The Final Fight

A bit later, the unit was assembled and sent to Blaze's tent ...

The unit was comprised of 15 Knights. Most of them had red hair, few had blue hair, and only a single one of them had brown hair

Blaze took the lead and spoke in a commanding tone

"Follow me"

He led the unit to the gate where The Commandant was waiting for them.

Blaze walked to the Commandant and asked

"Commandant Cyrus, what are the details?"

Blaze already knew what Cyrus was about to say; it wouldn't be any different from the last time or the time before it. But he still had to ask so the Knights behind him could hear

Cyrus answered loudly

"The enemy Elite Knight Whirlwind was spotted with a group of around 13-15 Knight moving towards The Encampment. Your orders are to move west until you meet them, and then intercept them until they retreat"

Blaze turned and looked back at the Knights

"You guys heard it, let's go"

And so, the unit, with Blaze as its leader, exited the Encampment and headed west ...

This area was mostly a desert with rough terrain, but the Knights were used to this environment, so they didn't face trouble ...

After walking for about 3 kilometers, they spotted figures in the distance

Blaze spoke in a solemn tone

"Men, resolve yourselves!"

"RUHHHHHH" The Knights shouted and raised their swords high ...

After they were done, Blaze spoke in a commanding tone

"The plan is simple. Surround me in a semi-circle. If enemy Knights move forward and try to attack or pass me, wait until I make the first move then engage them"

The Knights replied in unison


After walking for a few minutes, the figures in the distance became clear; they saw a green-haired man walking leisurely toward them with a group of mostly green-haired Knights behind him ...

One of the Knights behind Blaze spoke

"We have the advantage in numbers! They are 14 Knights"

Blaze replied

"Don't be overconfident regardless of the situation. And remember, the highest priority is to survive and learn something from the encounter"

"Yes, Sir!"

When the two groups were about 200 meters away from each other, Blaze unsheathed his sword and walked forward, and the Knights formed a semi-circle behind and around him ...

Interestingly, the other side did exactly the same thing, With their green-haired Elite standing in front of the Knights, opposing Blaze.

The green-haired Elite spoke in a casual, nonchalant tone. To nearly everyone, his tone seemed unbefitting of the tense situation

"Well well well, would you look at that ... It's Blaze again"

Blaze replied in a bored tone

"Are you fighting all year round, Whirlwind? Don't you have a home or someplace to go?"

Whirlwind moved his hands in an exaggerated manner

"The battlefield is my home!"

He quickly added

"But leave about me. What about you? This is like what? Our 15th time this year? Or is it the 14th time? I don't really remember"

Blaze ignored him and focused on adding Fire Mana to his sword, igniting it and making it burn fiercely. Then he took a stance ...

Whirlwind suddenly snapped his fingers as if he realized something

"Balze! Oh my! Don't tell me that you have finally decided to overcome your bottleneck! Is that why you're staying here? To focus on training?"

Blaze ignored all of Whirlwind's talks, and with determination, he shouted



After Blaze shouted that he dashed forward with incredible speed, crossing nearly 50 meters in a couple of seconds.

When Whirlwind saw that, he yawned

"Boring as always, Blaze"

Then he dashed forward as well ...

Blaze's sword was burning fiercely, so he dashed toward Whirlwind and started swinging his flaming sword at him multiple times, or at least tried to ...

Whirlwind was incredibly fast and avoided all of Blaze's attacks with ease ...

Whirlwind didn't attack Blaze back, instead, he tried to push forward. And while he was doing that, four Knights from behind him ran forward toward Blaze ...

Blaze sensed the Knights rushing toward him, so he closed his eyes and focused on his surroundings.

As if time had slowed down, Blaze could sense every single movement the Knights made with ease ...

It only took him a couple of moments of concentration, and then he found it ...

A smirk appeared on his face

'A perfect swing!'

His eyes shot open and he swung his sword at the Knight coming from the right without even looking at him, cleanly bisecting him into two halves ...

With a THUD, both the halves fell on the sand, and blood sprouted out everywhere ...

At that instant, four Knights from behind Blaze dashed forward to attack the enemy Knights.

At first, Blaze's side had the numerical advantage, but that didn't last long ...

Whirlwind was simply too fast! He smoothly avoided all of Blaze's attempts to hit him and dashed towards the Knights engaged in combat ...

