Old Fox? Blood Daughter?

"You're such a fu**er."

Elise gazed at Xavier and she felt her heart pounding in her chest. She felt the constriction in her throat while she tried to process what he had just told her.

"You're lying," she said softly as she can barely believe that she is hearing the truth and her lips curved in an i-don't-f*****g-believe-you smile. "Dietrich was overseas for six years. And, he was always cold towards me. Why would he stalk me? He's not some creep like you."

Xavier's eyes were wide with desperation, his voice strained. "Elise, I swear I'm telling the truth. He's obsessed with you. My mom found it out and told me to stay away from you. You don't know the lengths he's gone to-"

"Shut up!" Elise snapped, her fists clenching at her sides. "I've heard enough. You think you can just waltz back into my life, start throwing accusations around, and I'm supposed to believe you? You, who left me in the rain for Jasmine!? Because she's supposed to be the CEO of Blue Moon Empire?"

Xavier's face twisted with frustration. "I made a mistake, but this isn't about me! It's about you and the danger you're in-"

A loud crash from downstairs cut him off, followed by the unmistakable sound of a snarl that sent a shiver down Elise's spine. She turned toward the door, her heart pounding so loudly she could barely hear herself think.

"Dietrich," she murmured, panic creeping into her voice. She glanced back at Xavier, who looked equally startled. "I have to go see what's happening."

"Elise, no-" Xavier reached out to grab her arm, but she pulled away, her eyes blazing. Goosebumps of disgust appeared on her skin at Xavier's touch.

"If you're lying to me, I'll never forgive you," she warned, before rushing out of the room. "Xavier Aniston."

The nerves made her feel the hallway was rather too long today with shadows on the walls as she moved toward the stairs. Her breath came in short, panicked bursts.

The growling and crashing noises were louder now, closer. She could hear the low, vicious snarls mixed with the sounds of a struggle. It sounded like a battle- a terrifying one.

Dietrich… Please, be fine.

She began to go down the stairs taking her time and her heart pounding in her chest. She made her way into the living room and what she saw caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end.

Dietrich was in the middle of the room, his body tense and his eyes wild, partially transformed with his claws extended.

Dietrich's shirt was ripped, and blood dripped from a gash on his arm, staining the hardwood floor. Around him, a group of masked figures dressed in dark clothing surrounded him, their eyes glinting with malice.

They moved in sync, circling him like wolves ready to strike.

Why again…

Niena was huddled in a corner, her face pale and terrified, her body trembling as she tried to make herself as small as possible. Elise's heart ached seeing her mother like that.

So fragile, so scared.

One of the intruders lunged at Dietrich, but he was fast… Too fast. He dodged to the side and delivered a brutal punch that sent the attacker sprawling to the floor.

Elise could see the fury burning in his eyes, his protective instincts kicking in with a ferocity.

"Get out of here," Dietrich snarled, his voice deep and inhuman. "Or I swear on my name as Alpha King Dietrich Wolvine, you won't leave alive."

But, the intruders didn't back down. Not afraid of the title even. Just, who was behind it?

Another one charged at him with a blade glinting in their hand. Dietrich twisted, narrowly avoiding the strike, but not without consequence. The blade sliced his side, leaving a deep, crimson line.

Dietrich grunted in pain. But, he didn't falter… He couldn't falter. Not yet.

Elise's breath caught in her throat. She'd never seen him like this. So fierce, so violent. She knew he was strong and calculative and cold, but this... this was something else. Something primal.

"Dietrich!" she cried out, her voice breaking.

His head snapped up, his eyes locking onto hers. "Elise, stay back!" he barked, his voice filled with both command and worry. "Go upstairs! Now!"

But she couldn't move.

She was frozen, torn between fear for him and the need to protect her mother, who was cowering just a few feet away. "Mom..." she whispered, her voice shaking. "Mom, are you okay?"

Niena looked up, her eyes wide and filled with tears. "Elise, please, just stay away! Stay safe!"

Before Elise could respond, another intruder lunged at Dietrich from behind. She opened her mouth to scream a warning, but Dietrich was already moving. He turned with lightning speed, his hand shooting out to grab the attacker by the throat. With a snarl, he slammed the masked figure into the wall with enough force to crack the plaster.

"You think you can just come into my territory and take what's mine?" Dietrich growled, his voice low and deadly. "Think again."

