For you I might

"You will pass?!"

"Just not in the mood of drinking," Milo clears while moving his feet and hitting his targets what Larx was holding on his hands. They were training right now, meeting at their regular public gym.

"But it's Saturday!" Tinamo keeps, being very very shocked at the moment. Milo was the person who was always ready to go out if he was free. It was like this guy has an eternal battery in him, could party and work without any sleep. "I build my plans around the fact you would definitely go with us!" Since Milo was very known around some entertain areas, mostly because of his journalist background, he basically has an easy access in any club there was.

"Did our Nordic friend finally find himself a girlfriend?" Kiho who was standing next to his brother teases next.

"Did not. I'm doing exactly as I was ordered and thinking my health for once," youngest tsihs out while making some more powerful strikes, trying to keep his correct breathing. "So far, it works. I can sleep without drugs. Kind of."

"Yeah, it's a girl..," Tinamo sighs, smiling.

"I'm pretty sure it's not about a 'she'. But a 'he'," Larx points out, looking Milos reaction. Especially during this past week, there has indeed been something different about this young man. Like he was having more life in him than before. That was all about positive energy.

But Milo doesn't give him anything but a fast glance back. Staying in his rhythm. Trying to ignore him.


"And he is OLDER than Milo. Trevor, was he?" Larx continues, smiling widely, craving a reaction back. This provocation definitely worked. Not only Milo did drop his rhythm, but suddenly giving back this amount of stronger hits, making Larx take steps back to avoid losing his hold of the boxing pads.

But that aggressive reaction only made others here more excited. It was useless to think these professionals wouldn't catch that. The change around him was minor but clear. "Older guys are your thing now? Finally bringing a real gay out of you!" Tinamo awes proudly.

"Good choice. Men are easier than women. Less drama," Kiho nods, keeping this very serious look.

Milo kept his silence. And calm. If he now says anything these guys would only get more nonsense out of it. He takes a few step back, even his breathing. Getting ready for the next round.

"No, it's great if you finally took my advice and start caring about your health," Larx steps in to stop the main teasing. Young man chose to ignore them, so it might not be about that at all. "You should try it too, Tinamo."

"No, there is nothing nice about guys. Girls are what God made me to seek," guy smirks. He wasn't done with Milo. He was feeling too bored at the moment to not pounce on this topic.

"I meant caring of your health, dumbass," Larx adds, eyeing this young latino behind him. "Compared to Milo, your habits will kill you until you reach your thirties. Non women want a dead shit in their bed."

"What's the point of caring yourself other than the must when you might die tomorrow anyway? I will live my life with no regrets," Tinamo calls back. This man sometimes had a short temper and was fast to show it out, definitely being a type of needing someone else to keep him in his toes to behave. To keep it simple how to describe him, Tinamo was a barbarian. That was why he end up being in Viperas, the strongest active gang which controlled the whole south area of their city. For someone like Tinamo, there was no other way to live than being a gangmember. Kiho was his 'brother'. And a bodyguard, in a way. Since Tinamos position in this gang attract a certain type of attention, making him indeed being in danger every now and then. He was a visible gangleader, their vice president, under their actual boss, Don Palenne.

All in this group knew that. Knew how different their point of views and opinions were from each others. And without this one person above them holding the strings here there was no way these four would be able to spend their free time together like this without a chaos. They all knew their places. And were all 'friends' thanks to that.

"Wow, what a waste. Being so young and already giving up," oldest smiles, eyeing Milo. "Don't be like him. But think like him. Live your life with no regrets." He adds the rest whispering, teasing. "If that paramedic is the real reason you have been more lively these days, then please stick with him."

"Now that's easy. Search a paramedic named Trevor," after they got their lead Tinamo demands immediately Kiho to check someone fitting to that description from the citizen register they usually get their targets informations. And Kiho was so on it, taking his phone, starting his search.

Milo freezes, was about to talk but swallows his words back. Instead he gives Larx an angry glance. It felt very wrong letting these guys search out the guy when he was just an outsider. But these two weren't so law-abiding anyway. They didn't care the rules when it was about some minor search about someone with what they could tease their friend here.

Although like Milo was any different. He too were standing in the position where he could use his status for his own personal reasons, outside the right protocol. Could search someone even outside of work cases, without anyone bothering to check why.

He wasn't one to outlaw these guys. So it was better to ignore them. After all they all knew their own limits. This was harmless. Annoying, yes. But harmless.

Since Larx was only smiling back to him, Milo lets out a deep sigh. Trevor really has nothing to do with him wanting to change his habits to better, right? If he plan to keep going with this unregular work he needed healthy sleep and decent diet. Before his body would really give up. Trevor was a professional so his words were easy to listen. That was all.

