Chapter 4

Struggle in Europe that you almost regret

Struggling in Europe is very touches and sometimes take you forever

to accomplishing your desires and goals, it’s plight to handling

thought you are hardworking young man or young woman and still

find blocks made by Europeans, they created system that blocks

certain people from success or reach their potential, it leasing now

only for people who are means to be, not for everyone, there’s a lot of

people who have been to Europe and lives less then how they use to

be in Africa.

I wondering how some Asians receives preferential treatment in

Europe compare to Africans when they’re both humans, what is the

case for real’ is Africans a problem themselves? Or European took it as a way of racism as they always do. As like some Vietnamese are

been in European countries for fifty years’ Since the Vietnamese civil

war in 1975 and they still receive special treatment compare to

Africans in European countries, the paternalism made by Europe only

targeting Asians and leaving out Africans in European cities.

You will be exhausted of coming down to European cities without

great qualification that would help getting great job or getting

documents, it is indecent to entire Africa that why our very youth left

instead of developing their home continent like Europe, struggling in

Europe is real and it action on not to go to Europe but only for one

condition business purpose, with all my researching I had found a lot

of Africans people living the lie in Europe cities which they supposed

to go back Africa and ask for forgiveness, with my previous research

I had found Africa is available more than European countries, I did not

say going to Europe is bad but go for purpose worth it, like for

business purpose, tourisms, studying and come back home later when

the deal done.

Samuel pal from South Sudan has been to Paris, France in 2020,

Samuel has optimum the life he experiences in Paris, Sam stated been

to Paris doesn’t grantee a lavishly life, when you lack qualifications

that present a great job in France cities, he said; I thought living in

Paris itself is life changing until I came down and found myself living

in darker days of my life, led to hating been to Paris, it was not easy

living in city where there is a lot of billionaires and millionaires,

everything was so expensive compare to when he was in Juba, South

Sudan, he complains he need to go back home South Sudan, he didn’t

understand the Europe ‘ he was rushing to previously.

Moagi Salad from Namibia who has been to Munich, Germany says’

I saw the home of BMW’ the luxury car maker which is enjoyed

around the world, I thought I made it in life after living next to BMW

which has turned out as a nightmare, after it became so difficult to

speak in Germany in order to get job in those luxury car makers or

others factories since everything made in Germany has means a lot

around the world as like made in Japan, it was phenomenal been to

Germany but turned out to be very touches after living a touchiest

moments in Munich, Germany in 2019, when I unable to speak in

Germany, I start it by all meaning to learning Germany and end up in

nothing caused difficulties in getting a job, plus my documents were

delayed by German gov’t, make me like going back to Windhoek,

Namibia and start new life again at home since Germany pay no prize

after all struggling to gets to Germany.

Madether Adam from Khartoum, North Sudan share his European

experience when he travelled to Switzerland in 2013, Adam

differentiates Khartoum to that of Zurich, Switzerland, Adam craze

credentials that Zurich is crevice compare to Khartoum where you

made thousands of dollars a year; meanwhile in Zurich where you only

earning for feeding a year, he was crestfallen for being in Switzerland,

he feels improper to travelled to Europe while he was unware, split

inadequate losing a very awesome Khartoum, he was inadvisable

Khartoum for any European city not knowing it’s unfair in there.

He spots inauspicious that he must strike to terminates it for good and

avoid jeopardizing his future, as Switzerland was one of those

wealthiest country on earth, madether was unable to see that while in

Switzerland it’s all bullshit after bullshit, despite been to Switzerland

will not change life he ‘said’ life can change for better everywhere

according to his experience.

Paul kebinda is Zambian who migrated to Spain in 2002; Paul lives

in Barcelona trying what it takes to help himself and his family back

in Lusaka, Zambia, he ident how life gave him lemon in these passed

years from 2002 to 2021, he lives as homeless, sometime he got no Food to eat for days, In Zambia I was indulgent he stresses; in Spain

I was like being in prison which made me realizing Zambia is way

better than Spain. I feel like being frustrating in Barcelona to that of

Lusaka, Paul explains’ we were being indoctrinate by Europeans of

Europe that Europe is heaven on earth which is not true, in this case

Paul prefer Zambia for any Europe country and advice Africans to

believe in Africa and we will see things works out.

William motita from Mozambique, an industrious man of his 40s

who arrives in London, UK in 2022, William made clarification of

living in London is not worth it but worthless, he was harrowing of

wrong move he had made of touching down in city of racism the

London, he haste of make money to go back home to Mozambique and

feels at home than to living board that doesn’t offer anything, even if

with his hard-working, in Mozambique during our leisure we went to

fishing, hunting and do all our traditional stuffs which is apart of our

happiness something I didn’t find in Europe all type seasons are the

same, sometime you find year has ended without your noticed.

Eunice Arap is Kenyan based in Brussel, Belgium. Eunice went to

Belgium in 2008’ during a few months of political issues in Kenya, she

left home because Kenyan employments rate was limited, it was based

on tribal line and connections, Eunice was unable to secure herself a

job; where she finally putted her attention on going to Europe in

hopping of getting a great job to upgrade her family, she got a visa to

Belgium and end up doing nothing in Belgians city.

“Been to Europe doesn’t grantee a life changing even if you are

industrious.” ___Deng Jimmie

Karaj Sam from Uganda has her says after she has been to Sweden,

she arrives in Sweden in 2017 from Dubai, UAE and she started

worked in Swedish restaurants as a waiter, Karaj spend her lovely life

in Swedish city looking for life changing job, she works in McDonald’s

restaurant and KFC but still end up as bill paying salaries without

little money left from bills to help her family in north Uganda,

Stockholm is only great city in the movies but in reality it is another


Kiden John from South Sudan was taken to Finland in 2013 via

Ethiopia by unhcr, kiden found herself unhappy in Finland when she

was hoping of finding her happiness in Finland, something that

doesn’t goes on how it was planned’ the sponsored secure a job to

Kiden to host herself in finish city after years of hard-working’ she

managed to bought a car which is later carjacking by some finish

rubbers, and still find it difficult to track the rubbers who violently

took her car while she was coming from beach during weekend, Kiden

realized juba her hometown was more peaceful than any finish city and

plan again to save some money for her returning home.

Finding happiness is everywhere’ not by migrating to any

Americans cities nor Europeans cities”. _____ Deng Jimmie