Battle against two level 4 Undead Trees! [1]

Somewhere in the decaying forest, a pack of 6 Undead Trees wandered, two of them being level 4 Undead Trees.

Suddenly, this pack of Undead Trees stopped.

They stopped because they stared at a handless skeleton.

Right on their path, this handless skeleton stood, it’s hand from the elbow gone like they were never there.

The skeleton had a big grin on its body skull as it stared at them.

The Undead Trees were bewildered, until it spoke.

“F*ck you”. Clinton taunted.

“F*ck all of you!”

And that was it.

The Undead Trees may not know what f*ck you meant but they subtly understood emotion in words, and they knew that the emotion being portrayed by those words were clearly not friendly.

This was a provocation!


The Undead Trees immediately went after the skeleton angrily who on seeing their reaction turned around and shamelessly started running in the opposite direction.

Even as he ran, he taunted. “Catch me if you can, f*ckers!”

That was it, these Undead Trees were determined all of a sudden.

They would catch this weird monster and they would definitely kill it.

They let out weird grating sounds even as they pursued. Of course, while running, it was only their tentacle-like roots that moved, propelling them forward at an impressive speed.

Despite their pursuit speed though, Clinton managed to stay ahead, until it happened.


A loud sound reverberated the next moment as one of the two level 4 Undead Trees fell into a shallow hole.

Immediately after it fell into the hole, 2 white bony objects seemed to fly into the air and from the hole, a spark seemed to ignite, then…


The shallow hole was set ablaze!

The first level 4 Undead Tree at the front passed through that same place but it discovered no hole, this was because none of its tentacle-like roots pressed directly on top the hole that was cleverly hidden by dried tree leaves.

The second level 4 Undead Tree was not as lucky as the first. One of its tentacle-like roots pressed directly on top the hole and it caved in.

The tentacle root pressing down with force was the catalyst to set off the fire.

Immediately after the fire erupted, the skeleton finally stopped running, turning round to face them with a bigger grin on its face.

“It’s hunt time baby!”

Clinton’s hunt plan was pretty simple.

Once he identified his targets in the 2 Undead Trees, the next step was thoroughly exploring their environment to determine the battlefield.

Clinton identified 2 depressions in this environment, and that was where he decided to place the battlefield.

For hours, he worked with his wooden daggers to dig a hole big enough to contain at least 3 of the tentacle-like roots of an Undead Tree.

He didn’t just dig one of these holes, he dug 2 of them for insurance.

After digging the 2 holes, Clinton gathered small tree branches and dried tree leaves, heaping them on the battlefield and all around it.

Living in the wild would teach you certain principles.

When they say fire spreading wildly in harmattan, it could also be substituted for fire spreading wildly in a heap of dried tree branches and dry tree leaves.

This was because the devastating effects of both events was similar.

The mixture of dried tree branches and dry tree leaves plus a spark had only a single result, a blazing hot fire that would burn wildly until all the dried tree branches and tree leaves were burnt to ashes.

As for what was the catalyst to ignite the spark?

Over time, as Clinton understood his body more, he also understood his first passive skill, bone assembling better.

Bone assembling did not just allow him to detach his skeleton body, it also enabled him to naturally control every detached part of his body individually.

That was how he was able to escape the Holy Knights in the first place.

By detaching his skeleton hands from the elbow down, Clinton placed both skeleton hands inside the first hole that he dug.

Just like the first time that he killed an Undead Tree, he aimed to use the same strategy, grinding his skeleton bones together to create a spark.

But not just that, since he already confirmed that fire also affected him badly, he needed a contingency plan to make sure that his skeleton hands would be safe.

This was why Clinton used an elastic tree branch to form a spring platform.

This time, Clinton made use of his little knowledge gained from Physics class. He may have hated his Physics professor but still, he learned a few basic principles from the old man and at this moment, one of these principles helped him.

His skeleton hands were on one end of the tree branch inside the hole, pressing on top it, while the other end was at the top of the hole.

If one of the Undead Tree’s roots fell for the trap and entered the hole, it would use all that running force to press the elastic tree branch at one end with enough force to propel the skeleton hands at the other end into the air.

At the same time, his skeleton hands would work fast to set off a spark.

Having practiced it for long, he could now set off a spark easily on the first try compared to before when he had to do multiple tries to set off a single spark.

Immediately after setting off the spark, his skeleton hands would ride the spring force of the elastic tree branch as the Undead Tree steps on it, launching them out of the hole to the open while escaping the immediate range of the fire.

Another fact was that Clinton left 2 daggers with his 2 skeleton hands.

As for the second hole?

Clinton also had plans for it.

After searching round this level of the dungeon long enough, he finally found a stone. Patiently chipping it into 2 by using multiple of his wooden daggers, scrapping them in the process, Clinton also set his plan in motion in that hole.

If all the Wooden Trees escaped the first hole but entered the second, the force of their roots entering the hole would be the catalyst, grinding the 2 stones together with enough force to create a spark.

A spark was enough to start a fire.

As for his own role?

All Clinton had to do was stand before the pack of Undead Trees, taunt them and get them angry before leading them to the battlefield that he already created.

Fortunately, Clinton didn’t have to rely on the second hole.

The first hole was enough to set his plan in motion.

Immediately after the fire erupted, engulfing one of the level 4 Undead Trees and its weaker subordinates in its fiery heat, the other level 4 Skeleton at the front paused and turned back to look at its family just as Clinton prepared for combat.

At this moment, his 2 skeleton hands flew through the air in his direction.

The level 4 Undead Tree’s roots stepped with just enough force to propel the skeleton hands in his direction, and like he hoped, they took the wooden daggers along with them.

As the other level 4 Undead Tree watched the fire engulf its family incredulously, it showed fear as this fire finally started spreading.

The presence of so many dry leaves and wooden tree branches finally validated their use as they made this fire spread wildly, engulfing all the Undead Trees, including the last level 4 Undead Tree.

This happened right in time as Clinton raised his half-hands up.

His 2 skeleton hands fell right in, setting themselves back in place.


His hands were reattached.

Immediately after they were reattached, Clinton flung his hands, throwing the 2 wooden daggers at one of the level 4 Undead Trees.

Bam! Bam!


{You have dealt +1.2 damage to your enemy!}

{You have dealt +1.3 damage to your enemy!}

{Undead Tree!}

Level: 4

HP: 8.1/10.7

{Undead Tree!}

Level: 3

HP: 5.4/7.0

{Undead Tree…}

{Undead Tree…}

{Undead Tree…}

{Undead Tree!}

Level: 4

HP: 9.3/10.1


Immediately after throwing the wooden daggers, Clinton dug his hands into the ground and retrieved 2 sharp wooden spears from the soft soil.

And then, he set his sight on the second level 4 Undead Tree that triggered the fire that was now burning.

He grinned. “You first!”

He pounced!