
Remedy started to chant something, And Leus sat closely to listen

'In theory, If I learn this chant, I should have enough mana to use it'

By now, Leus was starting to feel a bit confident about his Mana Pool

'It takes me a while to faint, I can use a decent amount of spells!'

Leus felt really proud of himself

'I'm making progress ...'

He looked at his mom's beautiful face

'I promise to help you mom, Just wait! I'll do it!'

Remedy began chanting, So Leus stopped thinking and focused on what she was doing

She started by chanting a spell called Mana Vision, Which made her eyes glow brightly

After that, She chanted another spell called Examination, Which made her right hand glow with white light, Then she put her hand on Viorica, Making the light seep inside her body

Remedy was using both the spells to inspect Viorica's Life Force and Mana

While she was doing that, Leus was thinking about everything he learned so far

'The chants are easy, I don't understand why is the process so expensive'

'Could it be because the amount of Mana and Life Force is limited?'

Certainly, Viorica wasn't the only patient in the city

'So, Maybe the reason behind the high price is the lack of Light Mages as Remedy said to Dad'

Leus wasn't sure, But anyway, It didn't matter to him He focused on Remedy

'I think the difficult part should start now'

Remedy started chanting another spell, The forbidden one

Its incantation was longer than the first two

Regardless, Leus found it easy to remember

'Hmm ... I wonder, is that because of what Sal has done to me, or is it because the chant is easy to remember'

Slowly, Remedy channeled a tiny part of her Life Force into Viorica's body

After Leus saw everything, He moved a bit far to be out of the sight of both his mother and Remedy

Then he chanted the first spell he learned, Mana Vision, Hoping to be able to see what was going on

Sadly, It didn't work

'I can't see what's happening in Mom's body ...'

After thinking about it for a while, He had a guess

'Maybe that's the purpose of the second spell, But I can't use it now because I have to use it on Mom's body ...'

'I'll just see the amount of Life Force Remedy is transferring'

The Life Force came out of Remedy's body and gathered in her palm

Leus took note of everything and deactivated Mana Vision

A couple of minutes later, Remedy was done and left the house

Immediately, Leus went to his bed and started to chant the third spell, The Life Force one, And what he felt confused him


He used it again

' ... That's just Vivify with extra steps'

The spell gave the exact same feeling as Vivify, But it felt more sluggish and its chant was longer

'So this is some degraded version of Vivify?'

' ... According to Sal, These spells do the simplest things'

'This means that the simplest thing to do with Life Force is to transfer it?'

Leus didn't understand exactly, But it didn't matter

'Maybe her spell isn't good, Anyway, I now know what to do'

Sadly, He has already consumed a bit of his Life Force for now, So he had to wait for it to regenerate first

Two days later,

Leus waited until it was night and his parents were sleeping, Then he got up from his bed and stood beside his sleeping mother

He started by activating Mana Vision

'Oh wow, It's like it's day?'

Leus felt excited, He discovered a strange but interesting side effect of the spell

'I can now see in the dark'

He quickly pushed the excitement away and focused on the task

Leus chanted Examination, And very slowly put the light into his mother's body, She turned around and moved for a second or two, But she didn't wake up

Suddenly, Blaze turned around and looked exactly at where Leus was and said

"Go back to sleep"

Then turned around and slept

'Wait what?'

Leus was confused

'It's completely dark! How did he see me?'

'How did he even wake up?'

Leus waited for a couple of seconds but Blaze didn't wake up again

' ... That's so strange'

He took a deep breath and returned to what he was doing

He began by comparing the difference between the amount of Life Force that he was about to give to his mother and the amount of Life Force that Remedy had given to her

'Hmm, I think mine is about 10% of Remedy's'

That wasn't very encouraging

'I'm consuming half of my Life Force only to give 10% of the amount that Remedy gives ...'

The reason he was consuming half is that after using Vivify for so long, He realized that as long as he kept his Life Force above 40% then he'd be fine and his Life Force would fully recover in two days

'Ughhhh, Math is complicated, Who cares'

'I still have room to grow, 10% is not that bad, I'll just train harder and increase it'

And so, Leus devised a plan

Every alternate day, He would get up in the middle of the night and use Vivify to heal his mother

Every time he got up, Blaze stared at him, Sometimes he even carried him and put him to bed while the room was so dark

Leus never understood how Blaze could do that, But luckily for him, Blaze didn't really do anything to stop him from waking up at night, He only thought that Leus was a curious baby who liked to roam around

3 Months later,

Leus was almost a year old, And it was time for Remedy to have a conversation with them about how Viroica's treatment was going

Leus, Blaze, and Viorica were eagerly waiting for her visit

But while that was happening, A special event was taking place somewhere in the Northern Edges of the world

A summit between 2 Lords that'd have a direct impact on the world's future