Back Under Her Influence

Lucas's reaction was immediate, disbelief crashing over him like a wave. He shot up from his seat, his voice trembling with anger.

"Aurora?! What does she have to do with the accident?!"

He couldn't shake the memories that surged up, memories of Aurora's role in Julia's sudden departure three years ago.

He had always wondered what had really happened back then, why Julia had vanished without a trace.

Now, hearing Aurora's name again in connection to another tragedy, it reignited a deep-seated anger within him.

Julia's eyes flickered as she watched him, her lips curling into the faintest hint of a smile that she quickly masked with a trembling breath.

The reaction she had provoked in Lucas was exactly what she'd hoped for, and it gave her the strength to press on with her story.

She leaned forward slightly, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"Aurora's behind the accident," she said, almost daring him to challenge her.

She wiped at her eyes, a calculated motion to emphasize her supposed vulnerability. "I have evidence."

Lucas's heart pounded as he absorbed her words.

If what Julia said was true, it meant Aurora wasn't just a tormentor from the past; she was still actively seeking to harm Julia.

The realization was a blow, especially now, when Julia was just beginning to rebuild her life after everything she'd endured.

"Relax, just relax," Lucas urged, though his own thoughts were spinning.

Julia took a deep breath as if gathering the strength for what she was about to reveal.

Her gaze found Lucas, her eyes clouded with lingering hurt.

She hesitated, allowing a moment of silence to build tension before she spoke, her voice tinged with bitterness.

"Aurora's been trying to take everything from me since we were in school," she began, her tone laced with a subtle edge.

"I trusted her enough to share my dreams of becoming a famous actress, and she copied me. You remember the bullying I told you about—the way she made my life hell until I fell into depression?" Julia's words hung in the air.

She watched Lucas intently, noting the way his expression shifted, his initial confusion slowly giving way to concern.

It was a delicate dance, planting seeds of doubt in his mind, and she could see them taking root as his brow furrowed, worry deepening in his eyes.

Her mind raced, but she kept her demeanour composed, allowing the weight of her past grievances to further cloud her expression.

She needed Lucas to believe this to fully embrace the narrative she was spinning.

And from the look on his face, she was well on her way.

Lucas blinked, momentarily thrown by Julia's revelation.

Aurora, involved in acting?

The idea seemed out of place, like a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit. But as he searched Julia's face, looking for any sign of deceit, he found only sincerity—or at least what appeared to be.

Recalling how she had once confided in him about Aurora's bullying, he nodded slowly. "Yes, Julia, I remember."

Sensing his hesitation, Julia pressed on, her voice calm, but with just the right touch of urgency. "A few days ago, I got a call from the director about a role I'd been eyeing. Naturally, I went to the studio to secure it, to make sure it was mine. But when I got there, guess who was already in the room—Aurora. She was auditioning for the same part."

Julia paused, letting the weight of her words sink in, her gaze locked on Lucas as she gauged his reaction.

She could see the gears turning in his mind, the doubt she had planted earlier beginning to grow.

"She didn't waste any time trying to intimidate me," Julia continued, her voice growing more intense. "She told me to back off, made it clear that she wouldn't hesitate to make my life miserable if I didn't. But I wasn't about to let her win, Lucas. I stood my ground. I wanted that role, and I wasn't going to let her scare me away."

Julia leaned in slightly, lowering her voice as she reached the core of her story. "Before the accident, my new mechanic—someone I thought I could trust—made a call. It was strange, out of the blue. Later, I found out it was to Aurora. At the time, I didn't think much of it, but then, as I was driving, the brakes failed." She paused, letting the implication of her words hang in the air. "That's how it happened, Lucas. Aurora was behind it."

Lucas's face tightened, the disbelief slowly morphing into anger.

The pieces of the story began to fall into place, or so it seemed to him.

Julia's calm demeanour, her unwavering gaze—it all fed into the narrative she was weaving.

The idea that Aurora could still be targeting Julia, even after all these years, struck a nerve deep within him.

Disbelief and fury churned inside Lucas.

He opened his mouth, ready to challenge Julia's accusation, to demand proof. But before he could speak, Julia cut him off with a firm, almost desperate tone.

"No buts, Lucas," she insisted, her eyes locking onto his with an intensity that left no room for doubt. "I'm telling the truth. Would you really believe that woman over your childhood friend?"

"Never," he shot back, his anger now simmering just beneath the surface. "But if what you're saying is true, she should be arrested. She can't get away with this, especially with all the evidence."

Julia's expression shifted subtly, a flicker of fear—or was it calculation?—crossing her features as she quickly shook her head.

"No, Lucas," she said, her voice trembling just enough to seem genuine. "Don't involve the cops. I don't want her to suffer like that. It'll only make things worse... for her and for us."

"But Julia," Lucas countered, his voice softening with concern, "she's already hurt you. You can't let her walk free if she's responsible for this."

Tears welled in Julia's eyes, her lower lip quivering as she played her part to perfection. "Please," she murmured, "I don't want to see her behind bars. She's made mistakes, but I just want it to end."

The tears fell, and Julia knew exactly how they would affect Lucas.

His anger crumbled as he watched her, the sight of her tears tugging at his heart, as it always did.

Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. His protective instinct overrode any lingering doubts.

"I don't want her to hurt me again," Julia whispered, her voice muffled against his chest. "But I also don't want to ruin her life. Just... let her go."

Lucas held her tighter, the mix of sympathy and anger swirling within him like a storm.

"Aurora won't get away with this," he vowed quietly. "I've been too gentle with her, but not anymore. She won't come near you again, Julia. I'll make sure of it."

As Lucas's words echoed in her ears, Julia's eyelashes fluttered, and a smirk almost curled her lips.

She quickly masked it, leaning further into his embrace, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

The warmth of his arms began to lull her into a restful sleep, feeding her satisfaction.

This was exactly what she had wanted.

But she couldn't forget how Grandma Rossi's prank call had nearly derailed her plans.

The call had been intended as a harmless joke, but it led Lucas and Aurora straight to Grandma Rossi's house—a place that had always been a haven for them, a place where Grandma Rossi's support for their relationship could have rekindled their bond.

For a moment, she panicked, realizing that the cosy, familiar setting might remind Lucas of the love he may have had for Aurora.

If Lucas and Aurora had reconnected there, Grandma Rossi's warmth and encouragement might have been enough to reignite feelings that had been carefully suppressed.

The thought of all her efforts falling apart in that instant had been terrifying.

But now, with Lucas back under her influence, she felt untouchable.

With Lucas firmly by her side, she could already envision the fear in the eyes of those who had once dared to oppose her.

Aurora wouldn't even be able to meet her gaze, let alone challenge her.

Soon, Aurora would be the one grovelling, forced to bow down, and lick the dust beneath Julia's feet.

Satisfied, Julia let her body relax completely, sinking into the warmth of Lucas's arms as she drifted off to sleep.