- - - -

A few hours later Milo was back in his place. After undressing he sits down on his couch bed, leans his back down, letting his body finally rest while breathing out deeply. He really hated this feeling. Of being God damn tired, ready to pass out, and still he couldn't do but watch the darkness when he closes his eyes, without falling asleep.

Sometimes this felt hopeless. His attempts of trying out this more healthier lifestyle. Indeed, what was the point. Like this, he still couldn't sleep. This foggy grey cloud around him wasn't letting go. The idea of getting himself drunk again to pass out felt more and more tempting. The idea of actually calling his friends dealing in the streets to get sedatives felt incredible tempting.

But the simple idea of just wanting to see Trevor now was way more stronger. Overrunning those other thoughts. That idea was sweet. Warm. Waking up his every desires.

Maybe that guy actually has a quite strong hold of his mind. Last time they saw was the day before yesterday, when Milo took a job to catch that runner, leaving Trevor here. When he was back some time later, man was gone.

An empty apartment was what waited him. Once again. The warm and calm atmosphere was broken. Leaving just this cold and dark room behind.

Milo shouldn't mistakenly think there might be more in this what he has intend at first. He might feel this empty and lost now because Trevor was the only one he was seeing at the moment, even letting him in his apartment what he indeed usually didn't do. This physical relationship between them was good enought to blind his senses.

But still Milo has to admit he really enjoyed Trevors company. He has no need to search others. From the very beginning that person was different. Like a box of secrets what you just wanted to figure out.

If Milo was still just a simple journalist he might admit he has created some kind of feeling for that guy. Crossed the line in his mind. Someone like Trevor would definitely be his choice of life. No doubt.

Because Milo has chosen his path already, having an actual relationship with anyone was impossible. He wasn't like Larx, who albeit being a family man, having a wife and kids, could still do this kind of work. Even when avoiding fatalities was their highest priority rule, the actual risk of dying any day now always exist. Knowing that has made Milo distance himself from others. Of course. Wasn't that a natural thing to do. People like Larx and his family were the ones who oppose that nature. Milo wasn't that strong. He didn't want his own choises hurting others. Being alone was a must. When the call comes he should always be ready to answer.

Still.. While staring that ceiling above him, Milo couldn't help but think when they would meet again. Were they seeing once a week now? Would seeing more be too much?

Yeah, Milo really couldn't read himself anymore. Or that guy. In one moment Milo felt they have moved damn too close then a second later there was a cold line between them. Last time they were together, after their actually main reason to even see each other, it felt awfully relaxed and nature just spend the evening together. They argue a lot about small things, tease each others, but still that all didn't slow them down. They have the same interests too. Of documents, public life, both constantly following news about their city. They have enough in common they could have conversations very easily.

And when they apart.. It felt like dropping back to reality. They were damn good together. Was it Milos own subconscious backing off? Trevors? Did that guy actually seek for more from him? Did he himself? It didn't need but two more times together to Milo start doubting himself.

Not knowing was a torture. What Milos inner journalist and detective couldn't stand. Unknown was what he was inherently chacing out. The truth.

Even if he wanted and deeply wished, he wasn't a person who could just ignore something when he start thinking about it. But usually he himself wasn't the target here. Knowing himself should be his strongest credit. Born like that from the fact he has always lived alone in a way, next to his distant father, kind of raising himself. Back when they first time moved to America he was a child who needed to learn this new language and new culture from nothing by himself. Deal being different. Blend in. By himself. This part here.. knowing he actually might like someone for real again wasn't so new, but definitely hard to deal.

Milo gets back up. He needed something else to think. Since it was a middle of the day yet, there was a great opportunity to finish his part from that runner case. So he opens his laptop, goes over the case.

When he catched the suspect, other part took him in to hearing. The very scene of the assault was already under investigation when the victim was transported to the hospital. After one and a half day, she was still in. Went through a difficult surgical operation, that's what Milo heard. The risk of losing her life was still high. At any time now their case might change from attempted murder to actual murder. However, without their victims hearing the investigators and the prosecutor could do but wait.

The hospitals name was what Milo find himself staring. It was the same hospital Luna, Jaxens mother, was working in. And the same area where Trevors main station was.

Once again Milo has circled back to think about him..

- - - -

"The sister cleared they were in the middle of divorce, restraining order was on. The agreed plan was to go and get her things while the suspect was assumingly out. The usual story," Milo stops his steps next to Mark who was eyeing toward the room where the victim was lying on the bed, attached to a mechanical ventilator. She's been stabbed. Several times. Fighting for her life still. "Man came in, old pair had a fight and this is what happened. Fifteen stab wounds. I could tell he was a mess when I catched him. Act like a war machine first but the second he was handcuffed he wept like a baby."

