Chapter 22 - City Under the Sea

Phos awoke to the sight of a grand city under the sea. Bronze towers spiralled towards the water's far surface, with multicoloured sea-flowers and corals ornamenting every cave and castle.


Turning his head, Phos found Pyre afloat beside him. Only then did Phos register the events leading up to this moment.

He'd been kidnapped by the Lord of Water, Hydor. As they flew through the ocean, Phos seemed to have… passed out? But then, how could he be here, alone above the sea-city with no Hydor in sight?

And Pyre….

"I'm awake. How are you?"

Examining the Lord of Fire from head to toe, Phos felt the slightest hint of worry. Dark eye-bags were prominent on Pyre's face, making him look like he hadn't slept for days even though he was passed out the entire time. Furthermore, the Lord held a hand to his head as if he had a headache.

Tentative, Phos asked again. "Are you… alright?"

"You truly are kind." Pyre glanced at Phos. "I… don't like this place very much. It feels as if I'm being extinguished, little by little."

Phos found himself subconsciously straightening his posture. He'd never seen Pyre so formal, so serious before—except on that night at the alleyway.

"This is Hydroedessa, correct?" Pyre continued, although this time, he was mumbling to himself. "Then I don't have to put up any more of this façade…."

What was Pyre talking about?? Phos tried to take a step back, but froze when he realised there was something slimy chaining him to his place. A seaweed? Were seaweed supposed to be so long??

"Pyre, what happened when I was unconscious?" Phos prodded gently for answers, reaching out to tap Pyre on the shoulder.

In an instant, Phos's wrist was caught. Pyre had no intention of letting go and simply ignored the Light Lord's question.

"Pyre?" Phos tried again. "Pyre, what's going on?"

"Don't call me so casually. I am trying to murder you, remember? I could do it right now." Pyre stared at Phos with warning eyes, then pushed his tightly-grasped wrist away.

To Phos, his words seemed more like a concern than a threat. Keeping silent, the Light Lord waited for Pyre to say something else. When it became apparent that he would not say another word, Phos opened his mouth.

"But you haven't killed me yet."

This triggered some response in Pyre. The Flame Lord finally set his eyes on Phos.

"Right now, we are under the sea. I cannot do anything here. I—" He blocked his lips with his hand, holding something back. "When we get back to Eos, I will pursue you again. It seems that this world below would be better for you to stay in."

"Are you trying to convince me to settle in the Land of Water? I am a Light Spirit." Phos shook his head. "And…. What is wrong with you? You weren't this serious before…."

Pyre hesitated.

Before he could respond, a sound similar to that of a trumpet rang out from afar. A familiar ombre tail welcomed the two captive Lords. Behind it?

"Lord Hydor…." Pyre grumbled in a small voice.

"Lord Pyre!" Hydor's shout cheerfully outshined Pyre's tense greeting. "Nice to see you here!"

"Vicious as always." With the smoothest movement of his fingers, Pyre shifted cursing gestures across both of his hands.

"Your life is in my hands now. You can't say anything~" Hydor returned those curses with his own.

Phos scratched his head as he watched this exchange. Rather than mortal enemies, Pyre and Hydor seemed more like siblings, or bickering schoolchildren.

"It's your loss for falling into the sea. Offer me something, and I miiiight let you go.~" Using his tail as a fan, Hydor swept flakes of algae at Pyre.

"So? What do you want this time?" Gritting his teeth, Pyre smacked the pieces away with his hand.

Briefly stopping his play for a moment, Hydor's eyes fixed themselves on Phos. Pyre followed Hydor's gaze, his eyes widening in realisation.

"I want…—"

"Other Lords are off-limits. This one doesn't belong to me."

Did—did Pyre just admit to owning Lords?? Phos struggled, trying to swim back from Pyre.

"Who said I wanted the entire Lord? Well, now that you mention it, this one is quite the beauty."

A vein popped up on Phos's face. He reached for his gun "Please don't treat me like an object."

Pyre seemed to have the same thought, as the faintest trace of a sniper gun materialised then dissipated in his hands.

"Calm down, both of you." Hydor raised both of his arms. "Think rationally: None of you can do anything because you're underwater."

"I can still beat you up beyond repair." Pyre deadpanned, glaring straight at Hydor.

"Hey, now. I just wanted a lock of the little Lord's glowing hair. Is that too difficult to ask for?"

Phos brought his hands to his hair and held it protectively. Pyre even shielded the Little Light Lord from Hydor's view.

"Wow, both of you are so in sync….

Since neither of you seem willing to give me anything of value. Guards!" With a wink and a wave, Hydor summoned a multitude of sea monsters and turned to leave. "Take them to the dungeons."

"Hydor!" Pyre yelled after the merlord to no avail and raised his middle finger.

Amidst the chaos, Phos couldn't help but smile. This was the Pyre he knew and had grown familiar with.

Lost in his thoughts, he felt a brief surprise when Pyre suddenly hugged his waist and kicked the seaweed wrapped around his ankle. The sea creatures advanced, getting closer and closer towards the two, but the chains shackling them were torn into pieces as Pyre skillfully swam away and navigated through the deep sea.

For a second, Phos thought they would be alright.

But who knew that, as soon as Pyre reached the end of the city, he'd close his eyes and fall unconscious again?!

"Pyre?? Pyre, wake up! I can't swim!"

The guards ended up closing in on them and capturing them away.