" RAJ DON'T KILL ANYONE", Kenny has screamed as she ran out of the room.
" Lets follow her. I don't want her alone with him", said Kiara. She was already on the move.
Solly was showing Raj the pictures he collected from Dhanraj's room.
" Did you decode anything feom the devices Riya hid".
" A detailed design of dream bar", he said.
" So we need to go to resort again", he asked.
" No not the resort", said Maddy. " But we need to search a similar structure inside Riya's Historical Adventure. "
" Point", said Parry.
" I want Dhanraj", said Raj.
" Not so soon", said Parry. " Finalytics is here. As you guessed Rahul chose them. I will give Dhanraj as a suspect".
" I WOULD CRUSH HIM", said Raj.
The door to his office burst open at that very moment. A frantic Kenny entered followed by the Queen's team.
" Raj no please no", she hugged him.
" Kenny", he was concerned.
" What happened ", he asked Kiara as she entered after her sister.
" You tell me assh*le", she hissed. It is your murderous thoughts that propelled her here".
" Kenny", he said softly.
" Raj the curse will end only when you learn to forgive", she said.
He tensed.
" Raj"
" I won't forgive the murder of my mother beautiful ", he said.
Kiara stiffened.
" Your mother", she asked.
Maddy explained the situation.
" Kenny I want to tell you something ", Kiara said after thinking.
" What"?
" Malti was murdered too", she said looking at Solly. He nodded.
Grace wisely closed the doors as Kiara told them about Payal's identity, her loyalty to Kenny and her latest findings.
" So Kenny", said Kiara. " I agree with Raj. That he is fair in delivering justice."
" Why didn't G tell us", she was agitated.
" His childhood friend killed, his wife murdered, sister was already dead. He gathered what was left of his life and moved away", said Solly.
" Yeah I don't blame him", said Raj. " We have been searching cobra for years and now we find out its not Joshi".
" He has been fooling law for years", said Solly. " Gaurav was no match".
" Vikram died in a fire right", said Kiara.
" Yeah my father was an eyewitness", said Solly.
Maddy was listening intently.
" Raj", he said after girls left.
" Vikram was a powerful elemental right"?
" As far as we know yes", replied Raj.
" Then no fire can kill him", he said.
" So how", asked Parry.
" Time to visit our professor", smirked Maddy.
" Sebastian Fuller is a college friend of Raj", said Rahul.
He showed Bhanu and Kamini a graduation photograph.
" Which means", asked Rakesh.
" Which means sabotage", said Bhanu.
" I agree", said Rahul. " Now I have a list of all these investors who hold our shares."
" What about them", asked Kamini.
" We know them or have met them or else their photographs are available on internet but look here", said Rahul
" Aditya Entreprises ", said Rakesh.
" Owned by Aditya Sharma. A Fortune 500 company. Now owner Aditya Sharma ; a top industrialist but no one knows who he is. Ring a bell?"
" Is he in any way related to Rajeev", asked Bhanu
" The company finances him I am sure about it", said Rahul." Aditya Entreprises bought a 20% shares in last one year. He is selling our business. He does not want to own it. He wants to destroy it. He is fooling all of us".
" Can we prove it", asked Kamini.
" Unfortunately no", said Rahul.
" The old goat won't listen to us without a proof", said Bhanu.
" Can we give a nod to Fuller and catch him red handed", asked Rakesh.
" No brother you can't cut your nose to spite the ear. This company is nothing for Raj. But for Junagarh Bhishma is lifeline. I will fight him to death to keep it within our family", said Rahul.
" We push for Sarkar then", asked Kamini.
" Yes mother but it will be an uphill battle", sighed Rahul.
" You lead", said Bhanu. " Rajeev is going down".
" How did Vicky die daddy? And how was he related to Maddy", asked Raj.
Ramcharan sighed. He knew this enquiry would come soon. And he was prepared. HE WAS PREPARED TO TELL THE TRUTH.
" He sacrificed himself. In that river beside the ashram you were born".
The men were stunned. But this was just the beginning.
" Srikant was Vicky. He was cursed to be an immortal. Riya ended that curse facilitating an ultimate sacrifice which my son gave with a smile on his face", said Ramcharan.
He then narrated Vicky's story.
Suddenly Solly had an Eureka.
" Can I use Vikram's computer", he said.
" Yeah", said Ramcharan. " My name is the password".
Solly took out the CD and started decoding after Ramcharan gave a nod. Raj sat with him. Maddy and Parry meanwhile started looking into Riya's research.
Ro leafed through some old photographs as Raj instructed him to see if he can find anything unusual.
Kenny got a vision
Interwined snakes. Danger. She knew if anyone could decode it will be Myra.
She went to her friend.
" Interwined snakes. Find out what you can about them", she said.
" Funny you said it", said Myra.
" Why", asked Kenny.
" There was one of Vishnu's paintings Rahul selected for exhibition. He was fascinated. But I vetoed it. It was too dark."
Kenny swallowed. Snakes , cobra and Rahul. What was the connection? She prayed there wasn't any...
Kiara went to Rahul.
" Hey Rahul, hey Rocky", she greeted.
" Ki", come sit said Rahul affectionately.
" Yeah", she did.
" Drinks", said Rakesk.
" Coke thank you", she smiled.
" Wassup", asked Rakesh handing her the coke.
She sipped it savouring the cool taste.
" Our boss wants Shai to be SPOC for Finalytics. She can do it with your SPOC. ", Kiara spoke.
" No need I trust Shai", said Rahul. " For her knowledge and honesty".
" Great then", she said. " See ya",. She left.
" You agreed easily", said Rakesh. " What's the catch"?
" Raj is fooling Kenny too. No way would she support him destroying Junagarh's people and business. Through Shai I want her to have a clue. Once she figures out Rajeev is exposed. AND SHE WILL LEAVE HIM."
." You sure about it", asked Rakesh.
" To defeat him brother we need to think like him. Lose scruples and be Machiavellian in our approach", said Rahul.
" It could backfire", said Rakesh.
" Then for Kenny I am ready to take this risk", said Rahul.
You have fooled us all enough Raj he thought. Time for paybacks.