"Human is capable of doing anything if they set their mind on it. While doing it for their own pride," Mark points calmly out. But you could see from his appearance these kind fo cases didn't please him at all. Like Larx, he also had a wife and one young child. Divorced by now though. But on good terms. "Or for 'love', that is the worst."

"If it makes you feel better he wasn't so 'lovely' person from the beginning. Neiter of 'em," younger adds. "He's been arrested multiple times for drug possession. Once by me. This makes it second time I have run him down. Definitely not the type trying to change. The victim.. User as well. You can see her kinds in every street. Wasting their best years to wrong choices."

Mark was about to comment that rather harsh observation what one of their youngests just spoke out here, but instead he remain quiet. It wasn't that Milos words were wrong. But as an investigator, even when still a young one too, he should know not to show his personal opinions out in the field.

"Well, for now, all I need is your report black on white," older man says and relaxes his pose, showing they were done here. Time to leave for now. "I wasn't expecting seeing Dons henchman here while that moron should still be in his paid vacation time. So enlighten me. How this case end up to him?"

"Don't ask me. I just do as he says," Milo smirks. His Boss knew his ways. Like that man could ever be doing nothing. Work was a strong part of his life. "Either way, don't all his cases end up being under your name in the end? Isn't that just more bonus to you? You are welcome then." Once again one of Dons 'henchmen' showed their skills in the field and cleaned the mess for cops. Doing exactly what they were assumed to do.

"Indeed it is, if the case ends good," Mark tsihs, smiling, leads them to walk toward the elevators. "Conversely I get the same shit he does if you screw up. And that doesn't make me delighted. Can you send the material today?"

"Yes, sir," Milo opens the doors for them and they step in. After calling the right floor, younger keeps. "I have the major part done already. Can finish it now."

"As hard working as ever, I see."

"It's our policy to keep it simple and clean, right? Faster the better. So we can move on. Be more efficient."

"And your insomnia?" Mark drops the bomb. Eyeing the youngers reaction. Even when they hardly ever saw each other outside of work related situations, that didn't mean Mark doesn't know about his co-workers in a personal level. During this five years Milo has worked under Don, facing even more requiring cases step by step, young man also had develop himself this common disorder what has drag even stronger men to their doom.

"Sticking with me like a bad lover. So I have time," Milo admits. Lying to this man would be pointless. It wasn't a secret among their group anyway. Nor did Milo even intentionally try to hide it.

"We know you are good what you do, but don't let this job eat you alive. Or you might end up like Palenne," older states, weighting his words. "It's an admirable ability to be ready to move when you are called in, no matter the time. But for someone like you, the lack of sleep will one day effect your working order enough you to do that one fetal mistake. Have you ever think about taking a serious break?"

"I just took a break," Milo answers, starting to feel irritated. This shit he has heard from everyone around him from time to time. It didn't help a bit hearing their nagging over and over again.

"I meant an actual break."

"I'm not quitting.."

"I'm not saying you should quit.."

The elevator stops and before they could step out, Mark takes a strong hold of Milos shoulder. "I know you are young and stubborn, thinking you can do anything and only the sky's the limit. But every second you hurt your body, that second you will lose from the end," older points out smiling, taking this old-wise-guy-mode on. "I need a strong pallbearer like you in my own funeral when the time comes. So try to not fall off before that." He laughs and walks away toward the backdoors, heading to his car which was parked on the back of the building.

Milo sighs and turns to walk the opposite direction. It wasn't that he doesn't take this seriously. Or he wouldn't know his job here was a main reason for his curse here. But telling he should just quit if he couldn't deal this only made him feel angry. It made him feel like everyone was pointing out he couldn't do this. Changing his road now was impossible. That he didn't want. This was something he was really good at. Making him feel he was actually doing something what matters.

Hell no he would stop doing this just because of one little setback. Tinamos words crawl back to Milos mind, feeling like the truest words right now. 'What was the point.' Milo too would rather live his life doing what he really want than now turn around and give up.

Overall, he was exactly as his best friend once said. One of those stubborn people what Jake really hated. Milo himself called that 'sisu'.

While walking forward, Milo begins to plan his next move. Since it was clear he would spend the rest of his day inside his apartment writing his report and resting, he should get something to fill his fridge from the store. No matter how cheaty he would feel like to act and order a pizza or something, Trevors words about having more healthier nutrition could fastly block that all.

It was indeed amazing how much impact on Milo that guys simple statements have. Even when guy wasn't near by. But Trevor and his words have been the only things so far helping Milo find at least some kind of relieve here. Only with that guy near, he has been able to sleep without constantly waking up. After all this time that alone was simple unbelievable. Miracle. How he couldn't let that affect him. And make him listen sharply.

