Chapter 1

Struggle in Libya after arrives in Libya

You don’t need to go to Libya after the dead of Muammar Gadhafi, the

Libyan president who held and shutdown slavery that was practicing

by Europe at Libyan coast in colonial periods, you must have to

noticed before planning your trip to Libya’ make sure you are going

to experience being a slave, you are going to be sell somewhere within

Libya or can be kill in spot due to racism or because you have rejected

being sold to mafia groups, this is simple questions you could ask

yourself; am I capable to be a slave?’ what if I didn’t go to Libya would

this unacceptable act ever going to happens? In recent years from

2014 up to date the dead rate in Libya toward black Africans has raised

to unexpected level and include Tunisia coast; where in Libya black

people have been burned alive or hanged to died; most of them were

west Africans and east Africans who flee their home countries due to

civil wars nor internal disturbances nor in name of seeking greens in

Europe via Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria and Morocco.

Migration and discrimination Migrants from South Sudan, displaced

ethnic groups, young people or even children looking for work are

especially vulnerable to exploitation in Egypt because they may be

more willing to accept work involving harsh or unsafe conditions.

This could range from agriculture or mining in rural or remote areas

to laborious work in industrial in Egypt, urban production sites of


The risk of discrimination is particularly high for such individuals

living in Egypt. In their new social environment and still experiencing

poverty, they might be denied the same social status and rights as

others in the same society of Egypt. Many children have lost their

families and many conflict victims suffer from mental stress after

having experienced atrocities. Migrants and refugees, in particular, depend on their identity papers and, therefore, the widespread, though

illegal, practice of local company managers to retain passports of

workers affect them most seriously

Deng Jimmie’s letter to AU


I would love to share little moment to write to you about your act of

ignorant toward Africa as whole, as of previously we were so excited

That Africa union is there to protect, united, Africans, however the

organization turn to blind-folding the whole continent and failure to

protect Africans

Firstly, I love to ask precious questions that you couldn’t answer even

thoughts they couldn’t be getting any answers, that is my goodness

to stood a chance to questioning your ignorant and abandoned, I guess

these questions are to be asks and to be answer by Africans and

Mother-Africa itself, if organization called African union couldn’t be

enable to answer their act of ignorant, these questions start with:

 What is role of African union ‘when thousands of dead Africans

are watch over at sea coast in Libya and Tunisia borders?

 What African union was formed for’ when thousands of Africans

died of hunger every year?

 Is African union focused on solving Africa issues or to create

more issues contributed to Africa fall since they couldn’t solve

all these wars everywhere in Africa?

Secondly, I have a great message to young Africans, like I do, folks

you are belongs here never Jump into deadliest sea in name of going

to Europe and later ended up in the sea or died of cold snow weather

in European cities, we should’ve focus on overcoming difficulties in

Africa than rushing nowhere that’s full of hate, racism, jealousy, stop

crossing the sea to Europe, you have already finished. Take your

attentions in here and thanks you.

To: UN headquarter Geneva Switzerland.

I would like to take this moments to write to UNCHR about racisms

and hates we are facing in Cairo, Egypt to make it short , here's little

knowledge about what has happen to me today at 6:30pm I was on bus

coming back from downtown Cairo to new Cairo in Egypt , while the bus still not moving then a man of age 40s coming besides me caring

drinks and call me black take a drink , I said thanks you I'm satisfied

recently, he then starting straight insulting me in Arabic that I'm

animal , dog is better than me and then I asked him are you trying to

force me to drink that's when the guy in the video joined to insulting

me too, telling me go back to your home country, don't sits here in

Egypt, so I asked the guy in the video, that I'm talking to the man

caring drinks why are you joining, he said he is my brother as long as

he is Egyptian that’s when I recording it because they need to fight

with me but I'm alone among them, the guy in the video punch me and

tell me "he will kill me and that’s when everyone on the bus trying to

beats me, I face the whole bus only me, so I managed to pass through

car window while my mouth is injuries.

So today my request to UNHCR headquarter is that this is not first

time or second time you got news about violence Against Refugees

under UNHCR Egypt office, my request is:

let UNHCR headquarter bring to an end of living in fears by transfer

the office in Egypt to another country that is safety for Refugees under

UNHCR Egypt, because Egyptians thoughts we stuck in their homes

not knowing it's because of UNHCR office is what holding us here, we

would have left so far.

Let UNHCR headquarter bring to an end of delayed processes of

Refugees, some Refugees under UNHCR Egypt where faced processes

been delayed for 30 years imagine living in fears for 30 years, what

kind of processes that took 30 years? and that has happened in

UNHCR Egypt.

Let UNHCR headquarter bring to an end of violence against Refugees

by transfer the UNHCR in Egypt to other country because Refugees

are going to finishing while they were not interested in violence that's

why they left their homes and escape under UNHCR for protections

and UNHCR did it, just little leave is to transfer the UNHCR Egypt

with its Refugees to other country for safety of thousands of Refugees

including me.

