A groggy pair of eyes snapped open in a completely dark world.
The world was so dark, or not?
It was just his eyes, they struggled to adapt to the lighting in this place.
Clinton squinted his eyes as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. ‘Where the hell am I?’
‘What happened?’
For some reason, he could not stand up, he was too weak to stand up.
Lying on the ground or wherever this was, feeling lazy all of a sudden, Clinton tried to grope around for the boobs of whatever girl definitely laid beside him but to his shock, he found no boobs to grab.
“…!” Clinton was shocked till he was speechless.
‘No boobs?!’ Now, he was horrified. ‘What the hell happened?!’
The last thing he could remember was overtaking that prick, Frank at the last moment, clinching first position for his school again, Landmark Academy and making them 3-peat champions, right?
As soon as he thought of this, his eyes narrowed, right?
And then, he shuddered in fear. ‘F*ck! That bastard punched me on the back of my head, the last thing I remember is his ugly face!’
‘Did I faint?’
He felt like muttering a curse but having just remembered the reason why he was in his situation and in this place, wherever this was, likely a hospital, he no longer panicked as he calmed down.
‘I’m probably in the nearest hospital’. He thought.
‘But why can’t I see?’ He tried to squint his eyes again, yet, he could see nothing. The bright lighting seemed to affect his eye in a certain way.
Heck, it almost felt like he would see better in the dark.
‘Weird’. He thought.
And then, at this moment, Clinton finally decided that he was fed up of this lack of information, it was time to scream loudly for the nurse’s attention.
Afterall, he was Donald Clinton, the Donald Clinton, how dare a pretty nurse keep him waiting alone inside a hospital ward?
Besides, having just won the relay race for Landmark University again, where were the girls? That was the most baffling fact of it all.
As the only high school athlete in recent times who never lost a major tournament yet, he was extremely popular with the girls.
After every race, the girls literally fought among themselves to decide on the one to spend the night with him.
That was why waking up, the first thing he did was to naturally grope around for the soft sensation of boobs.
Afterall, what is life without boobs?
Heck, he wanted to grab that bastard girlfriend’s boobs above everything else right now and f*ck her till she screamed daddy at the top of her lungs!
Boobs and a nice round ass were one of the few things that made him relax in this life. Life itself was so hectic and stressful so anything that gave him peace, he loved spending time around it; boobs and a nice ass definitely gave him peace.
At this moment though, Clinton was fed up, it was time to call the nurse.
And then, he screamed at the top of his lungs.
Clinton’s voice blasted so loudly and in such a weird goosebumps-inducing tone that even himself felt a chill crawl down his spine, his voice echoed.
Clinton was shocked.
That voice was not his voice, definitely not!
T-that voice, it sounded like the voice of a troll rather, or whatever grotesque monster are depicted in horrific movies to scare kids.
He tried chuckling to relieve his stress and fear at this moment but due to some reason, his vocal cords could not produce the right sound. ‘Hehe,’ he chuckled in his mind. ‘What the heck is all this?’
Operation rescue Clinton, start!
First step in this operation was to roll out of this bed since he could not stand up with his own strength.
Clinton tried to roll but instead of his full body moving, to his shock, he felt a sensation like only his head moved.
His head did move though, rolling to the side and away from the direct illumination of the light.
He was right, he could not see under direct light.
On the side of his head, exposed to shadows which dimmed the lighting now, Clinton could see better.
The things that he saw though made him feel light-headed.
At this moment, scattered at the side of this place, wherever this was, there was a pile of bones, so many bones that they heaped together to form a hill.
They were not the bones of a single species.
At this moment, staring at the hill of bones, Clinton recognized the sight of bones belonging to humans, animals like Tigers, Elephants, and even bones that belonged to species that he didn’t recognize.
Clinton shuddered. ‘Is that the bone of a Dragon?’
‘W-where the f*ck am I?!’
And at this moment, there was a particular set of bones closer to Clinton’s head than the hill of bones.
The bony white torso was closer to him, the thin bony arms laid further away, and the thin bony legs were twisted haphazardly on the ground.
These were not any random bones though, staring at these bones, Clinton felt something like an affinity attract him to them.
And once he understood what this affinity meant, his eyes widened as wide as saucers. ‘What?!’ He almost fainted.
‘Are these…, a-are these my bones?’
‘What happened?’
‘Did I die?’
And then, the impossible alternative found its way into his head, Clinton felt like he would faint the moment he thought of it.
‘A-a-am I…?’
‘Am I a zombie?!’
Immediately after he asked that question, a loud crashing sound reverberated from the general direction of the light.
And then, Clinton thought he heard the sound of something sharp scraping against the stone surface of the ground where he was at this moment and this sound was coming in his direction.
Thud! Thud! Thud!
As a genius athlete who had never lost a professional race, Clinton was good with the sound of footsteps and running steps, he could tell immediately that 3 people were coming in his direction.
‘Are they even real people?!’ He thought in trepidation.
Despite the fact that he could not tell what these people were, at this moment, Clinton felt a primal sense of fear that came from the very depth of his being.
It was a type of fear that warned him that if he faced those things without escaping, he would suffer a fate worse than death.
‘A freaking fate worse than death!’ Clinton felt like crying.
And then, something happened.
{Warning! Enemy has been detected!}
{You have encountered a Holy Knight! ×3}
{You will die!}
(Miserable system hint: Escape or die!}
‘Oh boy!’