While walking forward Milo found himself staring someone he swear he has seen before. What was even more disturbing was that Milo knew he hasn't talk to this person ever. Still this young woman leaning the wall near the entrance was like forcing Milo to turn his focus on her. That face was very familiar. And about a second later Milo realizes why.

"While hello there," wearing a smile on his lips Milo calmly walks next to her, raising his hand to take her attention. Woman turns to look at her, taking her time to recognize him. But when she does, her appearance immediately changes.

"It's you! The door guy!" woman shows a cheerful smile while putting her phone away she was just eyeing a second ago. This was way more interesting than chatting with her friends.

Milo hums, thinking what a weird nick name he has got. "You are Trevors sister? I could recognize you right away. You guys look alike," he says while eyeing around them. "Your brother is not with you?"

"He is here. Had something to drop while we were passing. But he is surely taking his time," woman complains, wearing this very bored face. Then she smirks. "I'm Terry by the way."

"Milo. It is very nice to meet you."

"Now that Tro is not here yet, if you don't mind I have something to ask," Terry lows her voice and leans closer. "Who is she?"

"She?" this didn't take much Milo to figure out what she was after here.

"She has a girlfriend, right? You must know, you were with him that day. Came back neck all eating the next morning," woman awes, being very excited to finally get a chance to have her answers. Milo must know who Trevor was with back then. "He doesn't tell me!"

"Don't think you can get anything out from me," Milo teases, smirking. "What happens with me stays with me."

"Hah, stingy," she sighs, showing this abandoned look next. Terry was acting very theatrical. But finally smiles again. "It's just that.. I really wanna know who he has found. Tro is not the type to trust just anyone, or would care messing around."

"He kind of gives that aura out, right..," young man has to agree. Trevor wasn't someone who would jump from bed to bed. But he really didn't feel like one who would be even searching anyone either. Just like Milo.

"Yeah, ever since his wife..," Terry starts, but fastly cuts her words, looking Milo. "You know?"

"I don't," was Milos fast answer. But that answered some of his own questions. So, Trevor had a wife. Still has? If Milo really would want to know, this girl was probably an easy target to get the facts right. Sister felt like a bigmouth. Loving her own voice so much it would be easy to make her speak out. But that also felt like cheating so Milo had to skip this chance. That kind of things he really didn't want to learn from someone else. Or did he want to learn at all.

Terry smiles. Doesn't dare to continue, but instead changes the subject. Clearly it was like Milo said, she wouldn't get answers from him. "So, how did you guys met? I have never heard him talking about someone like you. You work here as well? Or are you his friend from the boxing group?"

"Boxing?" this woman was the best information leaker ever. Trevor was actually interested in boxing too? No wonder he was so in shape, having that damn hot body of his.

Now Terry laughs out. "Wow, you are that clueless about him? Just confess, you don't even know a thing about his new girlfriend, do you?" she snorts. "And I was so sure you of all would knew. Since he went with you.. Are you even that close friends?"

Now to that Milo has to show a smirk. You could call them friends with benefits. But indeed, they weren't really friends either. But just someones with the same interests. When you start thinking too much, everything becomes too complicated..

But all Milos doubts vanish the very moment his eyes could spot this handsome man walking slowly toward them. His eyes locked on him, determinedly keeping their hold. No matter when or where, this sometimes cold acting man was able to bring a warm with him, filling Milos mind with excitement.

Milo doesn't really care what they were supposed to be. He was clearly losing this wearing battle. Indeed, what was the point of trying to ignore how much this guy has effect on him. No, he really wants to know more. About what kind of person was inside of those beautiful green eyes.

"No we are more than just friends," Milo smiles, not dropping his stare from Trevor who has reached them by now, slowing his steps, stopping in front of Milo, also eyeing very intently back. "We are the different ends of a magnet. Pulling each other toward. Feeding each others desires."

Terry went silent from that sudden statement. But Trevor shows his smile. "That must be your poorest pick-up line.."

"How it was poor? It include laws of physics. You can't beat the mother nature," younger man says for his defence. Leaning his face closer. "Besides, you can't resist it."

Trevor tsihs. Doesn't deny. "Are you here for your castration?"

"I didn't touch her," Milo shields himself doing X with his arms. Knowing exactly what Trevor meant. This guy might actually fulfill his threat from earlier if Milo ever touch his sister like that.

"I was just kidding. What are you doing here? Work?" Trevor says then calmly, smiling to Milos sudden reaction. Really he was actually quite happy to see this one here, even for this very small moment. Usually they saw each other, like, ones a week. With this, Trevor could hold on another week.

"That. I just saw your sister and stop to say hi," younger admits, speaking politely as he has habit to do when showing he definitely has something else in mind. "Hoping you might be near as well."

