The Council of Dragons

Location: The heart of the Draconic Domain, The Eroded Peaks.

Date: According to the Ancient Dragon Lord, such concepts aren't of value.

For the last two months, The Ancient Dragon Lord hasn't stopped reading for a second, as beings of the Royal Level and higher require no physical needs.

And finally, he had comprehended all the methods in the book ...

After he fully understood the book, he came to a conclusion

'This book contains methods that should allow one to comprehend advanced Abstracts, Concepts, and Skills'

A smirk appeared on his face

'If a Royal Dragon masters some of these methods, then it might indeed evolve and become a King'

The Dragon Lord moved his finger and drew a triangle in the middle of the air, opening his personal (Pocket Dimension), and storing the book in it. Then he shapeshifted back to his enormous Dragon form ...

Alone atop the summit, the Dragon Lord surveyed his domain for a brief moment before unleashing a thunderous roar.

The roar reverberated across nearly the entire Draconic Domain, so powerful that it instantly claimed the lives of several unfortunate Elite Beasts who had strayed too close to the Eroded Peaks ...

Then he waited ...

This roar signaled one thing: the Dragon Council had commenced, summoning all the Dragon Kings to gather.

And within a few minutes, four humongous dragons soared rapidly toward the summit ...

The first to land in front of the Dragon Lord was the Lightning Dragon Queen, followed by the Ice Dragon King ...

A bit later, the Wind and the Fire Dragon Kings landed beside them ...

The four Dragon Kings bowed before their Lord, then stood motionless, awaiting his declaration.

He eyed them up and down for a couple of seconds, then he began speaking in the World's Language ...

The Ancient Dragon Lord announced loudly

"I've made a deal with the Hegemon"

The reaction of the Dragon Kings differed ...

The Fire Dragon King beat the ground with his foot in anger, causing a dent in the summit's surface, then he shouted

"Why do we need to make deals with such a lowly creature?"

The Dragon Lord just looked at him with disdain for a second, then moved his eyes to the next King,

The Ice Dragon King spoke in a low tone

"If it's the Hegemon, then it can't be helped"

The Dragon Lord sighed

'These two are hopeless, one is just stupid and the other is too meek'

He averted his gaze in disappointment and looked at the next King

The Wind Dragon King spoke arrogantly

"What does that have to do with me?"

And lastly, The Lightning Dragon Queen asked

"What's the deal?"

The Dragon Lord liked these responses more

'At least there's some hope in this two'

'The Wind King is selfish and doesn't care about his kin, but if he becomes a Lord and realizes that the power of the kin is as important for his survival as his own power, then he'll put efforts into making them stronger'

'As for the Lightning Dragon Queen ...'

'She's the most promising one as she's very smart ... but also -'

His eyes narrowed slightly for a moment

' ... She's very suspicious'

After The Dragon Lord was done assessing all their replies, he continued

"Each one of you will master the techniques in this book, then teach them to the Royal Dragons you deem fit.

The one who manages to evolve the most Dragon Kings will become my second-in-command!"

The Dragon Lord's declaration shocked all the Kings ...

Second in command?!

Did they hear that correctly?!

They have given up all hope on this position centuries ago!

No matter how many times they asked, The Dragon Lord never considered it

'But now it is up for grabs!'

Finally, their chance to prove that they're better than the other Kings has come!!

The Fire Dragon King was the first to speak

''I'd have preferred a Death Match, but this also works''

The Ice Dragon King spoke after him

"Whatever you deem fit, My Lord"

The Wind Dragon King said

"It'd have been better if it was something to increase my own power, but it can't be helped"

The Lightning Dragon Queen thought about it for a couple of seconds then said

"I have a condition"

The Dragon Lord's interest was piqued


He asked with interest

"What is it?"

"As it is only me and My Lord who know how to read, I'll be the one teaching the methods to the rest of the Kings first, Am I correct?"

The Dragon Lord nodded and gestured for her to continue

"Then it'd only be fair that I have an advantage"

"What kind of advantage?" The Dragon Lord asked with narrowed eyes

The Lightning Queen elaborated

"It's simple. No matter how good the techniques are, not many Royals have the potential to evolve, this makes the possibility of tying very high"

The Fire Dragon King was about to object, But the Dragon Lord raised his talons and stopped him

"That is indeed correct, continue"

She slightly bowed to the Lord

"Thank you, My Lord"

Then she continued

"I request that if I tie in with anyone else, I should have priority for the position.

Of course, if they manage to evolve more Kings then it's understandable that they'll get the position, but if we're equal, then it shall be I, The Lightning Queen!"

The Dragon Lord pondered about what she said for a moment before asking the other Kings

"What are your opinions about this?"

The Fire Dragon King rose his nose high

"I don't care"

The Ice Dragon King said

"Whatever my lord deems fit is right"

The Wind Dragon King said

"I do not agree"

The Dragon Lord looked at the Wind Dragon King and asked

"Then, Are you ready to learn how to read?"

The Wind Dragon King averted his gaze and didn't reply

Once again, The Dragon Lord felt disappointed ...

'Even after reaching this level, they still do not value knowledge!"

He looked in the distance and thought

'Perhaps ... my father was right'

But he quickly pushed that thought away and spoke in a neutral tone

"The rules are set.

The one who evolves the most Royals becomes my Second-In-Command, and if anyone is tied with The Lightning Queen, then she'll get the position"

After making his declaration, The Dragon Lord took out the book from the pocket dimension and handed it to the Lightning Dragon Queen ...

She took the book, and the Dragon Lord continued

"I'll be leaving the turf for a while, I must fulfill my end of the pact.

Until then, learn the techniques and teach them to the rest"

The Lightning Dragon Lord replied with a respectful bow

"Understood, My Lord"

The Dragon Lord shapeshifted back to his human form and looked around him as if he was searching for something ...

After a bit of time, he found what he was looking for

'Two dragons in a battle, perfect ...'