Her back arched in surrender as she offered herself up to that pleasure. One of Cedric’s hands was caressing her other breast, and she felt suddenly weak as burning heat coursed through her whole body. She offered no resistance as he moved them further into the bed so he was now lying on top of her. She wanted this, wanted Cedric.

The smoldering fire inside Cedric ignited.

The taste of blackberries and sunshine filled his head, a bright explosion of sweet and tart, and suddenly he couldn’t think. It felt as if he’d been waiting half his life for this moment. He wanted more. And he wanted it now.

Everything fell away. His father. His brother. His mother. All the pain in his heart that he told himself he didn’t feel and all the anger underneath it. All of it was gone. There was only this. Only her.

Her sweet mouth and the heat that leapt between them. And the hunger that followed hard on its heels.