“I…” she began in that rich, smoky voice, a thread of heat running through it. “I…don’t… I need to…” She fell silent, breathing fast, staring at him.

Then before he could say anything she abruptly turned and fled down the path that led around the lake.

Cedric stood very still, fighting the urge to go after her, catch her. Take her down on the forest floor and distract himself, ground himself in her lithe, strong body.

But his urges were always controlled and he didn’t like how uncontrolled this one felt. Anyway, he never chased women, not when they came so easily to him, and so he wasn’t about to start, no matter how much the idea appealed to him.

Besides, he had more important matters to take care of…. Like becoming the Duke of Springbrook.


Cedric Blackwood didn't have very good memories of Haerton Castle. In fact he hated it.

Cedric had lived in Haerton until he was nine and all he could remember of his parents' marriage was them constantly fighting about one thing or the other. After his parents divorced, Cedric went with his mother and his father wanted nothing to do with his mother... or Cedric.

Magnus Blackwood got married again just months after his divorce and had Cedric’s half brother, Vincent the next year. Years later, Magnus named Vincent as his heir to be the seventh Duke of Springbrook.

The divorce affected Cedric’s mother, Victoria very badly and she completely neglected him, moving on to live her life as she saw fit, leaving Cedric in the hands of her sister, Diana who loved him as her own son. Magnus and Victoria had had an arranged marriage, and Cedric had a feeling that the divorce was a step to the freedom his mother had always wanted.

At first when Cedric found out that Vincent had been made heir over him, he was upset for a while but as he grew, he realized that not becoming Duke also came with its advantages. He could live his life any way he wanted just like his mother. He wouldn't have to deal with certain responsibilities of becoming Duke, and he never had to see his father or Haerton Castle ever again.

Cedric was successful. He didn't need any inheritance whatsoever from his father and it wasn't until three years ago after his father was diagnosed with cancer, that he began to reach out to Cedric. At first Cedric had ignored his calls as he didn't want anything to do with a man who are abandoned him since he was a child, but after Magnus died two months ago, he received the upsetting news that he had left his inheritance to him, including the responsibility of being Duke since his brother, Vincent had died just years before Magnus was diagnosed with cancer. Poor Magnus. Nothing seemed to be going as planned for him.

Cedric didn't really care much about his father's death and he certainly didn't want to be Duke. it meant responsibilities and Cedric wasn't sure he was cut out for it, especially since he'd not thought about being Duke for years. He liked living his life on his own terms and he sure as hell didn't want to move back to Haerton Castle, but now it seemed like he didn't have a choice. The memories of being back at the castle were not pleasant ones and just being back there made him feel sick.

Having arrived just two days ago, he had gone for a run that morning and decided to swim in the lake to clear his head when he had run into the redheaded woman. She was beautiful… very beautiful, and since he had not been to Haerton in a very long time, he understood why she had not recognized him.

He didn't know what had possessed him to touch her like that… Probably all this stress about being Duke getting to him. Maybe he’d call up one of his favorite lovers and invite her to spend a weekend in the wild countryside. She probably wouldn’t want to—Katherine was a city girl through and through—but she did like having sex with him and that was a considerable inducement. He was, after all, very, very good at it.

He’d nearly reached the house when his phone went off. He didn’t like to answer it when he was out running, but the sixth sense for trouble that had proved itself useful in his business life kicked in, so he stopped and pulled out his phone, glancing down at the screen.

It was Bonnie, his very efficient PA. Which meant it was probably something he needed to deal with. He hit the answer button. “What is it?”

“There’s a problem with the will, Sir,” she said crisply, getting straight to the point, which was what he liked about her.

Of course there was a problem with the will. When had his father ever given him anything but problems? He stared out at the woods and moors that surrounded the house. “Explain.”

“The lawyers have just got back to me. Apparently your ownership of the house is an issue. There are certain…codicils in the will that were overlooked.”

This was not a surprise. Even in death Magnus Blackwood was still making sure to torture him.

“What are they?” he asked, part of him knowing already if not what those exact codicils would be, then certainly the intent of them.

“You must be married,” Bonnie said and then, uncharacteristically, hesitated.

Everything inside Cedric tensed. “And?” he bit out impatiently.

Bonnie's voice when she spoke was quiet. “And you must also have a son.”


“You were going to eventually get married and have children, were you not? I don't see why this is an issue?” Diana told Cedric over the phone, “It was bound to happen,”

Cedric stayed silent. He'd never really thought about getting married, talk more of having children. In fact, he didn't even think he wanted them, nor was he ready for it. The only people who should have made him look forward to marriage had spent their time together being miserable and horrible to one another. As far as he was concerned, marriage was restrictive, unbearable and there was no reason to look forward to it.

“That's not the issue,” Cedric replied irritably. “There is no reason for all these conditions. Even after his death, he's still a controlling asshole… Can you imagine? He even has a bride ready for me…He picked out the woman who's supposed to be my duchess too. Can you believe that?”