

Elise's eyes innocently stared into her brother's while Dietrich's mind was frozen at Elise's question. Her innocent question stirred up debaucherous thoughts in his head.

"Brother, what is a BDSM club?" Elise's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she repeated her question, presuming her brother missed it.

Elise's innocent curiosity had always been her strength, but now it felt like a heavy weight on her chest as she stared up at her brother, waiting for an answer. He was always cold when he answered her questions.

But this time, something was different. His usually cold demeanor was shattered, and he looked... nervous?

Why would a simple question about a club make him act this way?

"Elise…" Dietrich's voice was strained, his eyes avoiding hers as if he was struggling with something deep inside. The way he said her name made Elise feel uneasy, like she had crossed some invisible line without realizing it.

Elise couldn't understand why he was being so evasive. 

She had only asked because she was curious and because she wanted to know more about the places Dietrich was involved with. She wasn't a child anymore. She was 18. She was old enough to know about the Alpha responsibilities her brother shouldered. 

But, Dietrich's reaction confused her even more.

"That's… not something you should be worrying about," he finally said, his tone clipped and unsteady. The tension in his voice made her chest tighten, and Elise's heart sank a little.

The same question as every time ran in her head again: What had she ever done wrong to him?

Why did he always shut her out? Elise furrowed her brows, her curiosity only growing as her brother's reluctance became more evident. 

Elise didn't want to let it go—not when it felt like something important was being hidden from her.

"But why not?" she pressed, trying to keep her voice from trembling. "The person on the phone said he mailed you about it."

Dietrich's hand moved to the back of his neck as he scratched it, looking everywhere at the bed but her. 

Elise recognized it immediately—he always did that when he was unsure or caught off guard. 

Why was this such a big deal? The more he avoided the question, the more Elise felt the need to know about it.

She bit her lip, her mind racing with thoughts she couldn't fully comprehend. 

Was this club something dangerous? Something that could harm her brother? Was he… gambling?

The thought of Dietrich being involved in something bad scared her.

Elise's heart ached as Dietrich finally looked at her, his expression torn between frustration and concern. She didn't want to be a burden, but she also didn't want to be kept in the dark. Her lips formed a small pout, a reflexive reaction to the coldness she felt from him.

Why wouldn't he just tell her? She wasn't a kid anymore; she could help him if he was in some serious trouble.

"Look, Elise," Dietrich started, his voice more controlled but still carrying a hint of unease. "Some things aren't as they seem. It's… a place for adults, where they do things that aren't really appropriate to talk about."

The words did nothing to ease Elise's confusion. If anything, they only made her more determined to understand. But before she could ask again, Dietrich's gaze hardened, his tone becoming firm and almost pleading.

"Elise, trust me on this," he said, his voice carrying a weight that made her heart skip a beat. "There are some things you're better off not knowing. This is one of them. Just… promise me you won't go looking into it."

Elise's chest tightened with disappointment, her eyes searching his for any sign that he would relent. But the coldness in his voice, the distance he was creating between them—it hurt more than she could admit.

Her pout deepened, frustration bubbling up inside her. Was it so wrong to want to know more about her brother's life? She just wanted to understand, to be closer to him. But now, it felt like there was a wall between them, one that she couldn't break down.

6 years was a long time indeed…

As she opened her mouth to protest, the world around her exploded.

The sound of shattering glass filled the room, and Elise barely had time to react before Dietrich was in front of her, shielding her from the jagged shards that flew through the air. Her heart raced in terror as she clutched his arm, her eyes wide with shock.

What was happening?

Everything moved in a blur. Masked figures dressed in black stormed through the broken windows, their presence dark and menacing. Fear gripped Elise as she pressed closer to Dietrich, her mind unable to process the sudden violence that had invaded their home.

Dietrich's body tensed, his protective instincts taking over as he positioned himself between Elise and the intruders. His voice was low and dangerous, filled with a growl that made Elise shiver.

"Stay behind me," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument. Elise's fear only grew as she watched the intruders spread out, their eyes fixed on her with an intent that sent chills down her spine. What did they want? Why were they here?


One of the intruders stepped forward, his green eyes glinting under the moonlight that filled the dark room. "We're not here for you, Alpha. We want the girl. We received an order."

Elise's breath caught in her throat. They were here for her? But why? What could they possibly want with her? She clung to Dietrich's shirt, her mind spinning with fear.

Dietrich's voice was a low, furious growl, filled with a determination that made Elise's heart ache. "Over my dead body."

The tension in the room was suffocating, every muscle in Elise's body was screaming at her to hide. But she couldn't move as the situation escalated before her eyes. "Then, you leave us no choice, Alpha Dietrich."

As soon as the words were spoken, all at once, the intruders launched at Dietrich.

Elise could only watch in stunned silence as her brother shifted into a massive wolf, his silver fur glowing in the moonlight as he fought with a ferocity that both terrified and reassured her.

What if her brother got hurt protecting her? She would never be able to forgive herself.

The fear never left her as her eyes remained fixed at the wolf that sprung and ripped bodies. It clung to her like a second skin, as Dietrich's growl echoed through the room.

The leader of the intruders snarled as Dietrich took down another one of his men, his frustration boiling over. Elise could see the panic in his eyes.

"F**k!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the shattered room. "He's too strong. Retreat! Now!"

The remaining intruders scrambled to obey, fear overtaking their determination as they quickly retreated.

Elise felt her breath catch as the leader shot one last hateful glance at Dietrich before disappearing into the night. The tension in the room lingered, the air thick with the aftermath of violence and the metallic scent of blood.

Dietrich's gaze shifted from the shadows of the fleeing intruders to the shiny moon hanging ominously in the sky.

The Blood Moon.