The attacker struggled, clawing at Dietrich's hand, but he didn't loosen his grip. Elise could see his claws digging into the intruder's skin, drawing blood.

She'd never seen him like this. This unrestrained, this savage… This hungry for blood.

"Dietrich, please..." she whispered, feeling a strange mix of fear and something else-something she couldn't quite name, coursing within her veins.

"Stay back, Elise," he warned again, his eyes never leaving his enemies. "I'll handle this."

One of the intruders seemed to hesitate, looking between Dietrich and the others. "He's too strong," the figure muttered, voice muffled by the mask. "We need to retreat. We clearly didn't prepare enough. We are losing men no matter how much compensation the other party is offering."

"No!" another snapped. "We haven't completed our mission. We've failed once. We can't fail twice. She's coming with us. It's about the Guild's reputation, now! The Guild Leader will kill us."

Elise's blood ran cold. They were here for her… again.

She glanced at her mother, who was still trembling, and then back at Dietrich. She could see the strain in his muscles, the blood dripping from his wounds. He was strong, but he was outnumbered, and she wasn't sure how much longer he could hold them off.

"Dietrich..." she started, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm scared."

He glanced at her, his eyes softening for a fraction of a second. "I know, Sunflower. I'll protect you. Always. So… Go."

But even as he spoke, she could see the toll the fight was taking on him. Another intruder charged, and he barely managed to block the blow, his movements growing sluggish.

Elise's eyes darted around the room, searching for anything she could use to help. Her gaze landed on a heavy iron candlestick on the mantel. Without thinking, she darted forward, grabbing it and holding it up, her hands trembling.

"Stay away from my family!" she shouted, her voice surprisingly steady.

The intruders seemed to pause, taken aback by her sudden movement. It was something that wasn't predicted in the… reports.

"Don't underestimate her," one of them hissed, his voice not much audible to anyone other than the man standing beside him because of all the clashing and growls. "She's cannot be as weak as she looks. After all, she's 'that old fox's' blood daughter."

Old fox? Blood Daughter?

Dietrich managed a grim smile, his eyes locking onto hers. "That's my girl," he muttered, before throwing himself back into the fray with renewed vigor.

One of the attackers, seeing an opening, lunged at Elise, but she swung the candlestick with all her might, catching them in the side of the head. The intruder stumbled, momentarily dazed, and Elise used the opportunity to dart back toward her mother.

"Mom, we have to move!" she urged, pulling Niena up. "We can't stay here. It's too dangerous!"

Niena nodded, her eyes wide with fear, and let Elise guide her toward the kitchen. But just as they reached the doorway, an intruder stepped in front of them, blocking their path.

"Not so fast," the masked figure sneered, reaching out to grab Elise.

Before they could touch her, though, a blur of motion flew past, and suddenly the intruder was yanked backward. Dietrich, his face contorted with rage, slammed the attacker to the ground, his claws at the ready.

"You're not taking her," he snarled. "Not now. Not ever."

But the struggle was taking its toll. Dietrich's movements were slower now, his breathing heavy. Elise's heart clenched with fear. She had to do something. She couldn't just stand by and watch him get hurt- watch him bleed for her.

Another crash sounded from behind, and one of the intruders stepped forward, eyes locked on Elise. "Enough of this," he growled. "Grab her, now!"

Two of the attackers lunged for Elise. She swung the candlestick again, a little golden glint lighting her dull black eyes, but this time, they were ready. One of them caught her arm, wrenching it painfully, and the candlestick clattered to the floor.

"Elise!" Dietrich roared, his eyes blazing with fury as he fought to reach her, but the intruders closed in around him, holding him back.

Elise struggled against the grip of her captors, panic surging through her veins. She kicked and twisted desperately trying to break free. "Let me go!"

One of the intruders yanked her close, a cruel smile visible beneath their mask. "You're coming with us, little wolf."

But before they could drag her away, a loud, agonized howl ripped through the air. Elise's captors froze, their eyes darting around in confusion.

Dietrich, bleeding and battered but unyielding, stood in the center of the room, his eyes glowing with an eerie light. "You will not take her," he growled, his voice filled with a power that sent a shiver down Elise's spine.

And then, without warning, he lunged forward with a speed and strength she hadn't seen before, taking down one of them, ripping his head apart from his body.

The drops of blood, splashing on Elise's face as her vision began to blur. She slowly started to drown into the abyss of her eyes.

No… Not yet. Dietrich… Mom…