"Missing me already?" Trevor steps in to this straight flirting here.

"It's been over thirty hours. I count."

Now that made Trevor snort. This kind of flirting was Milos best strength. Be able to make the other feel like he was the only one in his eyes, that kind of thing. "Well, now you have seen me. Can't wait to see you again soon. Let us not bother you more when you are working," older turns his eyes on Terry while turning around, showing they were leaving now. "Let's go." Ignoring Milo from now on, Trevor walks toward the front doors.

Terry waves her goodbyes and goes after him, looking very confused right now. Oh boy, she has a lot to ask from her brother.

But before they could even reach the exit, Trevors phone was vibrating. Man fastly searchs it out, but freezes after seeing the name on the screen. He turns around to look back at Milo.

Younger man was simple eyeing back, keeping his phone on his ear while smiling. Waiting.

Trevor answers. Without saying a word. Eyes locked on Milo.

"I'm free after six. Gonna spend the rest of the day in my place. If you feel lonely you are welcome to join me," Milo quietly notes. Their eyes didn't apart for a while. This look between them was indeed like Milo said. Magnets. Pulling each others closer. Being this near hurt, when they have to fight against that magnetic field.

Trevor moves the phone down, ending the call. Then finally he turns. And they leave.

- - - -

When the evening finally came, Milo couldn't but keep eyeing the clock on the wall while still writing his report. Even after finishing his task and sending it forward his eyes keep checking the time. He felt restless, anxiously waiting if Trevor would really come. Nothing could calm his mind. Or stop him eyeing that freaking clock on the wall.

But soon it was over six a clock. Then half seven. Seven..

Milo was so sure Trevor would be here by now if he ever even intend to come in the first place. But since Trevor didn't refuse his invitation straight, Milo was assuming he would come. Blinded by his feelings, Milo kept his hopes up. Of course Trevor might have things to do himself. He might come later.


This waiting was killing Milo. And it alone made sure Trevor wasn't just a casual thing anymore for him. Not ever before Milo has waited something this eagerly.

Over nine..

Something like this happening was never his intention. Never ever has he believed he of all would fall for someone, not in a million years. The same time he hoped Trevor would come the same time he was really scared of that. Since this came really quickly. This realization. If this was true and not just an impulse, Milos life has taken a sharp turn away from its usual path. If they keep this kind of relationship going, Milo has to admit he might definitely fall even deeper.. What then? What the hell then?

Someone rings the doorbell. Milos eyes turn to look toward the entry while he fastly stands up.

Trevor takes a deep breathe out, shaking his nervousness away. This was the second time in this building, first time coming here alone. After spending a long day driving his sister here and there through the city, only thing he could think about was to see the one living behind this very door. He wanted his time. More of that than just one short moment like during this afternoon. Changing just a few words wasn't enough, he wanted to have full conversations. About anything. Anything at all. As long as he could see that guy again.

The door gets open. And their eyes met.

Milo was standing there, immediately showing his smile, actually sighing out like relieved. Without saying a word first he shows an opening, letting Trevor in. "You know..," Milo says after closing the door, turning his eyes back on Trevor. Slowly he walks to meet Trevor before he carrys on. "You are damn late." His voice was quiet. Clearly trying to control himself here.

Trevor tsihs, takes a strong hold of Milos hand and pushs him against the wall. Just before he was about to land his lips against the others, he stops. "Sorry.. about that."

Milo snorts. And shuts the gap between them with this passionate kiss which Trevor immediately answers.

- - - -

Now this feeling Trevor has quite used to already. His body and mind were both feeling so tired and numb he swear he could just fall asleep if he now went under the blanket and closes his eyes. What was even more tempting was the nice scent of the soap on his skin he had just used. Even the clothes on him he borrowed were smelling good.

This was Milos scent. You would think a guy like him likes to use the most manly fragrances, but what Trevor has learnt by now, that wasn't the case. A creamy vanilla and sweet honey. Those were the scents you could find here.

"Hey, are you doing it purposely?" Milo has walked behind Trevor, now taking his right hand on mans neck, holding him while landing a kiss on the shoulder. "You sucked a huge mark on me again. Marking your territory now?"

Without hesitation Trevor hums for answer. Longing his neck to give Milo more space, craving more that touch. His body felt still quite sensitive after that passionate act together, no way his heart could calm down yet either. Even the shower he took after couldn't shoo this feeling away. Everything here feed it. This place. The scent. This touch.. "I am. I think I.. want your others see I was here. Something like that.."

Milo snorts quietly. This guy really didn't hold his honest tongue when he was on it. "My others?"

