Alina wore a deep blue gown which matched the colour of her eyes, dark stains were seen around her eyelids and below the eye,her gown brushed the floor as she walked through the hallway,holding in her hands a bouquet of flowers,as she got closer to the royal court. The door opened mysteriously by itself and she walked in.

She walked and could feel something strange in the royal court,looking ahead she saw her father sitting on his throne.

She saw that he wasn't happy and beside him was the queen who sat there smiling wickedly,beside her stood two men. One looked older than the other but Alina at that moment didn't care as she realised she couldn't get closer to them.

She just kept on walking and she never seemed to get closer.

The faster she walked the farther they were.

She blinked then saw her self in a different place,she was confused at to what was going on as she saw herself on a road which she had guessed led to the palace.

She looked around and gulped at the sight around her,there were rubbles everywhere,the road seemed deserted as she walked on the black, dirty road. She saw nothing but the remains of what seemed to be caused by fire.

She blinked again this time seeing herself in the palace, the sight of what she saw made her heart beat fast.

She was looking at what seems to be her home in ruins,dead bodies could be seen lying everywhere.

She was crestfallen on seeing everything she had once loved destroyed. She had no idea what had happened and then a thought came to her.

'Father....I hope he's okay'

She thought and then walked faster still being cautious as she had no idea of what or who had caused this disaster.

She walked swiftly up the spiral staircase through the hallway, hoping that her father was okay.

'Maybe he's safe and I'm just being a worrywart ' she thought encouraging herself as she walked on with little hope,she walked on through the hallway heading to where she thought her father would be.

The royal court .

She yanked open the door and walked in hastily, she looked ahead and could see her father sitting elegantly on his throne as always beckoning to her to come closer.

Alina sighed on seeing that her father was hale and hearty.

She felt relieved and walked on towards where her father was as she got closer,the atmosphere changed and looking up ahead to where her father was she saw no one.

He had disappeared and sitting on his throne was Mira.

Looking ahead Alina realized that Mira could not see her, walking closer she could see how happy Mira was sitting elegantly on the throne.

The door yanked open ,Alina turned around to see who it was and in walked Duran grinning.

His two hands were at his back,Alina could feel something was wrong but wasn't sure exactly what.

"Amiraline" Duran said grinning wildly.

"Duran" she replied

"What brings you here?" She asked

Duran smiled.

" I didn't send for you " she continued

"You don't need to summon me here before I come visiting my cousin" he said smiling

"Besides I am here to take what's rightfully mine and before that I will like to give you a gift" he said with a grin as he moved closer to Mira.

Alina who just stood watching what was going on at that moment had already guessed what was going on.

"Wait" she shouted

"And what's that?" Mira asked oblivious of Alina presence.

Duran smiled devilishly.

"Death" he said walking towards her,revealing the knife which he had held at his back.

Mira eyes opened wide in horror.

"What....what do...." Mira said stuttering.

"Please you shouldn't kill me....I will give you half of the kingdom and you'll...."

Mira's eyes opened wider as blood spurted from her mouth.

"Why would I need half of the kingdom when I can have the throne and the entire kingdon" Duran said,pulling the dagger which he had thrusted into her.

Alina watched in terror as Mira's limp body fell heavily on the throne, blood gushing out from where she was stabbed and forming a large puddle around her.

"No!!!" Alina shouted,but no one could hear her.

She watched Duran push Mira from the throne onto the floor and then sat on it.


"You have no right to be there" Alina called out but Duran just kept smiling oblivious of her presence.

* * * *

Alina sat up swiftly on her bed,sweating profusely. She looked around and realized she had been dreaming as she saw she was in her room.

She had no idea what the dream meant, she hadn't see anything happened to her nor her father in the dream but she was still worried as she had no idea what the meaning of the dream was.

But she did know someone who would know what the dream is all about.

" knock knock"

" you may come in" she said sitting up well and adjusting her clothes as she had no idea who it was.

The door slowly opened and in walked a young man in a royal guard uniform.

"Good day my lady" he greeted his eyes on the ground.

"Good day Akor, how are you doing?" She asked smiling.

"Very well my lady thanks" he replied shyly.

"My lady,your father wants to see you" he continued facing the ground .

Alina frowned.

"Okay,tell him I will be on my way" she said

" okay my lady" he said and left closing the door quietly behind him.

* * * * *

Alina graced through the hallway as she walked towards the royal court,she wasn't bothered about why he had called her as she already guess the reason.

She packed her hair in a bun,wearing an orange dress which dazzled the people walking by. Her face was touched a little with make up.

She had told the maidens she didn't need much make up when they came in saying the king had told them to dress her.

She passed various merchants,elders who might had probably came to seen the kings.

As she got closer, the guards yanked open the door for her.

She gulped as she walked in.

"Alina my daughter" She could hear her father and her gaze shifted to him.

"My greetings Father" she said curtseying .

"Your highness" Alina said,facing Mira who was sitting beside her father as usual,the only one person who she despised and wished to have been dead.

Mira smiled.

Alina looked around after sending other presence in the room,up ahead she saw two men standing side by side. One of them seemed older than the other.

She realized she had seen one of them before but wasn't sure where and when.

Her forehead squeezed a little as she tried remembering where she had seen him from.


"Alina meet Duran and Donarton" King O'colan said smiling.


That name rang in her head and then she realized where she knew from.

' It's that guy from my dream,what's he doing here? ' She thought remembering her dream.

"Duran here is a far cousin of Mira he is here with his son ... to ask for your hand in marriage" Her father said smiling.

Alina's face flushed red with anger.

"I suppose you won't have any issue as they are still our relatives and not strangers " her father continued.

"What do you imply father?" She asked looking utterly confused.

Although Alina had expected this news but still she found it hard to believe what her father had said.

"What he implies is that ,we've already found you someone who would suit you and you have no say in it" Mira cut in.

"Who are you to answer the question meant for my father witch"

"You think I know nothing of your plots, you this monster" Aina said fuming with anger trying to control herself.

" Alina!" Her father called

"Father" Alina said softly facing him as she walked closer to him.

"Don't do this father,you know how much my future means to me"

"You know how much I love jousting,please father "

"Alina my daughter"

"I understand you're hurt but you know the customs....."

"To help with the customs father,you're king and you rule over Adrielle.....tou can change it dad" Alina interrupted king O'colan.

"Alina the customs have been there for a thousand years now,my great grandfather met it and they never changed it"

"You aren't them father" Alina said trying as much as possible to hold herself.

King O'colan sighed.

"There's nothing I can do daughter,the customers can never be...."

Alina's eyes flickered with rage.

She turned to leave as she could feel her rage rising,she knew she wouldn't be able to control herself if she stood there.

She ran out of the chamber as tears welled up in her eyes...

Tears of anger.

She could sense people looking at her as she ran past them,through the hall.

They just couldn't understand what she was going through at that moment.

No one could not even her father.

She knew she had to talk to someone and she knew exactly who to go to.