“Tsk!” The Holy Knight who already unsheathed its sword clicked its teeth in annoyance. “It escaped”.
“Now, we’ll have to explain to the Lord”. Another one chipped in.
To confirm, the 3 Holy Knights went closer to the edge of the World of Light, close to the abyss to peep in.
Peeping, they saw the skeleton at the very bottom of the chasm.
They gave up on him immediately at the sight but one of them commented. “He won’t survive for long; his own kind will devour him”.
“They’re cannibals after all”.
And then, the 3 Holy Knights turned to leave.
“F*ck!” Clinton cursed under his breath.
At the bottom of this chasm, Clinton was in agony.
The pain he was feeling was not even from the damage that he suffered itself. Rather, he felt that coming in contact with the white energy of that Holy Knight, whatever it is was what caused him this agony.
Coming in contact with that white energy felt like darkness coming into contact with light, or like water coming into contact with fire.
It was an energy of opposing quality that was greater than his own and once it dominated, it was what caused him this unbearable agony.
Clinton gritted his skeleton teeth in pain and anger. ‘Curse you!’
‘Curse you all!’
‘Curse you all that sent me to this world!’
‘Curse you, Angel Athena!’
Despite his pain at this moment, Clinton managed to stay calm again. By now, he could tell that this ability to stay so calm was not normal.
By being calm, he could tell that he was not safe yet.
The first thing that Clinton did was to observe his system interface again.
{Welcome to the Miserable Undead System!}
{Host: Donald Clinton}
{Special System Abilities: Corrupted- Locked}
>You only have access to the basic identification abilities of the cursed Miserable Undead System<
{Host Status:}
Race: Low-tier Skeleton
Level: 0
Class: Classless
STR- 0.2
VIT- 1.2
SPE- 0.4
MIN- 0.3
{NOTE: STR for Strength; VIT for Vitality; SPE for Speed; MIN for Mind}
Health Points (HP): 1.7/3
{Skills: Bone Assembling}
{Passive Skill: Calma}
{Special Skills: None}
{Magic Skills: None}
{Remark: A befitting form for a miserable womanizer and arrogant prick! You will die the final death soon enough!}
‘A befitting form huh?’ He grimaced which in a skeleton face only looked weird and creepy. ‘I’ll show you what befitting truly looks like!’
Despite feeling like cursing everything and everyone till eternity, including the world itself, Clinton managed to stay calm.
First, he finally understood certain things.
He finally understood why he was able to stay so calm despite everything that had happened to him already. It was because of his passive skill, maybe it was a passive skill that every undead skeleton had?
Apart from paying attention to his skill too, most importantly, he also paid attention to his health points. ‘F*ck! How weak am I?’
‘I didn’t even get to see those Holy Knights, 3 shockwave attacks from them can take my life?’
‘How useless of a life did I get by reincarnating? How miserable can it get?’ He felt like hitting his skull against the ground to just die the final death right there and now because, what the heck!
Despite his feelings of frustration and hatred at this moment though, what kept Clinton somehow sane at this moment was spite.
‘F*cking Angel, you sent me here as punishment right?’
‘Well, I won’t die a miserable death like you think’.
‘I’ll survive just to spite you!’
At this moment, Clinton was already paying attention to his surroundings again. And in the dark now, he could see perfectly well, even far better than his eyesight as a human.
Clinton felt like he could see multiple kilometers into the distance.
Well, he felt like the dark was his home and was why he ran here to escape but as it seems, even here was not safe.
The reason why Clinton felt this way was because at this moment, he could see strange creatures all over this world of darkness.
This was a forest, a massive decaying forest that was filled with dried grass and dead trees that were somehow still standing.
At this moment, a few dozen meters to his right, Clinton saw 3 green creatures moving randomly through this decaying forest with clubs on their hands.
‘Are those… goblins?’
To his left, he saw weird creatures that seemed to have been birth from the dead trees itself.
And even further away, a giant blue creature stumbled through this forest.
Right at this moment, his miserable system lit up again with its interface.
{Warning! Enemy has been detected!}
{You have encountered a Green Goblin! ×3}
{Warning! Enemy has been detected!}
{You have encountered an Undead Tree! ×5}
{Warning! Enemy has been detected!}
{You have encountered an Ogre!}
{You will die!}
‘Shut up! You’re the one that will die!’ Clinton snapped in his head on seeing this system notification again.
But even as he snapped, his eyes were already moving left and right in search of a safe haven to hide.
Clinton could feel the threat of every single one of these creatures.
Compared to them, he was just a weakling, a miserable undead.
The realization only left him more spiteful.
How on earth did the mighty Donald Clinton, the King of the track downgrade so low to become this lowly undead?
Somehow, his scream of pain at the beginning after falling into this dark world seemed to have attracted these creatures as they moved in his general direction.
Clinton searched for a save haven to no avail.
The only alternative he saw was the small hole under the roots of this dead tree, but he was too small to fit inside with his skeleton body.
Right at that moment was when he remembered something.
Well, what did Clinton do?
He focused, then…
‘Bone assembling!’
Clinton disassembled his skeleton body again effortlessly and one after the other, all his skeleton body parts burrowed under the roots of this dead tree.
For now, he was safe.
And from now, he gave himself a mission.
‘Mission Impossible; I must survive!’