If UNHCR headquarter got this message I knowledge that I'm not

interested in leaving alone, my message is clear of delivering Refugees

under UNHCR Egypt by transfer the office or theirs processes gets

done for traveling and closed the office.

Egyptians almost kill me today but my response is not to fight back

but to delivering the thousands of Refugees under UNHCR Egypt out

of Egypt including those whom theirs processes goes in wasted.

Kuec Garang’s experience in Libya

Let’s ask my friend (Kuec Garang) about his experiences after arrives

in Libya in 2020, he will explain the suffering he went through during

his first year of making it from Egypt to Libya, after some few years

of struggles working in Egypt, Kuec has finally made his decision of

leaving Egypt for Libya where he might be trying his best of luck to

cross the Mediterranean to Europe, Kuec Garang stated; after I took

my first step of traveling to Libya, we went through Egypt-Libyan

border that was full of underground-mine and bombs which could

almost kill us’ we stepped on a lot land-mine and bombs at the border’

before we arrives to Tobruk, Libya, we were attacked by Libyan armed

mafia group and they would have caught me but I uses my tactics to

survive the attacks, by running once they turn car-light away from

me’ I run and if they turn toward me I laid down in darkness, it was

actually midnight when we took risky trip at the border of Egypt to

Tobruk, Libya.

We were 103 people and only three of us escape to Tobruk, Libya

meanwhile 100 0thers were caught and held for ransoms or sometime Libyan men could show up and take you out of jail telling you they are

setting you free and later end up being sold to other mafia group with

cheapest price, that is a just struggling before heading to Tripoli,

Libya. Meanwhile in Tobruk before reaching the town, we were taken

by car like goods where small car taken up to 12 people, you could be

placed on top of each other like luggage and after reach town of

Tobruk at night time, all of people shall be placed in small house just

like non-living things and they told us to stay quiet to avoid being

caught by Libyan-Gov’t and the dealers will observe the situations

before releasing you into town of Tobruk, Libya. In Tobruk after the

released us, one of south Sudanese (nuer-man) was unable to pay his

Ransom to be set free with us altogether, Libyans told us if we can’t

afford paying his money, then they’ll take him to be shot; that was

when I try to set him free by paying his money and he was set free to

go with us in Town of Tobruk, we live together for some time before

they start wrong behaving with me and that was when I left them.

Another eye witness Libya based North Sudanese stressed’ when they

arrived in Libya in 2021 with his friend, they were caught by armed

youth and ordered them to presented their cell phones or money;

unknowingly his friend rejected giving his cell phone to Libyan armed

youth and that was when they shot his friend on his neck that led to

his dead in few hours later; he stated when I happened to make an

online chat with him.

Martin Kugame is from Burundi who made it to Libya after spending

4 years in Cairo, Egypt, he tries to leave Egypt for Libya and then

cross Mediterranean Sea to Europe, martin went to Libya in 2020 in

which we chat online just once, martin made his remark of regretted

going to Libya, he explained on chats’ his worst mistake he has made

was coming to Libya without Gadhafi’ he stated’ he has been jailed and

abused multiple times’ he regret he would have never left Burundi for

Egypt or Libya; he said’ if there is chance to come out of Libya; he will

definitely could go back to Burundi.

Youm a South Sudanese young man who met me in Egypt and I have

accommodated him for week before leaving Egypt for Libya, after he

arrived in Libya, he scared of crossing the Mediterranean, he spends

sometime in Libya, then he made up his mind of going to Europe

through morocco, he went through Algerian border cross to morocco

and finally stuck in morocco’ he got nowhere to go to’ just stuck in

Spain-Moroccan border is closed completely. Before dreaming of

going to Libya or to cross the Mediterranean Sea, make sure what you

are up to’ is like you are going to be like being tight near ticking time


Your perspective matter and quintessential might make possible

impact of raise awareness of going to Libya to cross Mediterranean

Sea to Europe which is too risky without benefits, in which we need

to learns a lesion and avoid losing thousands of lives each and every

year, you will never look like moron when you rejected crossing

Mediterranean sea, you look like moron when you allow history

repeating itself, the Mediterranean Sea killed millions of our ancestors

during British invaded Africa, has repeated itself again if millions of

Africa are now dying every year, we must join hands to stop this and

we must talks to stop this.

Semepe Naky a Nigerian man who went through Niger to Libya’

complained about being fall in danger during his rendezvous with one

of his relatives who was in Libya for six year with hoping of getting a

chance of crossing the Mediterranean Sea, he stressed that travelling

to Libya for sea-crossing was one of his ridiculous error of his lifetime,

during his meeting his relative Semepe, he can’t believe they meet

again with relative, both almost fall in cruel moments’ however they

managed to overcome the attacks, they said’ they attacking was so

deadliest where Libyan armed robbers open gun fire at them while

they were inside their rented house

It is not pleasurable being in Libya or crossing the Mediterranean Sea,

it only danger but surviving is 0.1% which mean one in ten unusual

surviving both Libya and deadliest sea, you likely could not make it

out of this trap of Libyans on black African.

