It was Cedric who finally broke the contact. Cedric who pushed her away, who shook his head in almost repulsion, as if waking from some terrible dream, as if scarcely able to comprehend what had taken place. She felt the shudder of his muscles, the controversy in every movement as he pushed with his hands but pleaded with his eyes, every fiber that bound them, every breath saturated with the passion that had gripped them, but the sobering slap of reality too strong to ignore.

“You…” The water lashed his face, rivers running down that strong jaw, like tears of regret; the push of his palms, the grip of his fingers, confusion, pain in every tortured gasp. “You make me crazy.”

She could feel every breath in his arms, exasperation, regret tingeing every motion, the steel of his erection against her thighs, the soft marshmallow of her flesh melting against him, an expensive suit no barrier against his deadly sword.