He looked up. The sage was quite tall with a long beard and hairs. There was light on his face. After meeting him Rahul felt at peace.
" Punditji", said Rahul.
" Someone prayed here young prince of Junagarh. To save your lives and remove the curse on your clan", said the sage.
" You are sage Agnisharma from Himalayas. I heard priest and Kenny talk about you", said Rahul.
" Young queen of Vidhangarh. A bright light", said Agni.
" Yes punditji and I am one of those who seek that light but probably am not fit for it", said Rahul.
Agni stared at him.
" Do you believe in karma prince", he asked.
" I do", said Rahul.
" I suggest one thing. At a stage in life when you are in dilemma choose the path where Dharma stands".
" And isn't the dharma of a Kshatriya ( warriors see Indian varnas) to fight", asked Rahul.
" To defend an innocent and to save humanity", said Agni.
" And will I get to choose", he asked.
Agni nodded.
" We all get choices young prince. But not all of those are easy. You love with your heart. And your dilemma will be caused by love.
Solly was working hard on CD. After he got back to palace he started on it
" What did you find Vicky that you don't want others to know"?
He cracked open the password within an hour.for both CD and Blackberry. It was Vikram's phone. He collected the numbers stored in them carefully manuvering each of them.Vikram has bumbers he marked business friend and family.
Next he looked at photoraphs. It was of his friends and him before he met Riya.
BACHELORS it was titled.. He was leafing through the pics when he saw....
Dream Bar
He dived into the album. He saw a clear picture of basement, a tied up Zaid( Zoya's brother) and another young man unconscious.
Who is he? Solly copied the album on his laptop. He also copied a few contacts and their old numbers.
Before he could open and looked CD his phone rang.
" Yes Payal", said Solly.
" Can you meet me sor. I have something to convey you. Can Mr. Santosh join you too"?
" What is it", asked Solly.
" About the death of his mother. But I will tell him in person", she said.
" Meet me at Lonavala in evening, he said.
" Done", he said.
Raj and Kenny went to temple too.
" Pranam Punditji ", they both touched his feet.
" May you live a long life and you be together always", said Agni.
" I think we know the place where weapon is but we still cannot actually find the weapon", said Raj.
" Hmm that is secondary. But have you started working on your powers", he asked.
" We did", said Kenny calmly.
Both of them practiced daily. Together inside room and individually outside. But Raj was on another secret mission. HE WAS CONTROLLING HIS THOUGHTS AROUND HER SO THAT HE CAN AVOID KENNY LISTENING TO THEM.
" Good", said Agni looking at her.
" Can we simehow avoid all this", she said warily.
Agni looked at her for sometime.
"People face consequences of their Karma. Their was innocent Gunjan. She was betrayed by close people. Out of jealousy, malice or simply because she was naive and beautiful. And righteous too. When that happens Shiva intervenes. Sufferings began."
" Punditji whose suffering are you talking about? Srikant", she asked.
" All those who wronged her my child", said Agni calmly.
Raj was quiet till now. HE KNEW THE WAR WAS INEVITABLE. And unlike Kenny he was mentally prepared for it.
" There are challenging times ahead. Every relationship you are in will be questioned", prophesied Agni. " Life will bring dilemmas to both of you. Hope you can choose wisely which path to take".
" Do you have any suggestions punditji", asked Kenny.
" Dharma prevails queen", he said. " Any other path and your karmas tend to wipe you out".
She tensed which Raj felt.
" Relax beautiful ", he spoke in her head.
Agni smiled.
" Destiny calls", he said.
Payal was sitting with Solly and Duleep.
" I am sorry sir but I have invited another person without your knowledge. I think she had a right to know too", she said sadly.
" Who", asked Duleep.
Kiara entered the house.
" Your highness", bowed Payal.
" What is this about", asked Duleep clearly agitated.
" I followed Dhanraj on your instruction His wife frequents a club. I joined there as a server. I also taped her calls and was keeping an eye in any financial transactions", she said.
" What you got", asked Solly.
" Mothing. But then I met the man himself", said Payal." She left her purse. As a staff member my colleague got task of delivering it back. But somehow I took it to his house".
" Then", asked Duleep.
" He started hitting on me. And I encouraged it. And then I told him I fear his wife will find out and she is rich. He confessed its his money which he embezzeled from Junagarh. I have it on tape".
" Excellent Payal. Now we can throw him out. Plus he is associated with Kamini. She is in a soup", said Solly.
" You told something about my mother", asked Duleep.
" And Malti", said Kiara.
" Malti was killed by cobras", said Payal.
" WHAT"?????
Three people were looking dumbfounded at her.
" H.how..how..h.. did", Kiara could not speak. She was in tears.
" Gaurav knows", confessed Solly. " My father told me".
" Why he did not tell me and Kenny", asked Kiara.
" He wanted you both safe", said Solly.
" How is my mother involved", asked Duleep.
" No proofs but I have a vague idea", said Payal.
" Tell anyways", said Solly.
" I went with Dhanraj to an old ware house. I drugged him as he slept the night. And I searched. I saw this", she opened her phone.
A picture of Malti crossed with red pen.
A photograph of mall where Duleep's mother died.
A news article confirming the death.
And finally a photograph of King Ranbir, Queen Jeniffer and Prince Rajeev crossed with a red marker.
" Malti found out something. Mr. Joshi was searching for Cobra. She requested a meeting. It was your mother who met her. And they both died before any information reached your father", said Payal. " Dhanraj probably pulled the trigger".
" Hmmm", said Solly.
" Just a theory", said Payal.
" Solly I want everything on that b*stard", said Kiara. " And you let me handle him".
Solly nodded.
" You and Duleep", he said. " But promise me you both will be driven by justice and not vendetta.
Losing a parent and not harming the killer. A big dilemma for them.
" Grace", Kenny called.
She could not face her friend.
" Grace open the door. And talk to me", said Kenny.
She slowly opened the door.
" You were crying", said Kenny.
" Guess its my fate", she said.
At that moment Kenny saw what made her cry.
A pregnancy stick with a positive result.
" Shiva", she said picking it up.
Grace burst into tears.
" You have to tell him", said Kenny.
" The other day I heard Dr. Gayatri tell him he has to fight this war against Dr. Amit as he does not have a weakness of a wife and child and so is invincible "Grace said. " I owe her my life".
To choose between her unborn child and her dury towards Dr. Gayatri. It was Grace's dilemma.
" Culprit was his friend Myra that is the problem", said Maddy.
" And Numaan, Gaurav, Vinod , your father and mine", he said with difficulty.
" One of them is the culprit".
" Could be Salman uncle or any other person" said Myra. "Do you think Vinod really is dead"?
" I don't know but tell me one thing Myra will your hand shake if you will pull a trigger on either of your parent even for the right reasons".
" I. I can't", she stammered.
Myra was now at a complete loss.
What if..?
Dilemmas existed everywhere. And choices were for all.
The world was going to turn for the worst.