Another young man who was stuck for three years in Libya’ speak out

about touched situations, he went through during his three years

before crossing Mediterranean Sea to Italy, he has been to jail multiple

time being caught by Libyans and asked him about his family members

to pay their ransoms for his release, he never said ‘he has family

members which sometime set him free or sometime escape the jail.

Mariam Hadi a Eritrean lady who cross to Tunisia, speak out on how

she was abused, mistreated in Tunisia, she has been employed without

payment by Tunisian business man who happened to had asked her

whether she could work with him as maid, where she experience

domestic violent, sexual assaulted, racism, she explained when we had

chats online, she explained all her worst days in Tunisia, she told me

if there is any help, so she could get back home to Eritrea’ she is tired

and can’t stand this anymore.

Abuk lual a South Sudanese young woman with her two kids who

went to Libya, hoping to cross the sea to Europe has finally raised her

voice while in Libya, she spoke out, while she was broke down and in

tears, she has no idea what to do with her two kids, situations getting

worst and worst in ever seconds of the minutes of an hours of the days

in weeks of the months in the year without even single change for the

moments, She shouted out that why there is no help coming from our

Africans gov’ts, why are they’re so quite while we are finishing in Libya, Mediterranean coast, she said this was pathetic and must be

stopping by all means, yeah we made mistakes for coming to Libya or

trying cross the sea but you should have correct us instead of

abandoned, I never knew how Libya or sea look like until I came to

witness the wreckage and leakage nightmare which turn out to be un￾survivable and suicidal.

Everyone giving up on me after hearing news of my travelling to

Libya, they avoid me, nobody picking my phone calls after I went to

Libya, including my relatives, why? where is love of humanity’ I have

nobody, nowhere now I felts weak and disables now, where is my

Africans? Where is my home country? where is my home continent?

South Sudanese boy who was in Tripoli, Libya spend most of his time

doing nothing, works as a slave, or for food, unable to make money to

cross the Mediterranean Sea, he tries all his best, working day and

night just to delivering himself out trap or planning his going back

home, he was once robbed in daylight by Libyans robbers taking his

little money, including his nokia phone, he work and work which

always end in nothing until finally, he gets killed by Libyans who

working with him in his last job of his planning to make transport

money to go back home South Sudan, his story was released by

witness and his friend who he knows each other in Tripoli, Libya.

Libya based Egyptian complained about being abused and shot on his

left leg by Libyan armed group after he was found coming out of

church in Tripoli ‘during Friday praying; because almost Libyans are

anti-Christianity, they hate Christians or seeing you wearing cross or

has cross Tattooed, you can get in trouble; if you have any cross with

you, you will smell plastic burned. A lot of Egyptians erase their cross

tattooed before arrives in Libya.

A Zimbabwean lady called Rebbeca nyinza who came to Libya after

a replacement of Robert Mugabe when the country experience waves

after removal of uncle bob, she left Zimbabwe for Libya and looking

forward to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, she spends all her

previous years doing her best to cross the sea, for Zimbabwe was

shaking after Robert Mugabe removed, she talked to me after I made

my researching on Libyans misshaping, abused of black African in

Libya, she spoke about all inhumanness going on in Libya based on

one race black, she explained being black is look like something illegal

in Libya, which was so shocked to witness this after all she blamed

herself for being not smart mover, she would have been to South

Africa which is too near to Zimbabwe.

John Lual from South Sudan tells his story of living in Libya before

cross Mediterranean to Luxemburg, he said’’ when we first made

attempt of cross the Mediterranean Sea, they were giving plastic boat

by Libyans, and then few hours later, Libyans running behind them

and destroy their plastic boat by hitting it to sink, caught some of us

and allow some people to drowning and taken the people they caught

to be put in jail in Libya.

He said’ what he saw is Libyans are playing people, human can be kills

like chicken; and nobody could talk, or you will kill too.

God’s response to Libyans act of inhumane toward black African has

started on 12 September 2023 when strong wind blew that almost

destroyed everything, remove trees, houses, that’s sign you could have

noticed that holy nature has finally take action on your wrong doings,

you must sort, the people you burn alive, the people you shot on simple

things, racism of Libyans has been recognize and responding. They

should have known humanity instead of killing people like some ants.

Garang Deng from Aweil, South Sudan has travelling to Libya in

2021, he stressed, how he was mistreated by Libyans after he failed to

pay all his money of break thru Egypt-Libya border; he stated on

phone chats that he regret coming to Libya and ask if there’s a way he

can go back to Egypt, and Stay in Egypt, saying he have no idea

whether he is going to survive Libya anytime, he said his colleague

made it to Italy by crossing the Mediterranean Sea and he left in

Libyan-Tunisian border, he call for help of going home or back to

Egypt, life has become toucher every day in Libya except previously

when he was in Egypt in 2020. he advices he who want to coming to

Libya has definitely committed suicide like he did, his message to

young South Sudanese, he said let young South Sudanese ignore

coming to Libya, Libya is killing zone, where people can be slaughter

in daylight without nobody asks, he cries to God to answer his

suffering in Libya.