Family Talk

When Blaze and Leus returned home, they found Viorica waiting for them while both Amethyst and Merlin were playing together.

As soon as the two stepped inside, Viorica got up and hugged Leus ... again

"What took you so long?! I missed you a lot"

Blaze replied

"We didn't take THAT long"

But Viorica didn't care and was busy raining questions on Leus about everything that happened ...

After she finally let go of him, Leus sat down and started describing how their day went to her.

Viorica was listening excitedly, and she became even more enthusiastic when Leus started talking about the Crimson Library ...

"The library was so big! And it looked very grand ......

And then I spoke with the Librarian, Sir Arno"

Blaze sat down beside Viorica, and both were listening to Leus' description of the interaction with Arno

When Viorica heard what happened, she became so excited that she shouted in surprise

"REALLY? He offered you to become his Apprentice?"

Leus nodded while showing the book Arno gave him

"Yes, and he gave me this book"

Viorica took the book and skimmed through its content, and very quickly, her eyes shot open ...

She looked Leus in the eye and spoke in a very serious tone

"Leus, do you know how valuable this book is?"

Naturally, Leus had no idea.

'I know that books are expensive, but I don't think that's what Mom means'

He looked at Blaze for help, and Blaze replied to Viorica

"No, I didn't explain anything to him just yet"

After Blaze said that, Viorica carefully closed the book, placed it beside her, and then spoke to Leus

"Leus, how much was the Archivist's Atlas?"

"1 Gold Coin"

"And ... how much do you think this book is worth?"

Leus thought about it for a couple of seconds then replied

"2 Gold coins?"

Viorica shook her head

"No, more like 20. That's if it was put for sale in the first place."

She elaborated

"This book contains attack spells, which are not sold to the public. To acquire such spells, you need both connections and money.

This book is worth a fortune ... it is as expensive as this house"

Hearing that, Leus became both shocked and confused

'Seriously now?'

' ... And he easily gave it to me?'

When Arno gave him the book, he didn't mention anything about any of that, nor did he make it look like he was giving him something so valuable

'Though he told me multiple times that I need to return it ...'

' ... But still!'

Leus thought that it was just a test to prove his worth and seriousness

'I mean ... it is a test'

' ... It's just that it is much more expensive than I imagined'

Leus questioned

"Why is it this expensive?"

This time, Blaze was the one to answer him

"Because Magic is very strong.

It is true that Swordsmen are also strong, but the damage knights can cause is limited by their speed and range.

Magicians, on the other hand, can stand in one place and keep chanting devastating spells until they run out of Mana, causing a lot of damage to both people and structures."

Viorica added

"Simple spells are common and easy to acquire. Many spells are sold for work-related purposes as well. But attack spells are strictly controlled and not available to the public"

Leus nodded

"I see"

'So it is like legal weapons in my old world, (Strictly controlled)'

As soon as Leus thought about that, he felt a wave of apathy wash over him, making him realize how unimportant this thought was, so he stopped thinking about it and focused back on Blaze

"Almost all the powerful magicians are either already holding important positions in the city or will soon be holding important positions in the city, except for those who don't like having jobs and work for the Guild instead"

Leus asked

"What the Guild?"

"It's a place where people can freelance by doing missions or side jobs to earn money. It pays well and you're free to choose whatever job you want whenever you want"

Leus nodded

"I see ... Thank you, Dad"

Viorica asked Leus

"Leus, do you understand how valuable this book is now?"

"Yes, Mom, I do"

Then she came closer to him and asked with a bright smile

"So what will you do now? Will you try to learn the book and become a Mage?"

Viorica's smile was dazzling

'There's no way I'd say no to that ...'

Leus replied as if he was under mind control

"Yes Mom, I will surely do my best"

Blaze patted Leus' head

"Do what you want, you're smart, but don't push yourself too hard, okay? Take it easy.

If you really want to become a Mage then you will have to train a lot, but at the same time, you have to know your limits so you don't hurt yourself"

Leus replied in a serious tone

"Yes Dad, I understand"

Viorica carefully handed Leus the book ...

He caressed its blue cover and thought to himself

'Still, I'm going to read the Archivist's Atlas first'

After they were done talking about Leus' matters, the family spent a bit of time conversing about simple matters, then the kids went to sleep ...

When Leus got up the next day, he found Blaze standing in the lobby sweating profusely ...


Blaze's clothes were covered with dust as if he was working in a mine the whole night ...

Leus looked at him with confusion and asked

"What happened, Dad?"

Blaze replied in a helpless tone

"Your mother and her demands ..."

Leus only furrowed his brows ...

When Viorica heard Leus' voice, she quickly came out of one of the rooms and hugged Leus from behind

"LEUS! You got up, we have a surprise for you!"

After saying that, she grabbed Leus' hand and pulled him towards the room she had just come out from ...

She took Leus inside and excitedly waved her hands

"Tadaaaa! What do you think?"

Leus looked around him ...

'That's ... interesting'

The room looked neat and new ...

In the left corner of the room, there was a wooden desk with a wooden chair. The chair looked comfortable, and the desk looked new.

The room was newly painted with three different colors, blue, red, and purple.

On the other side of the room, under a window that showed the garden outside, there was a nice new bed.

Seeing all this stuff, Leus became extremely perplexed

' ... None of these things were here yesterday'

He knew that because he used this room countless times to train ...

He asked

"It's very beautiful, Mom. How did you do all this?"

Viorica replied with an innocent smile

"I made your Dad do everything and I supervised it! I saw you walking in and out of this room a lot, so I thought that you like it!"

After Viorica said that, Leus knew why Blaze looked the way he looked

'Heh ... Poor Dad'

Nevertheless, Leus smiled brightly as well

"Thank you so much, Mom!"

Viorica patted his head

"No problem. Now that you have your own things to do, you need an appropriate place to study and practice!

I hope this is a good place for you!"

She sounded so excited it made Leus feel a bit bad

'I really am taking things easy ...'

'Mom is so excited ...'

'I should be a bit more serious'

'I can't let her down'

Leus gave Viorica a small hug, so she hugged him back and said

"Try to be careful with Magic, but if you break anything ... - "

She whispered in his ears

"I'll make Dad fix it"

Then she returned to her normal tone

"Just be careful with the book"

Leus held back his laughter and replied innocently

"Thank you, Mom"

After that, Viorica left the room, and it was time for Leus to open one of his new books ...