Once again, Trevor starts with a hum. "I might be a little jealous type after all. So let me have my mark," he just tsihs, letting this slice of spiteness be heard in his voice.

Trevor really sounded jealous here. But that didn't surprise Milo. Of course he sort of knew already. Like he was any better here. Thinking someone else seeing Trevor like this indeed made him feel uneasy too. But hearing the other admitting something like that so honestly could make Milo feel damn happy. He himself was way more careful with how he spoke. "Your meaning goes to waste. Right now you are the only one..," he says then.

Trevor turns to look behind him, meeting with Milos eyes. Since guy didn't say more but kept quietly eyeing back, landing another soft bite on his shoulder, Trevor shows a smile. "For now it goes to waste. But one day someone will see them. I will just keep going until then."

That Milo couldn't deny. Who knows if this stray relationship between them would only be heading to that direction. Right now Milo wasn't even sure of his own feelings. "Don't tell me you wanna end this here because of tha-?" "No," Trevor cuts his words, not dropping his glance. No, that he definitely didn't want. Not when Trevor has manage to get this much already. But he couldn't but feel mad about it too. This guy showing this same attention to others.. He hated the whole idea of it.

Milo smirks. "Good. 'Cause I have really grown to like your spicy tongue. Even outside the bed."

Hearing such didn't help Trevors mind calm down. He knew Milo wasn't planning to have a serious relationship. With anyone. But he likes Trevor enough to see him more than once? Wanted to keep seeing him still? Based on that slim fact could Trevor then act bold and success something similar? What would satisfy them both. At least himself. For now.

"Then. Choose me," older suddenly states, turning around, taking a hold of Milos neck in turn. Making sure young man face him properly. "Commit to me. For now. And when you can't, disappear. Don't ever come back."


"You heard me."

Hearing Trevors sudden proposition dumbfound Milo. It took him a second ro recall what the older just said to actually catch up here. This was a real deal? In a way nothing would even change here. They could try this out. As it fits for both of them. And when they would meet their own limit, it would be a game over. End of this relationship. For good.

Indeed, Milo didn't want to lose this. For now at least. So something like this might actually work. "Deal," Milo finally speaks out, after clearing his mind. "If you are really okay with that?"

Trevor shows his usual, calm smile after hearing such a pleasant answer. "I am more than okay," he states while lowing his touch to reach Milos lips. "I have known from the start you will disappear for good one day. So with this, when you grow tired of me you can just leave. And I don't have to wonder will you come back. I don't care if it's tomorrow. Next week. After a year. When you are done, be gone."

There must be something behind those words. Since Trevor wasn't showing any particular changes on him while he spoke those words out. More like he just cleared how he saw the reality.

Now that made Milo think maybe he was actually the one drawing the short straw here. With one mistake in the future he might ruin his chances before he would be even sure what he really want. He didn't want to lose something this strong. So this was definitely a test.. This man in front of him has drag him in his own doom. Stay with him or vanish forever. Take it or leave it. That simple.

"Now that that's settled..," Trevor smiles and lows his hand down while taking a step past Milo, thinking to take over a huge spot on that couch bed to lie on. "Check your phone. You received a message or something just now."

Milo sighs out his inner tension, feeling damn relieved. Guess that conversation ended there. He sits down on the side of the bed and reachs his phone. Indeed there were some messages. Seeing from who they were, during these late hours, it must be something unpleasant. About their case.

Trevor was first intenting to ignore him because it was clearly work related. But when younger stay eyeing his phone for a while, clearly in his thoughts, he simple couldn't resist. He wanted to know. "You need to go again?"

"No," Milo puts his phone back down, showing this fast smile while standing back up. "Thirsty?" he keeps while walking toward the kitchen area. Water bottles were the must if you wanted to have drinkable water in this side of the city.

"Sure," Trevor answers, still eyeing the other intently.

- - - -

Some flashing lights were what slowly woke Trevor up from his deep sleep. The sounds from the TV were close to muted, intentionally, to not wake him up. But he still did. Eyeing now the guy next to him who appears to be fully awake, watching something from that bright TV screen.

Milos look moves down a little, meeting Trevors. Immediate smile was his automatic reaction. "Sorry, did I wake you?" he whispers.

"How long have you been awake?" Trevor moves a little, rolling on his back, turning to look at the screen. No wonder guy couldn't sleep. Watching action movies as raw as this would keep anyone awake.

"Don't know.."

"Have you slept at all?" he was sure Milo fall asleep before him.

"I did.. Woke up some time ago. This is normal."

Wow, this guys answers were boring. Trevor moves to sit up, takes a controller from the youngers hold and closes the TV, leaving the room dark, with only the nearest street lights lightening their view.

Milo snorts. He couldn't even get mad at this guy, what ever he did. "I was kinda watching that.."

