
Elise stared at the door in front of her, her heart pounding so loudly it echoed in her ears. Her hand hovered inches away, trembling with indecision.

What do I even tell Mom…? The thought sent a cold wave of dread crashing through her. Maybe I should keep it to myself a little longer, just until I know for sure. Her breath hitched at the thought of what could go wrong. What if Dietrich changes his mind, out of nowhere? She swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry.

No… I need to be certain. Her grip tightened as if she could squeeze the uncertainty out of herself. Once I know he's not planning to reject me… not planning to leave… then, and only then, I'll tell Mom about us. She nodded, steeling herself. She needed to know where Dietrich stood first—before her entire world shifted.

"Elise!" The door sprung open as Elise's mom, Niena Wolvine wrapped her arms around Elise, still in her doctor's coat, shivering. "Oh god, my baby... My baby!"

Niena's embrace tightened around Elise, her hands trembling against Elise's back. The relief and fear in her mother's voice were palpable, making Elise's heart twist with guilt of something she was at fault for.

Being mate of her stepbrother, Dietrich. All she could do was act oblivious. Like she knew nothing.

"Mom?" Elise whispered, her own voice trembling as she pulled back slightly to look at Niena's face. "What's going on?"

Niena's eyes, usually calm and steady, were filled with worry. She cupped Elise's face, searching her daughter's eyes for any sign of hurt. "Dietrich called me earlier," she began, her voice wavering. "He said you two were attacked last night… by assassins. They were after you, Elise."

Elise's breath caught in her throat, the weight of her mother's words sinking in slowly, like a stone dropping into a deep, dark well.

Her mind reeled back to the night before, finally moving from the fact that she was Dietrich's mate.

"Yeah. Assassins. I completely forgot about it," she echoed, her voice almost a whisper. Her fingers ran through her hair as she stared at her mother, confused. "Why... Why would they be after me? What did I do? Do you know something, mom?"

Niena shook her head, her eyes clouded with fear. Her heart thumping furiously in her chest as if she was hiding something. "I don't know, baby. Dietrich said he would look over the matter. And that, that he had it under control and that we shouldn't worry about it." She paused, her fingers brushing Elise's hair back from her face. "He also said he'll send bodyguards for you. But... it still worries me. I'm your mother, right?"

Niena's voice sounded like she was reminding herself that she was Elise's mother.

Elise felt a surge of emotions different emotions pass through her veins. She forced herself to meet her mother's gaze, her heart aching at the sight of Niena's worried expression.

"I'm okay, Mom," Elise said, trying to reassure her as much as herself. "Brother… he's been really protective. I guess that's why he said it was under control."

Niena nodded, her eyes searching Elise's face for any sign of the truth. "I know he's protective, Elise, but it's more than that. You know, Dietrich's been through so much with his mother and all. He wouldn't put you at risk, Elise. After all, you are his sister."

Guilty. That feeling coursed through her body the longer she stared at her mother.

"I don't want you to worry," Elise said softly. "I'll be careful. And, if Brother is saying it's under control, then I trust him."

Niena's expression softened slightly, but the worry never fully left her eyes. "I hope you're right, sweetheart. I just want you to be safe. And if there's anything you need to talk about… anything at all, please tell me."

Elise swallowed, her throat tight. "I will, Mom. I promise."

Niena hugged Elise tightly once more before reluctantly stepping back. "I have to get back to work

There's an emergency in the hospital," she said, her voice wavering. "But I'll be around if you need me. Just, stay at home. Okay, baby? Lock the doors too. I'll call Dietrich and tell him to come over. Okay?"

Elise nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of her mother's worry and her own swirling emotions. "Okay, Mom. I'll stay at home and lock the doors. Be safe at the hospital."

Niena gave Elise a final, concerned glance before rushing off to her car, her coat flapping behind her. Niena spared one last look at her daughter, her heart still racing with worry as she waived her hand in goodbye at Elise, before leaving.

Elise watched her mother leave, the silence in the house now feeling even more oppressive.

Once Niena was gone, Elise turned back to the door, walking inside her mind racing. Her body slumped on the couch.

She needed to see Dietrich.

The uncertainty was eating at her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the attack than anyone was letting on. Pain throbbed through her head like a thunderstorm, making her unable to breathe.

The more she thought about what has happened to her last night, the more it hurt her.

Why me? Why were they after me? What did I do?

Tears welled up in Elise's eyes as she ran to her mom's room and threw herself on her bed. Her quivering hands hugged her mother's pillow. Elise's body trembled at the thought of someone after her. But thankfully, her mother's scent was comforting her stressed body.

Elise needed answers to the questions in her head that seemed to linger in her head. But, who would give her answers?

Her vision started to blur as her body grew heavier. But, it seemed like fate didn't plan to let her rest.


The sound of something metallic hitting the floor rang through the entire house as Elise's ears perked up.

Who was in the house after she locked the door?