Chapter Fourteen

Donarton tried opening his eyes but it felt heavy, but still he tried harder and eventually his eyes began to open slowly.

He looked around slowly and couldn't see anything clearly as his visions were blurry, slowly again his vision began to become clear as he laid still on the bed facing the ceiling.

He laid still trying to remember what had happened when he had flashbacks.

He remembered meeting Alina at the field sparring, he remembered how he had asked to spar with her and that she had said she was going to beat him.

He never really thought that a lady would be so good at swordsmanship, he thought she was just saying it to scare him.

He felt really weak.

"Aargh" he groaned in pain as he felt his head splitting.

He felt pangs of pain all over his body as he laid still, he had no idea how he had gotten to his room.

He remembered mixing the sand he bad thrown with Bilar at Alina, he had mixed the sand with Bilar thinking he was going to win the fight.

But No Alina had fought with her eyes closed, he knew how toxic Bilar was but it seemed toxic to Alina.

He was shocked at how she had handled it really well.

' She sure is good ' he thought.

Although he had mixed the sand with Bilar, he had a deep feeling she was fine and felt so happy, he wouldn't want to kill his future wife.

He had no intentions to do that

She's definitely strong.

'That girl did kick my ass, I guess that was how I got here' he thought.

"Shit" he shrieked as he could feel another pang of pain, in his head. It felt like his head as splitting but this time it seemed worst.

His head began to ache, and his eyes began to feel heavy and he realized sleep was calling to him. He tried holding himself but the more he tried the more wasted he felt.

He held himself to keep awake as he thought of Alina, he had no idea why he kept thinking about her.

'She had beaten me to stupor and still I am thinking of her'

"Get off it Donarton" he said.

He knew for sure that she...…

Donarton couldn't hold himself anymore as he drifted to sleep.

He laid on the bed, eyes short as he snored heavily that it could be heard across the hallway.