"The main protagonist dies, the rest go back as heros and swear to revenge every Japanese on earth," Trevor spoils the rest of the story while moving back down, pushing Milo too on his back. He stays halfly on him, leaning his head on his palm while taking his right hand to gently move his fingers on Milos shirt, fondling. This massaging type was used to calm. Release the stress. "As someone with insomnia you know you should avoid stimulations like flashing lights while trying to rest. Focus on one thing only. To calm your mind," older tiredly keeps.

"Well, I was focusing on one thing earlier," younger admits, showing this sneaky smile. "I was watching you sleep. Just made me feel very envious. And horny."

"As your personal health carer I can't ignore my patients needs," Trevor smirks, and starts slowly move his fingers lower, not dropping his stare. "You need a hand?"

"I will have to skip, but please offer to do that later," that part of his was very n/a right now. He wasn't a sex machine here.. Even he has his limits.

"Then just close your eyes. Focus on my touch," man orders, keeps gently touching Milos chest and shoulder area with his fingertips.

But Milo so didn't close his eyes. "Hey, what was that bet about?" he asks quietly. Their eyes were locked together, like trying to read each others minds though their eyes. Before opening the TV, Milo indeed had once again watched Trevors calm sleeping. Thinking how they end up to this moment here. That bet was still a huge mystery. Without it they wouldn't have met like that.

Trevor shows back even wider smile, thinking. "I will tell you if you tell me what that message earlier was about.."

"Work related. Not from some 'other'," Milo teases.

"Stupid. I already know it was about your work," guy tsihs back. "That's exactly why I ask. What ever it was, it looked very unpleasant to you. So I really wanna know.. I'm curious."

"It was nothing. I was just informed the victim I met earlier today died," Milo just casually answers, like no big deal.

"How that's nothing," Trevor sighs, his fingers stop moving. Milos careless approach pissed him off. Sounding damn fake. "The person who informed you didn't think it was nothing. It mattered."

Indeed, how that was nothing. Someone has just lost her life after two days fight. No matter how impassively Milo tried to take that fact, it still kind of affect him. So at last he hums, agreeing. Trevor was right. It really did bother him.

Trevor continues to move his fingertips, moving his look away while clearing his throat before speaking again. Guess it was his turn now. "Some time ago Kina insist I let her play her favorite music during our drives. 'I bet you will like it if you give it a try', that's what she said. Now I remember most of their lyrics. When I usually don't even listen music with vocals..," he clears. Then searchs Milos eyes again under his own. "You were right. It was not about winning or anything. I don't ever go out so she just decided to use that as a random reason why I should go with them and see the actual live. Because it made her happy, I just went with it."

"That was the mysterious reason all along?" Milo wows. Then leans his face a little closer. "Please, enlighten me. What actually you do in your freetime then? Boxing?"

"You snoop more out of me?" Trevor tsihs back. Smiling tiredly.

Milo moves on his side, taking the same pose as Trevor has, leaning to his palm. "Your sister has a big mouth. Told me without me even asking anything."

Of course. Terry liked to talk. "That she has. She is nosy too. Now she is eagerly asking about you."

"What did you say? That I'm not a girlfriend but someone you met at the club and took in your home?"

"That is exactly what I told her.. Still, even after seeing you she doesn't believe me."

"Because you had a wife once? Tell her you have a guy in trial period now," Milo boldly states then, eyeing others reaction. "That you switch."

Trevor lets out this long sigh. But doesn't drop his smile. "Terry told you about her too?" he finally whispers.

"Almost did but cut her tonque. Wasn't sure was it appropriate. So don't worry. That's all I know," younger clears. But keeps as fastly. "But I'm not saying I don't want to know, though.. What you said earlier.. about getting tired of you.. Did she just leave you and run away? Something like that?"

After just staring the other a quiet while, older finally smirks. "As an investigator AND a journalist you could have found out a lot just by looking out my name," he points out very surely, keeping this sneaky smile on his lips. "Since you have no idea you really haven't searched. At all."

"You say I should?" Milo inquires, smilingly. He was first afraid talking about Trevors wife would have been rude. But man didn't seem to be bothered at all. "What I would find?"

"I say don't. It would bore you," Trevor calmly states, still eyeing the other deeply. "Yeah, I had a wife. A childhood friend, actually. We moved together, get married too young. She.. found someone else and before officially leaving me.. there was an accident. A motorcycle crush. She didn't make it."

"I'm sorry.."

"That was a long time ago," he points out smiling. "And still you could smell her out after one step in my place?"

"Don't underestimate our skills in the field," Milo just smiles back.

"That's one scary skill," Trevor finally lows his head down, letting his arm rest. "And it's kickboxing I'm into. That is kind of my skill, I guess."