Unlike the rest, Whirlwind was using daggers instead of swords.

He quickly reached the nearest Knight and stabbed him in the heart, then dashed forward and stabbed another in the neck.

His movement was so fluid and quick that it seemed like a blur to the eyes of the Knights ...

Blaze was clearly able to both see and sense him, however, the difference in their speed was so big that despite knowing exactly where he was, Blaze wasn't able to hit him.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to hit Whirlwind, Blaze took the cold decision to dash forward and kill more of the enemy Knights ...

When Whirlwind sensed that, he smirked.

"IT'S GONNA BE A KILLING SPREE!!!!!!!" Whirlwind enthusiastically shouted.

He shoved his dagger into the second Knight's neck and dashed toward the third, aiming for a third kill.

Blaze, on the other hand, ran towards the Knights at an incredible speed while adding even more Mana into his sword and making it burn fiercer ...

He outstretched his hand, put all his focus and Mana into the coming hit, and swung his sword ...

The fire was searing. This attack was Blaze's special Skill, he named it after himself

"Get BLAZED" He shouted.

The Vice Kingdom's Knights clearly saw Blaze's attack coming, yet, they couldn't move fast enough to get out of its range.

Fire extended out of Blaze's sword all of a sudden, reaching a length of 3.5 meters; it was like a Fire Whip, a Fire Whip that mercilessly incinerated everything in its way ...

One Knight had his skull evaporated ...

Another was minced ...

A third was bisected ...

A fourth was horizontally cut in half ...

Four Kills in 1 swing!

Blaze originally aimed to kill five, but the fifth barely got out of the attack's range, surviving with only his right leg severed.

Despite not getting all the kills he wanted, Blaze was satisfied with the result.

He swiftly dashed back to his Knights, stopping Whirlwind from continuing his rampage and forcing him to retreat.

The Knights on either side understood that the slaughter was over, for now at least, so they returned to their position.

Blaze stood in front of his Knights, and so did Whirlwind.

The two of them locked eyes for a second then began to assess the situation ...

On the Crimson Castle's side: Three Knights were killed by Whirlwind and a 4th one was killed by another Knight.

A total of 4 casualties

On the Vice Kingdom's side: Five Knights were killed by Blaze and one was crippled.

A total of 6 casualties

Blaze looked at Whirlwind and asked coldly

"Shall we end it here or do you want another round?"

The Knights shivered when they heard that, some of them silently started praying that it ends here ...

Whirlwind replied casually

"Nah. Thanks for the offer, but we are gonna retreat here."

He added with a smirk

"I look forward to our next combat"

The Vice Kingdom's Knights turned around and began to retreat, yet, Whirlwind remained standing his ground and looking at Blaze ...

Blaze replied to him in a less serious tone; the fight was over, so he relaxed a bit

"This was our last for now"

Whirlwind's casual tone didn't change

"Is that so? Then you should've told me earlier! We'd have gone for another round"

Hearing that sent chills down the Knights' spines, and those who prayed inwardly thanked god that such misery didn't happen ...

Blaze sighed, his tone changing into a solemn one

"You know, Whirlwind, you take this war so personally"

The moment Blaze said that, something in Whirlwind's eyes changed ...

His tone became icy cold

"Personal, you say?"

Blaze silently nodded, and the atmosphere became heavy ...

For a while, silence persisted, but then Whirlwind broke it with a cold but vehement voice

"It's a matter of time, Blaze. I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I do in my life"

After Whirlwind said that, he turned around and walked away ...

Blaze watched him retreat for a couple of minutes, then turned around and looked at his men

"It was a good day. Carry the fallen and let's retreat"

Following Blaze's orders, the Knights began gathering the bodies of their fellow Knights ...

The corpses were in decent shape, just fatally stabbed. Unlike the other side; most of their casualties were charred and torn apart ...

'You can say that, to an extent, our side was lucky'

Blaze glanced at the corpses

'The fallen won't agree though'

On the way back to the camp, one of the Knights couldn't stop his curiosity and asked Blaze

"Sir, if I may ask ... What was all that about?"

"You mean Whirlwind?"

"Yes, Sir"

Blaze pondered about it for a second then replied

"He never resolved himself"