"Really? Then I will challenge you. I've been training my whole life. Kickboxing, freestyle wrestling.. Parkour is what I'm known from in my field," younger gets excited now. Thinking he has found a new great training partner. "Start my morning with boxing today. With my co-workers."

This guy really could act cutely when he drops his show up. But he was acting like a spoiled brat. "Sure," Trevor hadn't plan to keep Milo awake like this. But since they were already talking like this.. "What is your story? How you end up moving here all the way from Finland, became a journalist and get your head hit by a wine bottle while playing a crime investigator?"

"I am actually part of Xs crime investigation department..," Milo tsihs back. The sceptical way how Trevor asked his guestion out made it clear he still doubt him.

"I have never seen your badge," older teases, smiling. "Just a gun and a weird app in your computer. You might actually be an assassin instead."

Milo snorts and actually waves himself up from the bed with an easy move, heading toward the jacket which he always leaves to hang on the hook above one of the closets doors. If Trevor already knew he was originally from Finland, he has indeed googled Milos last name. Everyone around him has done the same if Milo didn't say where he was from himself. "My parents apart, I moved here with my old man because of his job," he starts and turns soon to head back on the bed. After sitting down he gives the badge to Trevor while keeping on with his story. "Living in internet was my life in middle school. I was always searching something new to learn. In high school I start photographing. And writing. End up wanting to hunt down every drama I could find."

"How nerdy," Trevor smirks while eyeing the badge on his hand.

"Finnish nerds are the best hackers in the world. It runs in my veins," Milo states back proudly. "After high school I moved back to Finland for two years to learn being a media journalist. The education there is way better. When I came back, I already had a position under XI Magazines. That's where I still am."

"And this?" Trevor raises the badge on his hand, to give it back.

Milo takes the badge and leans his body back down on his back, looking the golden details on it. The black leather holder where it was attached still looked like it was handed to him yesterday. "A long story short, I solved so many cases before those slow ass law enforcements that they end up calling me for clues," he continues. This time his voice was very calm, kind of longing. "I met my Boss around then. He made me interested to put my skills to better use. So I joined his group. Fastly run a local law enforcement training though and get my license."

Sure, that was exactly what he was now doing. To the detriment of his health. And his life. When his nerdy attributes were recognized as valuable skills to use like this, hell yes Milo would give his all to that. That was his source of energy.

Finally Milo lows his hand and turns to meet with Trevors glance. Older guy was calmly eyeing him, smiling, keeping his silence. There was something suspicious in that smile.


"Nothing," Trevor calmly says back. Milo was actually a very honest person. And clearly loved to show his own awesomeness when there was a change. Not that Trevor minded. This young guy really was awesome. He was more than just a bold egoistic flirt what the first impression of him could easily make him look like. People like Milo didn't just let anything get in their way when there was a reward ahead. Their work mode was on the moment there would be something interesting to find. Like a hound dog. That's what this guy was. "Say something in Finnish."

Milo snorts. This too wasn't so unusual either. Like it was with Kazuro who was originally from Japan, people liked to hear them speaking their mother language. Because it was fresh and exciting. "Jotakin."


Milo hums, smiling how fastly Trevor pronounced it right. "It means 'something'.."

Trevor tsihs and rolls on his back, closing his eyes. "Cheap..," he was waiting to hear a little more. Not such childish joke.

"Aina kun joku pyytää mua puhumaan suomeks mä en keksi mitään mitä sanoa," Milo suddenly keeps, whispering, making Trevor instantly move his look back on him. To that younger shows even wider smile. "Ensinnäkin tää tuntuu tyhmältä puhua kun sä et ymmärrä sanaakaan. Mut.." He moves on his side, then rolling his leg on the other side of Trevor, getting lighly on him. "Samalla.. tää on myös tosi voimaannuttavaa. Voida puhua. Rehellisesti. Ilman et tarvii miettiä mitään.. And that.. really doesn't mean anything. Just words after words.."

Trevor hums.

After eyeing deep in Trevors green eyes for a while, without saying a word anymore, Milo lows his body down, hugging him, closing his eyes. Trevor smirks to others sudden affectionately embrace, moving his hand on Milos head. Now this definitely made his heart react, beating a little bit stronger than usual. He could only hope Milo wouldn't notice. "Sounds like singing.."

Milo snorts. "Singing..?" that was the first time hearing that..

Trevor hums calmly. Doesn't say more. Keeps moving his fingers, gently brushing others hair. "Thank you for telling me.. about yourself. Now close your eyes. Focus on my touch.."

Younger sighs out, smiling. Feeling the warm body under him. If his mother language sounded like singing, then it was the most saddest singing around. Since no one could understand it.